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AMFA 2024 End of Year Updates:


Apr 26, 2005
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Very busy and impactful year by AMFA with growth, expansion and more record ILC contracts getting nego along with adding many more airlines Mechanics and Engineers under their representational coat, with more on the hook in 2025 already. Hope to see AMFA's continued growth and expansion as well as the top notch Class and Craft Mechanics representation keeping Mechanics and Engineers as their most focused on group in the industry period. hands down.
Hope everyone has a prosperous and productive year in 2025 at all airlines...

National President Year End Update - 2024
Dec 31, 2024​
AMFA Members
National President’s Year End Update for 2024
December 31, 2024
Dear Members:
We accomplished a lot in 2024 and made significant strides in "raising the bar" in the aviation industry. Our collective efforts have led to increased recognition for your craft, enhanced job security, and industry-leading wages and benefits. We successfully negotiated contracts that recognized Aircraft Maintenance Technicians/Engineers (AMTs/AMEs) as vital skilled professionals across North America. Looking ahead, we have set ambitious goals for 2025.

Key Accomplishments in 2024​

Negotiation Successes

  • Ratified industry-leading top-of-scale collective bargaining agreement at Alaska Airlines, with increases in wages, license premiums, retirement, and quality of life improvements
  • Ratified a groundbreaking first collective bargaining agreement at WestJet Airlines, ending a decade of stagnant wages and setting a precedent “rising tide” for industry standards
  • Ratified Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) 20.5% wage increase at L3 Harris MAS
  • Secured a representation election victory at Calm Air in Canada, expanding AMFA’s footprint to eight companies
  • Submitted additional applications for representation elections at Jazz Aviation LP and Jazz Technical Services (JTS) with the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB)

Legislative Achievements

  • Advocated for and celebrated the FAA’s final rule requiring drug and alcohol testing for employees at certificated repair stations outside the United States. This measure promotes safety and accountability in global aviation maintenance.
For years, AMFA has advocated for uniform safety standards across all maintenance operations, including repair stations located abroad. In December 2024, The FAA finalized the final rule requiring drug and alcohol testing for employees at certificated repair stations outside the United States under CFR 14 Part 120. This measure represents a significant step forward in promoting safety, consistency, and accountability in the global aviation maintenance industry.
The absence of mandatory drug and alcohol testing for foreign repair station employees created inconsistencies that jeopardized the integrity of the aviation maintenance system. This rule underscores AMFA’s and the FAA’s commitment to leveling the playing field and holding foreign repair stations to the same standards expected of domestic facilities. AMFA will continue to monitor the implementation of this rule to ensure it is applied effectively and equitably. We will work to ensure that these new testing requirements do not lead to loopholes or compromises in enforcement, and we urge the FAA to remain vigilant in its oversight.
The safety and reliability of the global aviation system depend on ensuring that everyone involved in maintaining aircraft meets the same stringent safety and accountability measures. We extend our thanks to the members of the Senate and House that AMFA worked hand in hand, to include the FAA and other stakeholders who contributed to developing this final rule and we look forward to working collaboratively to ensure its successful implementation.

Leadership Transition

We welcomed Rui Leonardo, who has taken over the position of National Secretary/Treasurer. We look forward to Rui’s leadership in 2025 and beyond. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Jay Johnson for his eight years of dedicated service as National Secretary/Treasurer.

Industry Challenges and AMFA’s Commitment​

The aviation industry continues to face significant challenges:
  • AMT/AME Shortages: A lack of qualified professionals affects growth and operational stability
  • Regulatory Oversight: Government oversight of manufacturers, struggles over compliance issues and delays in manufacturing timelines persist
As your representative, AMFA remains steadfast in:
  • Protecting your work and earning potential
  • Raising wages and improving benefits
  • Defending the rights of maintenance professionals in Canada and the United States
We will continue to combat coercive employer strategies, ensure recognition of your critical contributions to aviation safety, and advocate for uniform safety standards worldwide.

Negotiation Updates by Carrier​

With negotiations underway at four AMFA-represented carriers (Horizon Air, Sun Country Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and soon Calm Air), our Negotiating Committees have been busy. Thank you to the members who participated in the negotiation sessions. Your attendance and engagement in the bargaining process help to strengthen and increase industry standards for all AMTs/AMEs across the United States and Canada. Please visit the Represented Carriers page on the AMFA National Website for the most current airline-specific news and negotiations updates.

Alaska Airlines (AS)

AMFA-AS Airline Representatives (ALRs) are working to implement, administer, and enforce the new work rules prescribed in the recently ratified Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). On September 18, 2024, Alaska Airlines completed its acquisition of Hawaiian Airlines and has since started combining the two airlines. The AMFA ALRs and Legal counsel have conveyed to Alaska Labor Relations and its counsel that it is our position the first step is for the Company to facilitate the negotiation of an integrated seniority list between the Alaska AMFA-represented and Hawaiian IAM-represented M&E Employees.​

Following that discussion, Alaska advised it would consider AMFA’s position and follow up accordingly. Alaska has chosen, however, to sit on the sidelines and now multiple weeks have elapsed without a response on this issue. AMFA has reminded Alaska of this obligation under our CBA, and if necessary, will take all legal action necessary to enforce the provision.
In AMFA’s view, the most effective and expeditious process to combine the two pre-merger groups would be as follows:
  • Seniority integration/transition agreement between the AMFA and IAM workgroups
  • Single carrier application with the NMB to determine collective bargaining agent
As with the acquisition of Virgin America, any seniority list integration and/or transition agreement will be submitted to AMFA members for approval by a ratification vote. We ask you to be patient and be professional as we proceed through the merger process. AMFA will be actively evaluating this situation and the potential impact this merger could have on the union representation of the combined groups.

Horizon Air (QX)

AMFA and Horizon Air resumed negotiations in Seattle on December 16-18, 2024, focusing on successor collective bargaining agreement (CBA) terms. Discussions centered on wages, benefits, and key contract articles, including Article 13 (Vacation), Article 14 (Sick Leave, Premiums, and Shift Differential), and associated letters of agreement. Despite months of stagnation on base wage proposals, AMFA presented a significant wage concession to narrow the gap and work toward a Tentative Agreement (TA).
AMFA also proposed a ratification bonus tied to retroactivity, compensating members for what they would have earned under the new CBA. AMFA continues to push for a TA that reflects members' contributions to Horizon Air's success and calls on the Company to reciprocate AMFA’s efforts. The next bargaining session is scheduled for February 11-13, 2024, in Seattle.

L3 Harris MAS (L3)

Negotiations continue at L3 Harris MAS regarding a new station in Ottawa, ON, for maintaining A330 aircraft, while the Trenton, ON, station focuses on A310 aircraft. Grievances are ongoing concerning station integration. A recent MOA was ratified to provide pay increases aimed at addressing staffing and compliance issues.

Sun Country Airlines (SCA)

Mediation with the National Mediation Board (NMB) continued in Washington, DC, on December 3-5, 2024, with productive discussions focused on Article 5 (Hours of Service), Article 14 (Sick Leave & On-the-Job Injuries), and other key provisions, with progress toward a TA on several articles.
To address the slow pace of negotiations, AMFA has initiated a picket/strike preparation committee and a referendum is underway to authorize a legal strike, contingent upon release from mediation and a 30-day cooling-off period under the Railway Labor Act (RLA). The Strike Authorization Vote closes today. The next negotiation session is scheduled for January 7-9, 2025, in Chicago.

Southwest Airlines (SWA)

AMFA-SWA members recently addressed the 401(k) Me-Too Provision. While Facilities Maintenance Technicians (FMTs) accepted the LOA, Aircraft Maintenance Technicians (AMTs) and Aircraft Appearance Technicians (AATs) rejected it.
In June 2024, Elliott Investment Management initiated an activist investor campaign to influence Southwest Airlines’ Board of Directors. Meetings with various unions, including AMFA, discussed labor relations and feedback on this campaign.

Spirit Airlines (NK)

Spirit Airlines’ Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings continue, with AMFA actively monitoring developments. The company plans to restructure $1.65 billion in debt while continuing good-faith negotiations for a first CBA.
AMFA held a virtual meeting on December 13, 2024, with newly assigned NMB Mediator Michael Donatelli. The next bargaining session is tentatively set for February 18-20, 2024. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to ALR Jason Salazar who is in frequent communication with AMFA National, AMFA Legal and the Company. Any information AMFA receives concerning these matters will be immediately shared with our members.
WestJet Airlines (WJA)
AMFA and WestJet are implementing provisions of the newly ratified five-year CBA, which includes a 15.5% immediate wage increase, annual raises, and enhanced benefits. The agreement marks significant progress in improving conditions for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs) in Canada.
AMFA-WJA Airline Representatives (ALRs) are also working to implement and enforce the new work rules prescribed in the recently ratified CBA. The first Master Seniority List (MSL) is complete and released bidding for vacation, training field service trips, and specific bid shift lines and automative bid system established are being fine-tuned for implementation.
On March 7, 2024, WestJet applied to the CIRB to integrate the Sunwing Airlines and WestJet AMEs and skilled trade groups. AMFA, WestJet IAMAW, and CIRB met via Zoom for our initial Sunwing integration/merger discussions on October 11, and the second meeting was held on December 16, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for January 13-15, 2025, in Toronto, ON.

AMFA Welcomes Calm Air

We want to welcome the new AMFA-Calm Air members. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishments thus far in your grassroots organizing and choice of AMFA as your union representative. You all have been through a lot these last years, and we look forward to helping you control your own destiny and fix the many problems you have expressed. AMFA is honored to represent you.
While we are in this transition period, we are optimistic that Calm Air management will maintain its professionalism by respecting its obligation to take no unilateral action concerning your working conditions without first negotiating with your collective representative. If issues do arise, please stay professional, perform your work assignment, and notify AMFA of any improper Company action.
We have met with the Company a couple times and discussed transition items as well as current and correct employee data required to establish you as an AMFA member. In the coming weeks expect the New Membership Digital Packet that will be emailed to your personal email on file. Following that process, we will begin the nomination process for your Union representatives.

Safety is Paramount​

With AMFA, your profession will be recognized throughout the world for your skills and responsibilities in certifying aircraft airworthiness under the highest safety standards.
Please use your carrier’s Safety Reporting System (SRS) when you feel there are safety or compliance concerns while performing your job. In addition to your carrier’s SRS, the FAA Hotline may be used to report aviation safety concerns: https://hotline.faa.gov/.

Looking Forward to 2025​

Our mission remains clear: to elevate the standards of aircraft maintenance and improve the livelihoods of aviation professionals. Your unity and engagement are critical to achieving these goals. We ask for your continued support as we:
  • Finalize negotiations at Horizon Air, Spirit Airlines, and Sun Country Airlines
  • Pursue representation elections in Canada
  • Advocate for consistent safety and labor standards globally.
Thank you for your dedication and support throughout 2024. We hope you enjoyed the holiday season with your loved ones. AMFA wishes you great success and prosperity in the New Year. Together, we will continue to strengthen our profession and ensure recognition of your essential contributions to aviation safety.
In solidarity,
Bret Oestreich
National President

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