Or Seniority!------- Or does that discusion come later?If you haven't noticed, there have been 28 pages of dialogue and not a damn thing has been accomplished. You're welcome! 🙂
Could be worse I guess, every other topic could be 591 or AMFA related! 🙂
USAirways NRSA does NOT give priority to anyone connecting through station. It is strictly by Seniority ( unless your crew not dead heading and the gate agents take care of you !) of your listing. My point was a tight plane with some new hire from Philly traveling through DFW going to Mexico gets on ahead in your system over the 30YR DFW who originates. That's FUP !This line of argument again?... Move to a spoke, and let me know what you think about all the flight opportunities you have.
Regardless, if the "thru" priority is retained, even in a DOH system you'd still be penalized, since transiting nonrevs would still have a higher priority.
Personally, I see the opposition to FCFS as signs of an entitlement mentality gone bad.
Seniority should only be used within a workgroup, i.e determining who gets which days off, which shift, first shot at picking vacation, or bumping rights into another station during RIF/Transfer.
It shouldn't be used to decide who gets on a flight, the desk or locker closest to the door/window, the newer chair or PC, the larger slice of pizza in the cafeteria, the stall with more toilet paper, or a better parking space in the employee parking lot. Especially when it's something that transcends workgroups.
I'm the fourth or fifth most senior person in a group of about 20. I certainly don't expect to exercise my seniority when it comes to seating arrangements in a meeting, which office I'm assigned to, or where my parking space is, but that's the French mentality of liberté, égalité, & fraternité...
If you haven't noticed, there have been 28 pages of dialogue and not a damn thing has been accomplished. You're welcome! 🙂
Could be worse I guess, every other topic could be 591 or AMFA related! 🙂
My point exactly Crash Pad...a ton of dialogue with both situations being explained. Guess what, regardless what has been taught and learned, not many if any minds have been changed. The DOH's folks still prefer DOH, and the FCFS folks still prefer FCFS. All you are really getting now is why one is better than the other, from both sides. And yes, there is a good possibility of getting the DOH shoved out the door with the arrival of AA and it's FCFS voters. That does pretty much sum it up. 🙂
I don't know if its' been mentioned, but you are allotted four D1 Passes annually to be used at AA.. This puts you at the top of the list.. If you fly out of FLL/DFW/LAX/HNL.. Then you are a D1 out FLL, a D1T out of DFW. a D1T out of LAX and the complete trip FLL/DFW/LAX/HNL accounts for one of the allotted D1 annual pass allocation..
I've been a FCFS folk and a DOH folk.
AA system works, if it ain't broke........
US people keep saying DOH is the best and have no idea or have ever used FCFS. I've have had both and FCFS is far better. For people like john john who are experts on the AA way who have never worked at AA you pearls of wisdom leave us breathless. If you have never tried it don't comment on it. I have over 25 years with the company and I don't waste my time looking around the boarding area who is getting on with less seinority. Lose the I got mine attitude and quit trying to kick other employees. With FCFS if you have been trying to get home for three days you would be one of the first to get on instead of being pushed down by someone who walked up 20 minutes before the flight. FCFS is better for the people working the flights and those trying to get on the flights.
Ah, you are wrong there my friend. After the HP merger, it was FCFS for awhile. Can't recall how long, maybe a year or a bit longer. Parker gave into to pressure and it was put to a vote and it was decided to go back to DOH. If someone is stuck somewhere for three days without backup passes, they don't know much about non reving. 🙂 It has also been stated that someone couldn't walk up 15 or 20 minutes before flight time since flights get restricted before that. Who does that anyway? I list weeks before I travel and watch the flights.US people keep saying DOH is the best and have no idea or have ever used FCFS. I've have had both and FCFS is far better. For people like john john who are experts on the AA way who have never worked at AA you pearls of wisdom leave us breathless. If you have never tried it don't comment on it. I have over 25 years with the company and I don't waste my time looking around the boarding area who is getting on with less seinority. Lose the I got mine attitude and quit trying to kick other employees. With FCFS if you have been trying to get home for three days you would be one of the first to get on instead of being pushed down by someone who walked up 20 minutes before the flight. FCFS is better for the people working the flights and those trying to get on the flights.
US people keep saying DOH is the best and have no idea or have ever used FCFS. I've have had both and FCFS is far better.
US people keep saying DOH is the best and have no idea or have ever used FCFS. I've have had both and FCFS is far better. For people like john john who are experts on the AA way who have never worked at AA you pearls of wisdom leave us breathless. If you have never tried it don't comment on it. I have over 25 years with the company and I don't waste my time looking around the boarding area who is getting on with less seinority. Lose the I got mine attitude and quit trying to kick other employees. With FCFS if you have been trying to get home for three days you would be one of the first to get on instead of being pushed down by someone who walked up 20 minutes before the flight. FCFS is better for the people working the flights and those trying to get on the flights.
AA system works, if it ain't broke........