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Non Rev Policy?

hharotz said:
I totally agree here.

Many senior US Airways employees have treated new hires like absolute garbage for many many years now. I see it on a daily basis at my station with the way the senior mammas treat the newhires (some of whom are actually pretty good at what they do).

At US you're either in the top 25% of the senior workforce or you are scum... it is sad but that the way many people feel and are made to feel by an overly vocal minority of their coworkers. Not all of the workforce is like that here, but I've witnessed it throughout the system....absolute stupidities like 45 year old men with 25 years seniority hopping in front of 60 year old women with 15 years seniority to get into a hotel shuttle at the CLT training center. The men creaming "I'm more senior push aside I've gotta get back for a beer". :blink: 🙄 :down:

Case in point, look at how no senior FAs or pilots seem to give a damn about what is going on at Midatlantic. :down:

Knowing my luck, now that I have almost 30 years seniority, they will change it to check in time. I can see it now, a new hire with 3 months seniority, will call their best friend who works the gates, the night before, and instruct them to check them in for the flight , as soon as they get to work at 4AM that morning. This insures them the seat, should there only be one left for non-reving. It sounds like using check in time could open up Pandora's box all over the entire system. But then, why start using fairness at this point in the game.
First of all, you can only check in for flights 4 hours ahead of time. Second, with web check-in, anyone can check in 4 hours ahead of time if you have a computer.

Sure--having a friend check you in so you don't have to get up early isn't totally fair either. But it's also not fair for that person that DOES actually show up at the airport 4 hours early, or wake up early enough to check in by web. They think they have a seat. Then 30 minutes before departure time, someone with one week of seniority comes strolling in and takes their seat.

Non-rev travel is a benefit, seniority (for many, but not ALL employees) determines many other things--pay, vacation, schedules, etc. Someone with 30 years doesn't get better medical benefits.

Nothing is totally fair in life . .get used to it. As has been stated here many times, I hope that whichever the final decision is, that ALL employees accept the decision and don't use that as another "whining tactic" that will just bring negative energy to the new company.
a320av8r said:
That's what I'm saying- seniority is the only fair way. At least you can figure out where you stand, not some arbitrary "check in" time.
You do know where you stand with check-in time. If you check in on the web, it tells you how many SA2P's are checked in. If you are traveling alone, and it shows a total of 3 checked in--you are number 3 on the list. Simple. Will such a system show the seniority of everyone checked in? Maybe, maybe not.

If you check in at the airport, you ask the gate agent "where do I stand on the priority list".

When listing for a flight, you also can see your chances of getting on that flight. If only 2 SA2P's are listed, and there are 5 seats open, you have a pretty good chance. You don't have to look at each PNR to figure out who's senior and who's junior. If there are 5 SA2P's listed, and only 2 seats left . .you have to figure to figure out who's senior. With check in time, you know that in a situation like that, you better check in ASAP!
rjh said:
First of all, you can only check in for flights 4 hours ahead of time. Second, with web check-in, anyone can check in 4 hours ahead of time if you have a computer.

Sure--having a friend check you in so you don't have to get up early isn't totally fair either. But it's also not fair for that person that DOES actually show up at the airport 4 hours early, or wake up early enough to check in by web. They think they have a seat. Then 30 minutes before departure time, someone with one week of seniority comes strolling in and takes their seat.

Non-rev travel is a benefit, seniority (for many, but not ALL employees) determines many other things--pay, vacation, schedules, etc. Someone with 30 years doesn't get better medical benefits.

Nothing is totally fair in life . .get used to it. As has been stated here many times, I hope that whichever the final decision is, that ALL employees accept the decision and don't use that as another "whining tactic" that will just bring negative energy to the new company.

Great point...
goodgirl37 said:
Well unlike HP - we at US have many situations such as commuting etc. - We at US a very large percentage get displaced tdy-ed etc and we need to commute home. you guys over at HP only have to worry about phoenix and the travel is a pleasure. We - many crew at US have to commute on the front and back end of our trip - so seniority does help b/c alot of us only have 10 or 20 minutes to catch out flight. No disrespect but most people atHP have no idea about commuting etc. It will be a whole different world when theres not only phoenix to choose from - I know they say Las Vegas is a hub to, but lets face facts they have less than 30 f/as there and that is no hub to me. that is a bus stop at La Guardia filled with people to commute home at night. It's going to be a whole new world!!
A lot of HP crewmembers commute to their "domicile" (base) as well. If a crewmember's base is in PHX, but they live in DFW--that's their choice to continue that arrangement. Yes, I understand moving is a hassle, especially if the company relocates you. But it's still a choice to live away from base.
In my opinion , HP will help offset the seniority DOH issue by keeping their current travel policy. Since most of their force is junior and only last an average of 2.5 years, This policy of theirs will seem the stem most HP bad feelings of the UAIR workforce being senior. It looks like the F/A's are going to implement a Fence and with customer service you cant bump in unless there is an opening. The bottom line though is like a few other posters have said.. HP management is calling the shots and will ultimately decide on the various seniority issues for travel.
Who calls their gate agent friend. AWA non revs can check in from home via the web. We have a secure employee web site that allows us to check in from home no more than 4 HOURS before the flight departs. This is unlike AA which allows non rev pax to check in 24 hrs before their flight. Sorry everyone we NEED TO KEEP the current AWA non rev policy.
I know from flying this past week I am in the minority here, however being a USAirways mainline Flight Attendant I personally don't see anything wrong with first come first serve travel. The hornets nest this stirs up involves 8 out of 10 of the USAirways flight attendants don't live in their assigned base and commute via travel passes to work. In PHL alone 88% commute. I understand why they are having a cow right now but commuting is a lifestyle and a choice they make. It's not forced upon them but some made this decision when seniority based travel was the policy period. They feel like they are having the rug ripped from under them. I understand both sides and I think people that can't handle change are in for a RUDE awaking.
The by order of checkin at AWA in some respects benefits the commuter. First on the list gets to go and does not have to worry about being bumped from from the flight 10 mins before departure. As for the cabin jumpseat which most of us have to take to get to work is also first come first serve unless 2 fa's show up at the same time then it goes to the most senior. You can sign up for the jumpseat 1 hr prior to departure.
hharotz said:

What gets by blood boiling is when people keep using examples of newhires trotting up and bumping them out of seats they feel they deserve because they are the senior employee. It happens every day where people with senioirity in the late70s are bumped by those with seniority in the mid70s yet people never scream that its not fair that someone with 24 years seniority might bump someone with 24.2 years..

I'm just pissed of with the way the USAirways seniority Queens continue to #### about seniority when it comes to every little thing.

Thats being said, I prefer DOH because that way at least every employee knows where he/she stands rather than rolling the dice 4hrs prior.
The current policy at AWA allows employees or anyone traveling on our passes to ck in online 4hrs prior to flight... this can be done at home by you or any of your friends. They have to have your employee # and password to access our Compass site. Our current jumpseat policy allows the most senior FA to walk up 1hr prior and bump whoever has been waiting...and that has happened to me.. I don't like it but it's fair. I have never taken the jumpseat when I'm out "playing" if there is an FA communting to work... I would want the same consideration if I were a commuter..... thank goodness I'm not!
USAirBoyA330 said:
I understand both sides and I think people that can't handle change are in for a RUDE awaking.
Very well said. Unfortunatley, there are too many people that panic and think they are getting screwed when things change. Hopefully, everyone will just live with whatever decision is made. But we all know there will be some that constantly complain about every thing they don't agree with. Why people like that are in a service industry is beyond me . .but oh well.
a320av8r said:
That's what I'm saying- seniority is the only fair way. At least you can figure out where you stand, not some arbitrary "check in" time.
Fair?? In your opinion. Like the previous post, AA does time of check in and they dont have problems. Like the previous post again, QIK will not the the "friend" check in someone earlier than 4 hours.

I think it will roll like this, after day one up until the computer system/certificate intergration:
US on US will be DOH.
HP on HP will be time of check-in.
US on HP will be time of check in.
HP on US will be DOH.

After things are intergrated it will be time of check-in. Just my thoughts from things I hear.

Pass Travel will be announced in less than 2 weeks, that I know.
a320av8r said:
It would sure pi$$ me off if I were trying to commute to work and got bumped off by a new hire going to CLT for lunch with a friend because he/she didn't have anything better to do at home and got to the airport 4 hours early. (Or had friend agent check said person in.)
Who actually decides who checked in first anyway, the friend?


Well, lets see....perphaps you could leave a back up flight, instead of waiting til the last minute to get to base.

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