It does apply to passengers connecting from OAL.Thru also applies to someone starting on an ID20 and continuing as a D1/2. Not certain if it is allowed for someone who starts out on an A1/A3/A10/A11/A12....
It does apply to passengers connecting from OAL.Thru also applies to someone starting on an ID20 and continuing as a D1/2. Not certain if it is allowed for someone who starts out on an A1/A3/A10/A11/A12....
As a x-TWA er and now AA retiree I can say that AA was light years ahead of TWA in the listing of non-revs. Certainly a more fair, transparent and equitable system here at AA.
But getting a First Class seat as a non rev, is rare nowadays.
I would say in one word forgetaboutit.
US has a registered companion option on the term pass, does AA?As a flight attendant you have the jumpseat as a backup and we come ahead of American Eagle fas for the jumpseat. So, if we do merge, you can count on your jumpseat as a last resort. Best time to non-rev is probably the same for any airline Jan-Feb, Sept-Oct. Any other time, it's not worth the aggravation, unless it's for going to and from work.
US has a registered companion option on the term pass, does AA?
<_< ------ O.K., let's reverse this! I have a question about USairway's non-reving. I know it's based on seniority, I understand that because I'm exTWA, and that's how TWA handled it. But, how do they handle retirees? And I agree with barfbag, I feel AA's system is much better than what we had at TWA.
Somewhere I've heard/read that AA give employees the option of designating a sibling in place a a parent (a nice thing for those whose parents are deceased). Is this correct?
With the adoption of HP policy, retirees are now S4, active employees are S3.
Somewhere I've heard/read that AA give employees the option of designating a sibling in place a a parent (a nice thing for those whose parents are deceased). Is this correct?