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So who's non rev. policy will survive?

Yep. AA does watch things,
Most of those involved someone listing themselves or a family member in for a flight thru Sabre (by policy, you aren't allowed to check yourself in or issue your own tickets via Sabre --

So an agent cannot check himself or herself in
At least I understand logic and common sense. One spelling mistake and you think your dumbassery is law? Good luck with that. All you keep doing is talking in circles about jibberish. Yet eoleson gives you facts that somehow your brain can't comprehend. I feel sorry for you. Does USairways HAVE to accommodate your handicap? And yes, I did make up a new word just for you. Look that one up if it makes you feel better.
In general, not true, but with some exceptions. If an overnight connection is the only possible connection, it would apply. Example used to be the YYC-DFW which arrived mid-day, making it impossible to connect to HNL or NRT, and it was the only AA flight out of YYC.

If you chose to fly in the night before, it doesn't apply.

In all those cases, your original check-in time applies on rollover.

The people waiting the longest get on. I know, that's so unfair.

How does US treat their customers? Do the folks who have held Super Diamond Twinkee status for 10 years get upgraded before those who earned Super Diamond Twinkee status for the first time last year? Do 2M fliers get upgraded ahead of a 1M flyer or someone with "only" 150K lifetime miles?...

Seems to me you already use FCFS for handling your customers.

And yet, you're afraid to receive the same treatment as your customers?...


"The people waiting the longest get on. I know, that's so unfair."

No. The people that checked in as a D1T/D2T first get on. It appears that AA is not pure FCFS but rather FTFS (First Through First Served).

"How does US treat their customers?...Seems to me you already use FCFS for handling your customers."

If you dont' know what US does, then why them make up some false story and them come to a blatantly inaccurate conclusion that US "is already using FCFS for handling customers"? But that seems to be your typical argumentative strategy: deflect, make a totally unrelated analogy, and if that doesn't work...blame the unions. Nice try..

"And yet, you're afraid to receive the same treatment as your customers?..."

No. Just afraid to receive the type of treatment you would give customers...
I am at a loss for words...between Crash Pad and John John, AA's non rev policy is a product of the devil himself. My God I hope we adopt the DOH policy!!!
FCFS/DOH Statistics from
American Airline drops below 60,000 employees for the first time since 1987:

AA 59,574 employees (FTE) FCFS
WN 45,861 employess (FTE) FCFS
UA 83,383 employees (FTE) DOH
DL 72,529 emplyeees (FTE) DOH
US 30,310 employees (FTE) DOH

If I have done the calculations correctly, among the major US arlines, 64% of FTE (full-time equivalent) employees (the majority) presently enjoy DOH boarding, while just 36% enjoy FCFS.
Both systems appears to work - in union and non-union shops - and no one under DOH appears to be suffering under some alleged (not by you) unfairness due to US union loving entitlement embracing last minute listing commuting slugs making it impossible for junior ("not my fault you are as old as dirt") people to get a shot at getting on...just to make crazy day trips.

For US/AA it will be what it will eventually be, but the (present) data indicates the majority of the FTE employees of the majors fly daily (justly or unjustly) under DOH and do just fine.
Yes, it is true if AA doesn't serve the market/leg you show your boarding pass from the other airline and that time is FCFS (ogg-hnl on HA) then AA hnl-lax, or Marthas Vinyard-Boston then on AA BOS-LAX.

Yes you roll over to the next flight with the orginal check in time.

FCFS is very simple and strait forwad, 70,000 of us don't have a problem with it and it alows the most jr employee to have the same benifit. IF you can think up all those sceams AA already has something in place to stop it and if not you won't be traviling for a while.

DOH works just fine for 64% of the employees at the major US airlines. Only 34% are under FCFS. So far, absolutely not one shred of data or evidence has been proferred to consclusively demonstrate that DOH does not "alows the most jr employee to have the same benifit". We are all waiting for the facts. We certainly have heard the vociferous opinions...

I did not think up all these scams. I have you AA employees to thank for that. The HNL scenario was courtesy of an AA employee who posted on the US board. The 24 hour through tidbit I gleaned from from an AA poster here. I was only looking for clarification on that issue - not trying to invent a new scAAm. The BOS-CDG through scenario I was able to piece together based on AA through examples given in this forum. I only have AA employees to thank for revealing the gAAme.

AA is not truly FCFS, but in reality FTFS (First Through First Served).

It's easy to see how this through status "entitlement" can be effectively used to AAdvantage someone on tight flights. AA through status entitlement would even be very effective with DOH. Last minute DOH listers, hub employees and commuters would nary have a chance on tight flights with the AA through status entitlement in place.

I'm sure I'm not the first to see the weakness of FTFS system. The HNL AA poster revealed the gAAme. Please don't ascribe discovery of the the AA through status entitlement scAAms to me. They AAppear to AAlready in plAAce. The fact that two posters here have indicated that AA has "investigations" and "things in place" to stop this indicates that FTFS through status entitlement gAAming is a problem. We have no need for such time wasting FTFS investigations at little 'ole (backward/backwater) US Airways 'cause through status entitlement is not big issue with DOH.

Long live D1T/D2T! It sAAves the dAAy!

God Bless US AAll! And God Bless the US/AA!
Yep. AA does watch things, and the violators are dealt with quietly. That was part of the fun I had working with NRSA procedures... investigations.


Sometimes you'd have someone leave their home city, just to connect thru the hub and get Thru priority. We used to have language which prohibited getting Thru status at your home station, but as I said about 90 pages ago, that language seems to have disappeared.

Even without the language, that's considered violating the intent of the policy, and could still be grounds for losing your privileges.

"That was part of the fun I had working with NRSA procedures... investigations."

Fun? Seriously?

"Sometimes you'd have someone leave their home city, just to connect thru the hub and get Thru priority. We used to have language which prohibited getting Thru status at your home station,..Even without the language, that's considered violating the intent of the policy, and could still be grounds for losing your privileges"

So you need to leave your hub home station to go to city A to pick up grandma for the family reunion. Now with grandma in tow, you fly back through your hub home station to get to the family reunion where they are celebrating her 100th birthday.

But you can't get your FTFS through status entitlement to get to the family reunion because the hub is your home station. AND in the future you'll be facing a compAAny NRSA investigator who considers it fun investigating fellow employees for potential fraud and abuse of FTFS through status entitlement.

Seems like a lot of wAAste...

Sure the story is fabricated, but I"m sure there are legitimate situations where you have to leave the hub home base to get someone and then come back through the hub home base. Too bad, so sad..no FTFS through status entitlment for you...

But the work around seems simple. Since DFW-HNL may not work due to FTFS D1T/D2T through status entitlement, always list DFW-PHX-HNL or DFW-LAX-HNL so that you as a hub employee can benefit from FTFS through status entitlement...at another hub...to the detriment of that hub's employees....But I guess that's just the AA FTFS fAAir and level plAAying field...So let the gAAmes begin!

God Bless US AAll! And God Bless the US/AA!
I am at a loss for words...between Crash Pad and John John, AA's non rev policy is a product of the devil himself. My God I hope we adopt the DOH policy!!!

Devil? The Bible describes him as AAbAAddon...lol

Revelation 9:11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. KJV, 1611
And yet some people wonder why there might be some concerns over a drop in service levels?...

Hopefully the policy against no visible tatoos or piercings (except a single earring per ear) will remain in place.
31 pages on this topic you LOSERS need to get a life
Question? -----Will those who retired TWA still have pass privloges on the "New AA"?

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