FCFS/DOH Statistics from
American Airline drops below 60,000 employees for the first time since 1987:
AA 59,574 employees (FTE) FCFS
WN 45,861 employess (FTE) FCFS
UA 83,383 employees (FTE) DOH
DL 72,529 emplyeees (FTE) DOH
US 30,310 employees (FTE) DOH
If I have done the calculations correctly, among the major US arlines, 64% of FTE (full-time equivalent) employees (the majority) presently enjoy DOH boarding, while just 36% enjoy FCFS.
Both systems appears to work - in union and non-union shops - and no one under DOH appears to be suffering under some alleged (not by you) unfairness due to US union loving entitlement embracing last minute listing commuting slugs making it impossible for junior ("not my fault you are as old as dirt") people to get a shot at getting on...just to make crazy day trips.
For US/AA it will be what it will eventually be, but the (present) data indicates the majority of the FTE employees of the majors fly daily (justly or unjustly) under DOH and do just fine.