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Non Rev policies after merger?

Any word on when listing/check in can be done  on AA's Jetnet, rather than listing via myIDtravel?   With FCFS boarding, it would be nice to check in on jetnet...
Dont call me Shirley said:
Any word on when listing/check in can be done  on AA's Jetnet, rather than listing via myIDtravel?   With FCFS boarding, it would be nice to check in on jetnet...
Come on over, the water is fine!------ But remember, jetnet is set up for "first come, first serve."  I've lived with both systems. Worked for TWA for 33years, and AA for 7 years, and even though I pretty much could get on any flight I wanted with TWA, I still think, and prefer, AA's system, which I feel is fairest of the two. 
Dont call me Shirley said:
Any word on when listing/check in can be done  on AA's Jetnet, rather than listing via myIDtravel?   With FCFS boarding, it would be nice to check in on jetnet...
It would also be nice to know when we can non-rev. on each others Aircraft/ routes!
MCI transplant said:
It would also be nice to know when we can non-rev. on each others Aircraft/ routes!
I think they have already zeroed out the non-rev cost for each other's airline, but I don't know the particulars as to the procedure.  
MCI transplant said:
It would also be nice to know when we can non-rev. on each others Aircraft/ routes!
Assuming you refer to free (as opposed to service charge, ZED, or ID90) that happened on the 10th.
nycbusdriver said:
I think they have already zeroed out the non-rev cost for each other's airline, but I don't know the particulars as to the procedure.  
Non reving is free (plus int'l) taxes.  Listing for US folks is still via myIDtravel (which charges about two dollars for the listing).   No way to check actual loads or check in online yet.
Ramp Rogue said:
When you are hired you are given a seniority date. It has to stand for something, otherwise they wouldn't have given you one. You put in your time, & pay your dues, & you receive perks because of that. The one perk that they haven't taken away is flight benefits. Boarding by DOH works well for those that have put in their time, retirees included. Junior employees, your time will come once you gain some seniority. Until then take your chances like we all have had to do in our non-rev endeavors. 
There is really no recourse with fcfs. If you check in first, and then a manager or a vp checks in after you do, & they bump you & get on the plane ahead of you how can you prove that you were there first? If you go by DOH there is a paper trail that would be hard to dispute. I don't think any gate agent would be willing to take that chance.
I agree totally.  People keep bringing up that trumped up fear of some senior retiree showing up 30 minutes before flight time and taking your seat away.  In 41 years of non revving, that has NEVER happened to me. That REALLY wouldn't happen now with cutoffs and security lines.   I also can't ever recall some retiree taking a seat away from me. If they were to have, it's their right! They did the time and have earned it.  Saying senior people deserve to be behind everyone else  because it isn't fair, is like saying they shouldn't receive social security payments when young people don't.  In time, they will.  In time, the junior people will be senior and have earned the perks.  We all went through it. I'd also like to ask how FCFS fair to hub employees when anyone coming in from a spoke city is ahead of them? 
ChrisUS said:
I agree totally.  People keep bringing up that trumped up fear of some senior retiree showing up 30 minutes before flight time and taking your seat away.  In 41 years of non revving, that has NEVER happened to me. 
In my years nonreving and working at the airport, I cannot remember that ever happening, either.
As far as checking loads, I do not know if the AA nonrev phone number (888 WE FLY AA, IIRC) will give the info.  
We can check loads in the non-rev Travel Planner on Jetnet or if you know the commands and you have access to RES, you can check there. Problem with RES is it doesn't give you detailed information--other tseats sold, seats available--until about 3 days prior to departure. On Jetnet, you can only book 2 months in advance, but for the next two months you can check the loads every day or multiple times per day. And, you may be #1 on the non-rev list 24 hours prior to departure, but it can be pretty meaningless if the flight ahead of yours cancels, or revenue passengers buy seats at the last minute.

As far as an executive taking your seat at the last minute, don't be silly. They all travel A priority even when on personal travel--just like union officers. The rest of us peons fly D priority. By the way, if you know the RES codes you can print your own copy of the standby list if you are so distrustful of the gate agents.

Comment about non-revs coming in from out stations classified higher than hub employees: To paraphrase someone talking about one of the gotchas of Seniority boarding, "In all my 12 years I've never seen that be a problem." But, then if I see there are a bunch of non-revs listed from out stations, I book an earlier flight. (You can't see what stations, etc., but the non-rev travel planner will tell you the total number of non-revs listed for each cabin. You can click on an Info icon which will tell you that if everyone checks in will give you the totals for each category and sub-category. For instance, 3 D1s, 2 D1Ts, 4 D2s, 5 D3s, 3 D3Ts, etc. A T indicates that if that person makes this flight they will be treated as a through passenger and yes if you are D1 originating at the hub, and they are a D1T originating at an outstation, they go ahead of you. (See facetious comment above. :lol:)

But, as have been posted time and time again, I don't think the decision is going to be left to any of us; so, why are there 31 pages of comments? We are all just trying to convince the rest of the world that the way "my airline" does it is the only fair way. And, what if my arguments were so compelling that I convinced everyone of you that FCFS is the only fair way to do it? If DP and company decide on a seniority-based system, I'm guessing that one will be the system regardless of my arguments. Sort of like the endless pilot thread on here where people have all been saying the exact same thing over and over again for several years now.
ChrisUS said:
I agree totally.  People keep bringing up that trumped up fear of some senior retiree showing up 30 minutes before flight time and taking your seat away.  In 41 years of non revving, that has NEVER happened to me. That REALLY wouldn't happen now with cutoffs and security lines.   I also can't ever recall some retiree taking a seat away from me. If they were to have, it's their right! They did the time and have earned it.  Saying senior people deserve to be behind everyone else  because it isn't fair, is like saying they shouldn't receive social security payments when young people don't.  In time, they will.  In time, the junior people will be senior and have earned the perks.  We all went through it. I'd also like to ask how FCFS fair to hub employees when anyone coming in from a spoke city is ahead of them? 
Someone coming through from a spoke city or any other connecting city is a through passenger. He or she has priority over a originator in the same classification of travel.
Hmm...I've read these comments, yet I find it interesting that very few comment on the fact that this violates the F/A's contract as well as the CWA agent contracts.
And yes it does.
Maybe you guys need to pull your head out of your ass.
This is being grieved.