Yes, you must make the trip to the airport if you want to check-in 24hrs in advance and it appears you really have to check-in with a real agent. There's something on wings that says you are expressly forbidden to call AA to list, checkin or check flight loads or else!
That said, here is how to get on an AA plane for free...
US employees must use myIDTravel to 1. purchase the AA ZED and 2. list on AA. Please note that purchasing and listing on AA is a TWO STEP PROCESS in myIDTravel.
The ZED fare is $0 but you will pay the $2 myIDTravel ticketing fee for each ticket (single or multiple leg) purchase transaction (I think up to 8 legs can be purchased in one transaction, but not for sure...).
Step 1 is to purchase the ZED on myIDTravel (You get a PNR number for that step). Once you have done that you must take Step 2 and go to "Existing Tickets/Book or List for Flgihts" on myIDTravel, retrieve the ticket and then actually list for the AA flight (You get a second PNR number for that step. This is the confirmation number you use at the AA counter).
Now that that is done. Go to the airport AA ticket counter and give real AA agent the second confirmation number. I'm not sure kiosk check-in works, but I could be wrong. (The kiosk contractors cant help you.....) Get your boarding pass from the real AA counter agent and then good luck with FCFS!
Optional: Buy a drink at the restaurant near the gate to celebrate successfully running the gAAuntlet to get on the free flight.
To be fair, I think it is the same rigmarole for legacy AA trying to puchase/list/check-in for legacy US flights...