Maybe the negotiations are going so slow because every proposal the company offers Mr. Flores tells them its not good enough, passes it back. (Only speculating). Would much prefer the union to take their time, get it right this time, bring us a contract that provides better work rules, a better reserve system, better vacation, better compensation, better sick pay/credit, etc etc etc. It takes both parties to negotiate, the company is in NO hurry to reach a single agreement. They can turn a much bigger profit running two seperate contracts.
That's because Douggie wants to wait until our contracts run out. We probably won't see a new contract until then.
I have been called to fly T/A in the middle of the night, twice. As far as I am concerned that was two too many. It sucked. Any way you look at it even if they were to go to some type of shift, someone is going to have to be AVL to do it. Would you prefer the fence go back up? You talk as if I don't know what its like. I have been on reserve my entire career with the exception of like 8 months. I know I am several years senior to you. Please don't speak to me as if I haven't walked the walk. The problem is I am not angry like most other reserves on this board, I do not scream and yell to make a point. I know what it means to be bound by a contract that was ratified by the membership. Doesn't mean I like it, but I am not going to wage a war with the blockholders in this company because they have a block and they have the ability to drop their trips on the AIL and the ETB. I have many friends that are lineholders and most are fully aware of how badly this LTO needs revamped. Whether you like it or not Safety Stud was correct there is NO growth. Until there are retirements/seperations and the top gets lighter we are stagnet.
I would work the graveyard shift if I knew I had the daytime to sleep. I'll take all the late night calls for transatlantic trips if they let me work that shift, but until we get shifts I'm not going. I don't really care whether the fence goes back up or not. I love to travel to Europe but if it means I have to fly with a bunch of senior mamas who patronize me because I am not familiar with the service then no thank you. I'd rather not work those flights. I'll remain on domestic. It's not like I ever get transatlantic trips anyway, so what is the difference? The reason we scream and yell is because we want our voices heard. Nobody is listening to us and so we are going to make some noise. I truly am not wagin war against the blockholders. I fly with them all the time on domestic and we always get along just fine and many times we have fun on trips. It's not the blockholders I am against, but rather the union and the company. They do nothing to offer us any relief. While there is no growth, that doesn't mean that they can't make a few changes to make our lives just a little easier. I am fed up with this and so yes, I am going to make it known. How many airlines do you know who have such a horrid reserve system or who treat their employees like we are treated? It's just not right!