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Sherri Shamblin Coming to PIT to meet w/ F/As

You still work there, I don't...who is the moron…?

Maybe take a pill for that anger, maybe seek help, maybe get smart and find yourself before you're heart stops beating and it's too late.
The thing is, the copmany is still not "right-sizing" the base by this few displacements....if you're going to do it, do it right. Slow displacements out of PIT is like watching someone bleed to death. They've waited this long to right-size, why not wait a little longer than to "disrupt our lives" after all the "sacrifices" we've made -----which have been equal if not more so than those in CLT due to the fact that we are the more senior base by about 8-9 years .....

If you go into that meeting with the argument above, you will NOT solve any issues except that you just want the company to wait longer...."for what, pray tell"? The company will want to know why they should wait. If you say its because PIT sacrificed so much, you will lose the company's attention. The few displacements that occured last year was a slow displacmeent. And you know very well it did not resolve the issue...which is the base is OVERSTAFFED by approx 80 f/as. Its important to understand that each base needs only 20% rsv factor. There are bases that only have 14- 17% rsv and others like PIT that has 42%.

This does not compute and unless you folks come up with a plan that would incentivise the company to "recall" invols who are at a lower pay scale, and allow for vol leaves (not furloughs), you will NOT have a rational argument to leave a rsv factor of 42% in PIT, while other bases go with not enough. Citing a few times where you perceived PIT to have been short (which your president has never mentioned)won't cut the mustard.

If you have a plan, get organized to rationally and insightfully present it so that its more cost effective than the current circumstance. If you are only going to present that PIT has sacrificed much and that many of you are too senior to move kind of noise, you will drown in that dribble. Keep in mind, that 4 years ago, BWI was closed within 6 months. 1200 f/as were forced out.

You're talking about 40 f/as in which after the displacements, there will remain an overage at 30% rsv factor. The bottom line is the company is coming to PIT to explain to YOU why they are displacing PIT. They are not coming to hear suggestions from the rank and file. You will get no empathy that creates action by the company unless your noise includes a "sound, efficient plan" to rightsize PIT painlessly which just maybe BETTER than their plan.
but I was told that she will again be in PIT at the Hyatt April 17th for a luncheon for perfect attendance. I am going to try to organize a group to go speak with her at that time since most of the F/As that are junior and effected by the displacements are out flying now. Someone has suggested storming the luncheon ........

sky high states: FOOD for perfect attendance? WHAT A FRICK'IN JOKE! This is the opportunity for NO ONE TO SHOW UP! They get F/A's to peddle Credit Card applications up and down the aisle, giving thousands and thousands of FREE TICKETS away......and perfect attendance F/A's get what??? A sandwich?????

Ohhhhh Sherri! :down: anyone remember the upgrade you got for perfect attendance?....now, it's worse????

only stating opinions
sky high states: FOOD for perfect attendance? WHAT A FRICK'IN JOKE! This is the opportunity for NO ONE TO SHOW UP! They get F/A's to peddle Credit Card applications up and down the aisle, giving thousands and thousands of FREE TICKETS away......and perfect attendance F/A's get what??? A sandwich?????

Ohhhhh Sherri! :down: anyone remember the upgrade you got for perfect attendance?....now, it's worse????

only stating opinions
If its a Sandwich, I would hope it would be a Philly Cheesesteak! :up:
LCC, I'm sorry that this happened to you. I did hear that CLT F/As were acting very smug about the fact that their displacement was rescinded and ours was not but that doesn't make a difference.
I will tell you from watching the webcast on the HUB....if CLT F/As had not taken the stand that they did then the displacement for their base would have gone through and we would not be meeting w/ Shamblin tomorrow. I applaud the CLT group for leading the way. Thank You CLT !
One has to wonder however how many F/As would have actually showed at the meeting if it had not been planned during recurrent and integration training. Somebody out there give us the number of PIT people who show up tonight w/ only a couple days notice.
I see the north south hate torch is still being carried, doesn't surprise me because that will end only when the malcontented employees and the entire airline ends for good.

You people down south just lay down and why many companies are down there exploiting the passive peaceful God fearing southern employees. Companies avoid people who know how to make a stand for what‘s only right. Sociopath executives thrive in an environment of submissive drones.
One has to wonder however how many F/As would have actually showed at the meeting if it had not been planned during recurrent and integration training. Somebody out there give us the number of PIT people who show up tonight w/ only a couple days notice.

I would guess it was a strategic move by somebody smart.

"Hey, Sherri. Don't go until (date), that way, you have fewer adversaries and you can hop on the 6:15pm to PHX. Woo Hoo!"
While I do feel for the PIT F/A's it is pretty apparent that their base is shrinking and it unfortuately does not appear that the company is planning on rebuilding PIT, But for PIT to be upset with CLT is not the answer either. CLT base is short staffed and I believe that PIT realizes this. I am sure that the F/A's who have been being assigned CLT trips realize that too. Just think of what all the F/A group would be able to accomplish if everyone would stand up to the company and fight for what we are entitled too. We would be able to get the contract that we deserve. So please lets all stop pitting one base against the other and stand up together and unite.
The flight attendants based in PIT are more aware then anyone that their base is overstaffed. Its the irresponsible comments made by Mr. Kirby that has them upset, rightfully so.

CLT is short right now, give them another month or so they will be overstaffed. The company was looking at the summer flying time not the immediate situation.
I see the north south hate torch is still being carried, doesn't surprise me because that will end only when the malcontented employees and the entire airline ends for good.

You people down south just lay down and why many companies are down there exploiting the passive peaceful God fearing southern employees. Companies avoid people who know how to make a stand for what‘s only right. Sociopath executives thrive in an environment of submissive drones.
I can only speak from the mechanic side but it was PIT my friend that willingly bent over for the company during the BK procecedings when those in CLT were ready to close the doors!
I can only speak from the mechanic side but it was PIT my friend that willingly bent over for the company during the BK procecedings when those in CLT were ready to close the doors!
FYI---PIT F/As were the only base through each contract ratification that had the majority vote NO. As far as the F/A groups go, it was PHL and especially CLT that bent over this time and agreed to this weekend touch flying crap and reduced sick...the list goes on and on. PIT stood up and voted the contracts down every time. I often wondered if they were really diminished in size (as far as F/As go) because of their strong union roots.
From the PIT LEC

Monday the company met with about twenty flight attendants. Representing the company was Sherri Shamblin, Vice President of Inflight Administration and Mike Finn, Director of Crew scheduling. I believe the twenty flight attendants attending this meeting articulated their heart felt concerns to management with much passion and logic. Mike Finn presented his data to try and justify his position on displacements. He said he did not go by the monthly average of total hours a reserve was utilized because of the way we credit hours is not indicative of the amount of time our reserves are utilized. He said he based his calculations on the amount of days a reserve worked. His data revealed the average reserve in PIT worked an average of 8 days for the month of February. The other bases compared as follows, CLT 12.4 days, BOS 14.7 days, DCA 13.4 PHL 11.8 days and LGA 13.4 days. Everyone in the room argued they worked more than 8 days a month and a multiple month average would be more accurate. Mike said he would look at his calculations once again and recalculate the days worked using more months. The company made no promises but agreed to review the many suggestions offered such as offering leaves for a longer period of time to reduce overstaffing, increase the amount of recalls and quite a few others. There were many suggestions made to minimize the amount of disruption to lives of our 40 reserves with many years of seniority. The obvious resolution to this problem is to provide more time in PIT but he said there were no plans to increase time now or in the future. Attrition has slowed tremendously and will not take care of the problem. He did say PIT was very reliable in bad weather stating the airport never shuts down so he planned to keep the percentage of reserves higher here than at other bases.

Thanks to the PIT LEC for the prompt release of the meeting info!
I see the north south hate torch is still being carried, doesn't surprise me because that will end only when the malcontented employees and the entire airline ends for good.

You people down south just lay down and why many companies are down there exploiting the passive peaceful God fearing southern employees. Companies avoid people who know how to make a stand for what‘s only right. Sociopath executives thrive in an environment of submissive drones.

You people??!! YOU PEOPLE???!!!!!! We have a better quality of life here in the South. All you have to do here is to look around- or listen. We are inundated with people from above the Mason-Dixon Line who crave our way of life, pull up their stakes and move down here. I have met several people from New York who just stopped for gas here or were visiting friends and never left. What a nasty statement. And a very sad one. Glad to see your new life away from Usair is working out for you.
You people??!! YOU PEOPLE???!!!!!! We have a better quality of life here in the South. All you have to do here is to look around- or listen. We are inundated with people from above the Mason-Dixon Line who crave our way of life, pull up their stakes and move down here. I have met several people from New York who just stopped for gas here or were visiting friends and never left. What a nasty statement. And a very sad one. Glad to see your new life away from Usair is working out for you.

sky high states: You validated what 700IAM just said.

only stating opinions.