I have read a lot of your posts an I have surfed around your reserve site blog. The way you refer to Safety Stud as Safety Dud, an I have seen you refer to blockholders as blockheads is anything but professional. Also many of your posts contain misguided information. The contract that you speak of has an expiration date of Dec. 31, 2011. Without this merger with AWA there would not be an opportunity to negoiate a new contract, then we would all be living under this one until 2011. I am a reserve, a career reserve, I hate this LTO as much as the next person but I don't blame the blockholders for this system we have. I dont blame the present leadership in our union either, they were not in office when this contract was presented to us for a vote. The majority of flight attendants on the property voted this contact in and now we are paying the price. Fighting amongst ourselves isnt going to get a better contract.