We pay that damm union to represent us and they don't... MAA, the reserve system- I have spent my career feeling as much if not more abused by the union as the company, than supported by it. We are obviously tired of it... us "one-decade-juniors" are the most abused, most pissed, and becoming the most vocal. WE will be here longer than the seniors, so really we have the biggest stake here. It is time to reclaim.
I think this idea is fabulous. Maybe this stuff is for the Reserve Blog, but we should come up with procedures for crap like this for all reserves to follow as a part of our mutiny.
Every time any one of you reserves get called in the middle of the night for a transatlantic, call either Mike or Carol and inquire as to whether you are legal, when you were supposed to sleep, etc- whatever- wake thier asses up and let's let them have a small taste of 24 hour reserve. Be sure to have your friend call them again at 5am with a detailed problem, and fill thier mailbox until they call back. We could start a chain and take turns- call them every hour on the hour 24 hours a day until they do something about it.
I love it! Operation: MEC ON Reserve.