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Reserve Flight Attendants need to quit your #*^@$ing!

That's fine and good(for the BH's), but that leaves every rsv hanging out to dry. Glad to see the union could hold out( or not get at all) a great Pref Bid deal for the BH's. Too bad they couldn't do the same for a rsv. The longer the union puts of pref bid, the longer the bid sheet stays around. Awefully funny how that worked out, isn't it?
Pref bid will not make a difference in the reserve factor. Unless the union can get in the new agreement that this company cannot schedule reserves based on a % per base. If the director of crew scheduling says we need 20% reserve factor for January in PHL, pref bid will only allow the program to build lines until they reach that % then its done. The remaining trips will go into open time.

I personally would rather a program that is benefitical to ALL the flight attendants. Where would we be if the union agreed to the pref bid program the company wants to implement and it really sucks, then guess what we are stuck with it. You still would have people complaining only now they would be saying why in the world would the union agree to this? There are many versions of Pref Bid software programs. Wouldn't you want the best one out there or would you be satisfied with the cheapest, less effective, and less options available just to have pref bid? Why should the union agree to let the company implement what they want, if there is another one that is better but the company won't pay for it? Why not take your frustrations out on the company, find out why they will not give us the better program, are we not worth it? Apparently not.

You are blaming the union for wanting the best Pref Bid program available for the membership.
You are blaming the union for wanting the best Pref Bid program available for the membership.
No, I am blaming the union for sacrificing all of the rsv's, for the sake of the BH's. In my mind, they never wanted Pref Bid anyway. By doing so, that would basically eliminate the bidsheet, BH's hold so precious. They sold all of us on Pref Bid years ago, and they sold it to us in conjunction with LTO. They put the same dates on them, they spoke as if they were together, just like rsv override and SAP/sec lines. RSV's lost $400,000 just because Sec lines came 5 months late. Did any rsv get back pay on that? Hell no, we didn't. Did we get rid of rsv override? yes. Did we keep sec lines? yes. Do you see any pattern here. When they recently changed the rsv time from 10 hours to 9:45, they said it was to help rsv's. My first thought was, BH's can't drop the Island trips because they check-in at 0945 and 0955. That looks more like BH relief, than anything. The change for rsv's was only to help a BH drop time. They just try to put a different spin on it. At the last meeting in CLT, we were told that AFA had neg full pay credit for DH's(actually the pilots did it). Again, my thought. You just screwed a rsv' Alot of rsv's look to that DHing as time above guarantee, where BH's want full pay credit. See a pattern yet. I could go on, but it doesn't changed.
No, I am blaming the union for sacrificing all of the rsv's, for the sake of the BH's. In my mind, they never wanted Pref Bid anyway. By doing so, that would basically eliminate the bidsheet, BH's hold so precious. They sold all of us on Pref Bid years ago, and they sold it to us in conjunction with LTO. They put the same dates on them, they spoke as if they were together, just like rsv override and SAP/sec lines. RSV's lost $400,000 just because Sec lines came 5 months late. Did any rsv get back pay on that? Hell no, we didn't. Did we get rid of rsv override? yes. Did we keep sec lines? yes. Do you see any pattern here. When they recently changed the rsv time from 10 hours to 9:45, they said it was to help rsv's. My first thought was, BH's can't drop the Island trips because they check-in at 0945 and 0955. That looks more like BH relief, than anything. The change for rsv's was only to help a BH drop time. They just try to put a different spin on it. At the last meeting in CLT, we were told that AFA had neg full pay credit for DH's(actually the pilots did it). Again, my thought. You just screwed a rsv' Alot of rsv's look to that DHing as time above guarantee, where BH's want full pay credit. See a pattern yet. I could go on, but it doesn't changed.
No I'm sorry I do not see a pattern here. I knew what I was voting on, I was never under the impression that Pref Bid and LTO was to go hand in hand. I knew because I researched and asked questions. I wasnt sold anything. Reserve override was also something that was given up in this BK contract. From what I have read, your knew PHL officers pushed to get the ETB time frame dropped from 10 hrs to 945 so that reserves would have an additional 15 minute window. Maybe you should give them a call an ask what their intensions were, to benefit lineholders or truly to help the reserves.

I'm sorry I look at the things that have been done such as the lowering of the ETB floor to 40 hrs/the lowering of the secondary blk window/the 10 down to 945 these are all things that does benefit reserves. You see it as blockholder friendly, unfortuneatly that is the only way they can make trips available to the reserves whether it be company time or ETB time. It all rolls back to the same square, too many people not enough time to spread around.
No I'm sorry I do not see a pattern here. I knew what I was voting on, I was never under the impression that Pref Bid and LTO was to go hand in hand. I knew because I researched and asked questions. I wasnt sold anything. Reserve override was also something that was given up in this BK contract. From what I have read, your knew PHL officers pushed to get the ETB time frame dropped from 10 hrs to 945 so that reserves would have an additional 15 minute window. Maybe you should give them a call an ask what their intensions were, to benefit lineholders or truly to help the reserves.

I'm sorry I look at the things that have been done such as the lowering of the ETB floor to 40 hrs/the lowering of the secondary blk window/the 10 down to 945 these are all things that does benefit reserves. You see it as blockholder friendly, unfortuneatly that is the only way they can make trips available to the reserves whether it be company time or ETB time. It all rolls back to the same square, too many people not enough time to spread around.

You are the only one that I have heard say that they knew Pref bid and LTO were not tied. I went to every meeting, asked lots of questions, especially seeing that I was a 14 year rsv at the time and was told that pref bid was going to be a good thing for rsv's. More blocks. less f/a's on rsv. All to be put in place "no later than June 2004". When that notice about the 945 came out, I heard a bunch of rsv's in the CLT crewroom just scream with joy about being able to give up more of their 11 days off. NOT. Also, I would call my folks in CLT, not Philly.
You are the only one that I have heard say that they knew Pref bid and LTO were not tied. I went to every meeting, asked lots of questions, especially seeing that I was a 14 year rsv at the time and was told that pref bid was going to be a good thing for rsv's. More blocks. less f/a's on rsv. All to be put in place "no later than June 2004". When that notice about the 945 came out, I heard a bunch of rsv's in the CLT crewroom just scream with joy about being able to give up more of their 11 days off. NOT. Also, I would call my folks in CLT, not Philly.
I was based in PIT at the time, so the meetings I attended were in PIT. The union leaders at the time did a very good job of explaining Pref bid and LTO. At NO time were the two tied together. Pref bid was a new way of bidding for lineholders and the LTO was a time balancing system for reserves. The only thing I took away from it was Pref bid had the potential to create more lines, but not that many. Most likely still not enough to give me a block.

I only suggested you call PHL because if you go back and read the MEC eline that MF sent out about the 10 hrs to 945, he referenced the PHL LEC Officers had been pushing for this. If you want to find out the intensions then call Ms. Ann and find out, I'm sure she will call up PHL and get the info you are looking for.
It all rolls back to the same square, too many people not enough time to spread around.
Oh really? That why there is all that open time sitting around AND pages upon pages of trips on the ETB board that blockholders don't want that COULD and SHOULD be a block for a reserve. The system is broken and even IF and thats a big IF the intentions are to help the reserve there is NO WAY in hell you or anybody else could convince me that the floor wasn't dropped to 40 primarily for the blockholder who was on a lower option before. mmmm hmmmmm riiiiiiiight. Also the earlier checkin now for reserves most CERTAINLY helps a blockholder. Yeah it helps us poor suckers on reserve who need ETB to feed themselves. Total BS. For F$#@s sake. 🙄 Folks we have these people at the table set to negotiate our future. Scream and let Carol and everyone else who will listen know what you want. If you don't get it maybe Santa will bring you your new reserve system. What a joke.
Oh really? That why there is all that open time sitting around AND pages upon pages of trips on the ETB board that blockholders don't want that COULD and SHOULD be a block for a reserve. The system is broken and even IF and thats a big IF the intentions are to help the reserve there is NO WAY in hell you or anybody else could convince me that the floor wasn't dropped to 40 primarily for the blockholder who was on a lower option before. mmmm hmmmmm riiiiiiiight. Also the earlier checkin now for reserves most CERTAINLY helps a blockholder. Yeah it helps us poor suckers on reserve who need ETB to feed themselves. Total BS. For F$#@s sake. 🙄 Folks we have these people at the table set to negotiate our future. Scream and let Carol and everyone else who will listen know what you want. If you don't get it maybe Santa will bring you your new reserve system. What a joke.
Again, it falls back to the company keeping a % of reserves. If the company wants 20% reserve factor no more lines will be built that time will go into open time. Something needs to be in the new agreement that doesn't allow the company to keep a set number of reserves per base.

Obviously you have your opinions and I respect that, apparently I don't deserve the same respect judging by your reply to my post. The bottom line is anything that the company has agreed to in order to offer some type of relief to us (yes I am on reserve), also benefits the lineholders. It is what it is. You can't pull time out of your behind, it has to come from somewhere and it comes from the lineholders giving up their trips. I think it sucks that in order to make a liveable wage we have to fly ETB trips on our days off. I think it sucks that after 16 years I am still on reserve. But I am thankful for the opportunity we have to negotiate a new agreement and get improvements long before Dec. 31, 2011.
I'm not saying your not entitled to your opinion as you certainly are. I respect what you say but don't agree with most. ALL improvements that benefit a blockholder and touted as relief for a reserve is PURE BS. C'mon now.
I'm not saying your not entitled to your opinion as you certainly are. I respect what you say but don't agree with most. ALL improvements that benefit a blockholder and touted as relief for a reserve is PURE BS. C'mon now.
Everything that is done is and will be for the b/h the contract is seniority heavy all the "things" that the union got was only and for the benefit of b/h. i just emailed Omar to see if and when Ms Carol Austin will be coming to the meeting. If anyone here thinks that 15 min diffrence was for us god almighty then then are really stupid. If MIke is involved you can be sure that it is not for the reserves. at the union meeting John McCorkle stated they cant fight everything going in like Lions. So that is why the reserve schedule for December was not fought for. So no reserve had off Christmas eve or day. Have you seen January lines? same thing 2 days,2days, 2days, and 5 days. That way we cannot pick up flights. So for all the b/h that want to give up flights guess what we cant. In a way the union is doing us a favor. We should not have to give up our days off just to be able to eat. But you can bet your paycheck when the b/h start screaming that they can't drop their trips, you will see a change in our schedule. and to the person who said be fair to all the the union members guess what go tell that to Mike Flores - or maybe we can just pay union dues based on our pay. Since everyone here keeps saying reserves are not the majority then it wont make a difference if "we pay" union dues based on our 73 hours?
Talk about BS....Has anyone noticed how there are NO protected INV days for Jan 1 either? So EVERYONE on duty and legal can have their 1st of Jan taken away since they are ALL OFF days. I guess THAT slipped by Carol (the woman behind the curtain) Austin too? Well I'll tell ya what, I'll be popping the cork with family for New Years. How's THAT for work ethic? Treat me with respect and fairness and I'll fulfill MY end of the bargain and DO MY JOB. I'm so sick and tired of how this reserves BS is going down. You'll FIRE my A$$ before you see me on New Years. Happy holidays everybody. :lol:
No need to look at other options. What we WILL be doing is working on NEW leadership in the AFA from local all the way up. I truly do believe that most have had enough. Nothing to "agree" with here. AT ALL. The system is BROKEN!

Are not ALL flight attendants Safety representatives on the a/c???? I believe you are ALL union so that would make every flight attendant a union safety rep.

Put your vote for CHANGE where your mouths are...start with getting rid of the PHL LECP in March PHL reelections when your VOTE and the POWER forchange can really take place! and can make a difference!!! I see the same old whining and NO changing leaderships in the big bases with folks that will acutally help to initiate improvement!!! Instead, you elect the losers that take the union job to collect the flight pay loss and sit on their azzes and appoint 30 people in the base to do the local leg work. If you! guys to decide to collect your "balls" and garner support for local election elimination sweeps...

THEN just continue to...sit back and #### on these boards at one another taking up major bandwidth to say the same old thing over and over and over again. I say, if you continue to sit in the back row...then just shut up because the possibility of change will not happen until John McCorkey IS GONE along with side kick "give-um- a- lame- excuse" MECP!!!!

And obviously, still after the 2 years I've been gone... NO CHANGE HAS TAKEN PLACE! Same players still in office, and still complainers sitting back bitching about their status and system pretending like the vote to accept never took place. The SAME complainers on here couldn't organize themselves out of a paper bag, but heck they'll mount an attack against one of their own...but not remove those in office that control the LACK of negotiations on YOUR dues $$$!


The entire shitty contract you guys voted for and live with left me no choice but to leave. At least PIT had the balls to vote NO by majority the last two horrible contracts inspite of BK. And here most of you sit critisizing them for speaking their minds telling all of you complainers to basically eat shittt and die!!!

PIT has every right to ####, my friends, because they are THE ONLY BASE F/AS THAT VOTED NO TWICE!!!!!! If you conveniently forgot...just PULL the archives!

Yea, happy holidays to you all. <_< And I am sure that if the next time I visit this board and it were 2012...you guys still wouldn't have a decent merged agreement that was livable.

I should take bets now...
The AFA-CWA Interactive newsletter dated December 19th states that "The (US Airways/America West) Negotiating Committee is developing a reserve proposal to be presented to management at the December Negotiations in Phoenix.

Does anyone have any further informtion on this? I have not seen anything at all on this in East or West AFA elines. Please, does anyone have details?
At the Philadelphia Meeting Mike Flores stated that the Negotiating Committee would be opening there next session and it was the Reserve Section. He stated that this system that we are have here at USAirways East was not good but the USAirways West was not acceptable either. It will definitely be a huge challenge as the Company literally scalped us in the last agreement. On that note I do want to state that the flight attendants at the meeting were 98% Reserves and several of them expressed their dislike and lack of concern from the Union. There were some who pointed the finger directly at Mike Flores. It was during this time that the Agenda to bring Ms. Austin to Philadelphia was led by Michael Elias. John was so much in favor of this that he stated that the Agenda item brought forward through New Business would be sponsered by him.
It is true if the membership does not come together and I do not know what would make people see that they are all part of the problem . As far as anyone being able to be angry go right on ahead you all have permission to vent but your lack of empathy from your co-workers will get you no where. EVERYONE at this Airline has taken HITS we are bruised from all the punches. I loved my time at the Union and then after 36 years I was K.O . I still believe that the only things that matters at USAirways are the employees and its stressful to see how they behave towards one another. As the complexion of the base changes .I ask you all Welcome those who's Base has been closed down. 10 years ago it was me and we have to stay engaged ,aware ,and take the time to bring change to our Contract. Feliz Navidad lets lift our spirits to a better 2008
It is true the union can only be as good as the people who stand behind them. Since there are not enough f/a who go to the meetings, write their legislators, the company, newpapers - to get their plight out - things will not change. Why should the union fight for us when they can sit back collect a paycheck, fly their flights and enjoy their good fortune. There are people at the union who do care, but they are the exception. In David and Goliath who won? don't be afraid to go out there do what needs to be done and maybe we could be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel (reserve hell). I have to agree again with travelpro - you dont need me all month then u want to abuse me Christmas? you let them drop and overfly so at the end of month you want to put in a Happy Christmas message telling me "you reserve are the best" where is the sympathy all year? You have told b/h it's ok to overfly and then you let them?? don't give me any honey now that you let me starve all year.
You might want to go back and check your math. Blockholders out number the reserves in every base. Reserves alone cannot swing a vote. Here we are again, trying to pit one group against another. Pathetic.

Add the West to the equation and yes, we can swing the vote.

You see, the West has ALOT of people 10 years and less that would be put back on reserve with our system.

This system will NOT pass.

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