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It is important to note that all the shifts will do is mean that scheduling can only call you during your shift.

I could be on the 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. and still be assigned a trip that will keep me up all night.

I think we need shifts, but it will not solve all the problems with scheduling that cause fatigue.

The pilots are assigned a nine hour "do not disturb" window and any assigned duty period must include such a window in a 24 hour look back.

That means that they assign you a 5 am FRA, assuming a 8 hour block leg than from 1300 the previous day you must have had a nine hour "do not disturb" rest period.

Once you work through a couple of examples it is real easy.

When the FAA forced all the airlines to implement the look back for pilots, the airlines whined and complained like crazy, saying they would have to hire x amount of pilots. Turns out they needed to hire no one extra.

BTW, calling someone when you are called out on reserve may make you "feel good" for the moment, but will likely work against you as I would certainly turn off my phone, depending.

I would suggest a more powerful method is to write up every such incident in order to establish a paper trail and empower your leadership.
Zarah- Scheduling has a lot more to be scared about than a rain storm. Thier attitude and unacceptable behavior will catch up with them. Karma is a #### as they say. I have never heard of this myself. A rain shower and they cover all that opr? Sounds like a spiteful move to me.

I was kidding!

How many people are a fed up with this reserve system as I am? Can't get them to put your NFL day where you want them too, Can't hold a weekend, Can't get released like our contract says we're supposed to be able to do. "oh, there's weather in the system so we aren't releasing!" Well that's generic... BTW I go on INV, so not like you can do anything with me anyways come late afternoon.

Pretty bad when you gotta take some NCTs and some sick time just to get a break. How come all the other airlines have reserve windows where you're only on call for so many hours during the day? Where's my window. Oh that's right, that would force the company to HIRE more people. Imagine that? Well, I know I'm not safe to fly to Europe when they call me that afternoon and I've been up since 6am. No, not refusing to fly, but if they want to compromise safetly just to fill a position, I'll get there name and employee # and notify FAA.... all reserves should not compromise safety and get harassed. Where's our union leadership? They all know the system sucks, but can't do much. Pretty typical.

anyways, just my rant. Any other thoughts?

How many people are a fed up with this reserve system as I am? Can't get them to put your NFL day where you want them too, Can't hold a weekend, Can't get released like our contract says we're supposed to be able to do. "oh, there's weather in the system so we aren't releasing!" Well that's generic... BTW I go on INV, so not like you can do anything with me anyways come late afternoon.

Pretty bad when you gotta take some NCTs and some sick time just to get a break. How come all the other airlines have reserve windows where you're only on call for so many hours during the day? Where's my window. Oh that's right, that would force the company to HIRE more people. Imagine that? Well, I know I'm not safe to fly to Europe when they call me that afternoon and I've been up since 6am. No, not refusing to fly, but if they want to compromise safetly just to fill a position, I'll get there name and employee # and notify FAA.... all reserves should not compromise safety and get harassed. Where's our union leadership? They all know the system sucks, but can't do much. Pretty typical.

anyways, just my rant. Any other thoughts?

Thank Carol Austin - BTW she's #8 on the SYSTEM SENIORITY LIST!!!!! YES, #8!!!!!!!! Do you know who she is? Do you know the way the union works? She is the #1 negotiator for the contract, Mike Flores is #2. AND there is only 1 Alternate. So, that's 3 people, count em, 3, on the negotiating team! They decide the fate of the RSV contract during negotiations! Carol has been flying before I was even in my mother's womb!!!!! GET HER OUT!!!!!! GET some one in there that will fight for anyone with less than 20 years!!!!!! BETTER RSV system, BETTER RETIREMENT, BETTER SICK TIME BETTER DISABILITY TIME. SHE HAS GOT TO GO!!!!! TELL MIKE FLORES that she has GOT TO GO OR WE, AND THE NEXT DECADE of RSV'S will NEVER GET ANYTHING!!!!!
Mike is rather like the King/Queen of England. He is suppose to just take direction from the MEC which consist of all the local LEC Presidents. So if people are not happy with representation you take it to your LECP and they are suppose to in turn direct the MEC and Mike Flores.
How do we get rid of Carol? Is she voted in each year or what? Does she have a lifetime appointment?
I am not sure when Carol's term expires. She was elected the week of June 15th 2005 by the current Local Council Presidents (MEC) minus Mrs.L Albert who is not in office anymore. There are meetings coming up in all bases prior to the AFA Annual Board Meeting in PHX which is mandated by the AFA Bylaws. A resolution would need to be passed at the LEC meeting to give direction to the LECP to take forward to the MEC meeting. More than a few people know just how to craft such a resolution to achieve a certain goal. The vote would go on the majority in attendance of the LEC meeting. There is a way just make sure everyone has all their ducks in a row. Whatever is tried rest assured if it's not what certain people want they will try to block you at every turn. You could for instance pass a resolution for Ms. Austin to show up to a special meeting of the council to answer question since she is the Scheduling Chair. But then again, that might be like Congress trying to get Harriet Miers to testify. :lol:
How do we get rid of Carol? Is she voted in each year or what? Does she have a lifetime appointment?
You don't wanna get rid of Carol. One benefit she does have is experience with aggressive negotiators and aggressive managers who can't see pass their own purse strings. Carol has no agenda or she would go after Mike's job, or better yet. would go national.

And just so you guys know, back in the early 90's, Carol devised a concessional contract to help save the company and bring cost inline. Her only mistake was taking to a vote before the returns for taking the cuts were announced. The #1 reason the f/a's voted it down nullifying ALL other contract negotiations? Splitting from the pilots. That contract comes nowhere near as pitiful as what we have now.

Perhaps had we LISTENED to Carol, we wouldn't be in this mess NOW!!
Arguments can be made both ways for Carol. If nothing she is persistent and methodical in her negotiations. But the perception is she could give a rats ass about Reserves. By emails she sent and comments she has made in the past. If she truly wanted to prove she was out for the interest of everyone she would attend local meetings and become more visible. It's not right to have one person that holds they key to our contract. She negotiated a good contract in the early 90's but a lot of that has been taken away and most in the reserve portions. If your going to give her walking papers back to flying who would you like to take her place? Who can fill the position should she leave?