I just got home from my first trip of the month, yes, it is the middle of the month and finally I flew a trip! I read the last 2 days of blogs. Very well put, and I hope some things really did get accomplished at the union meeting. I was on a trip so I didn't get to attend. As for overflying, On my last trip I had a flight attendant get in my face with his 18 years of seniority telling me he has to overfly to pay the bills and if he can't get good trips on the ETB, then he just trip improves his ETB trips on the bidsheet. I am shocked that trip improving off of an ETB trip is even allowed, but anyway, he showed his true colors. It all started with his question of, "How did you get this trip?" I guess I am young and only deserve to work the bottom of the barrel trips. My reply that a blockholder failed to show up made his face turn red. I hope they do start enforcing some rules soon. We all deserve a chance to fly.