Can you drink on the week-ends down South? Just curious if a person would get arrested or struck down by lightning...Whoa! Have a drink and lighten up.
Can you drink on the week-ends down South? Just curious if a person would get arrested or struck down by lightning...Whoa! Have a drink and lighten up.
Can you drink on the week-ends down South? Just curious if a person would get arrested or struck down by lightning...
Here are some ideas for movies:Whoa! Have a drink and lighten up.
Here are some ideas for movies:
Dukes of Hazzard travel to Mayberry!
Smokey and The Rednecks!
Hazzard County get Electricity!
Still Moonshinin' After All These Years!
When a Man Love His Sister!
Sleepless in Chatanoogie!
You've Got Critters!
How about some real titles...
"Take This Job and Shove It"
"Okie From Muskogee"
"Red Neckin', Love Makin' Night"
"I am a Simple Man"
"Queen of My Double-Wide Trailer"
"Friends in Low Places"
"I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home"
"Chug-a-Lug and Dang Me"
"Jack Daniels if You Please"
"Tenessee Whiskey"
"Drink my Wife Away"
"Drink Canada Dry"
"Liquor to Like Her"
"You Ain't Much Fun Since I Quit Drinking"
"Whiskey Ain't Working"
"Whiskey River"
Songs will be Entered on Channel 7 for Your Listening Pleasure!How about some real titles...
"Take This Job and Shove It"
"Okie From Muskogee"
Does West or East Fly to OK?
"Red Neckin', Love Makin' Night"
"I am a Simple Man"
"Queen of My Double-Wide Trailer"
US Airways Theme Song for their WideBody Jets
"Friends in Low Places"
"I'm Gonna Hire a Wino to Decorate Our Home"
"Chug-a-Lug and Dang Me"
Shouldn't that be, Chug'a'lug and Bang Me"?
"Jack Daniels if You Please"
I can sure go for a Jack and Coke right about now"Tenessee Whiskey"
"Drink my Wife Away"
"Drink Canada Dry"
"Liquor to Like Her"
"You Ain't Much Fun Since I Quit Drinking"
"Whiskey Ain't Working"
"Whiskey River"
Awful lot of "Summer Teeth" down South. You know "Summer Brown, Summer Crooked, Summer missing and Summer Green" 😛 😛 😛
Subject: FA Displacement Meeting
Sherri Shamblin, Vice President - InFlight Services and Mike Finn, Managing Director, Crew Resources, will be conducting a follow-up meeting on Monday, April 16th from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. at the end of the B Concourse in the Pittsburgh International Airport (Airside Terminal).
This meeting is a follow-up to the one that was held on Monday, April 9th. Your participation in this meeting is greatly appreciated.