I dont agree with everything PITbull has to say but if ANYONE knows the ridiculous mess of US AFA its her. I dont agree with all of her views, but she had more integrity and COURAGE than frankly, her apathetic membership deserved.
PHL elections- voter turnout disgusting. Im little Miss Sunshine on the jumpseat until people complain and I turn into a multi-toothed snake- did you vote- no- then get out of my galley.... I wear the same wings you do but I suffer for them and know what Im talking about- you dont so f off.... its the reserves that voted. Dont underestimate us. Combine us with the west and the tea party is over.
CLT will agree to anything. Very sad our hopes are pinned on them. Dont bet on them. However- the CLT reserves at the crew news- good for you. Mad props. Let's get that attitude for everyone on the property, not only when it affects you.
SKYHIGH- not all reserves were furloughed when this crap was voted in, some were but were drastically outnumbered. The ones who came back? Well informed, and all keep in touch with each other. Even though it went bad, the MDA F/As were organized. Jerry Glass called us "KidAtlantic" and scoffed at the idea of us doing anything. Again, it didnt work out, but 93% of just under 400 F/As organized themselves into a lawsuit AND a recall of the "MDA" LEC. The company shut the thing down before any progress was made but you better believe the company was absolutely shocked at the unity of the MDA pilots and F/As. The company called the MDA F/As "militant" - I take that as a compliment to our profession, its all too rare these days. We had newsletters taped to an Atlas carrier in the back of the planes and a private website. Thats teamwork. And its not just the MDA folks, its that whole seniority range that have seen 9/11 and beyond and seen multiple furloughs and more. These are the type of flight attendants you need to balace the group and call the company AND THE UNION on thier bullshit. "Mainline" cant even get half of the largest base to vote.
Theres also the pref bid/LTO issue. You were all lied to, what was voted on never came to be.
This is IMPORTANT. We're talking about the next ten years or so of this profession. US Air/ways was never a leader in anything until 2002 when it became the leader in deteriorating pay scales, staffing and scope clauses. Oh no honey. These recalls? Nothing to lose. Could work at any of the majors and be in a better position day one (we have 4700 F/As- go to UA or CO you'd have 2000 under you within a year). We could go to a "regional" (US Airways unions redefined what is considered "regional") and make more in starting pay than what our 7 year east pay is. We have nothing to lose, seriously. You guys stuck it to them in 2000 and we still have the energy to do it again. Its a benefit to everyone that these F/As are back, and while I'm guilty of it too, its time to stop making fun of the West F/As and see them as the valuable asset they are. They have a range of seniority, unlike East which is strangleholded by the top 10-20%... those days are over. Why do you think they have stalled the important part of the negotiations.
Let's get organized. This website, fun as it is, is a valuable tool, so are layovers, airport sits, and trips. We will soon be combined. Let's show them who we are- our profession will not be degraded. The West F/As are not an enemy, they are our co-workers and we need to get together before the company decides its convienient for them. We're still here. We're going to be, and mark my words, we'll combine with someone else in the future. The sacrifices have been made, the profits are there- its time to make this BS respectable again, regardless of seniority or base.
If my airline career has taught me anything, its that adversity creates camraderie. What was the catchphrase at MDA? I think it was "I'm in, are you?" Well they cant shut this #### down so lets go!