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It is important to note that all the shifts will do is mean that scheduling can only call you during your shift.

I could be on the 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. and still be assigned a trip that will keep me up all night.

I think we need shifts, but it will not solve all the problems with scheduling that cause fatigue.
It is important to note that all the shifts will do is mean that scheduling can only call you during your shift.

I could be on the 12 p.m. to 12 a.m. and still be assigned a trip that will keep me up all night.

I think we need shifts, but it will not solve all the problems with scheduling that cause fatigue.

This is true but it would allow a time period of no possibility of contact so a reserve can sleep if desired/possible.

Does anyone have the FAA email address for USAirways flight attendant contact?
I was a US F/A from 89 till 96. I held a block at DCA for 6 months. Otherwise, I was on reserve my whole career at US. I was also furloughed for a 9 months starting in 1990. But, what I have noticed from talking with my flight attendant friends is that PASS TRIP has been missing for numerours years.

I have read all the stories on this thread. I remember being called at 2 AM to fly a trip, but we could PASS TRIP, (and, pass for whatever u want, i.e, 2/3/4 day).
Therefore, you could avoid a sick call, no show or refusal.

My suggestion is perhaps you can suggest to your union leaders to go back to a more civilized reserve system.

Many times I have regretted transferring in my position, but I have the highest respect for each and every flight attendant.

I have felt your pain also. I was in DCA 91-2000 and hired in 89. They won't go back to a more " civilized" reserve system, due to the fact, too many people abused it. Too many were "passing" all month and taking min guarantee. Not very productive from a company standpoint, which I agree with. These f/a's didn't want to work, and would tell you that, they just wanted free money. Most would pass for "2E" which was basically an all-nighter. They were passing for the highest percentage of the trip they would never get.

This is true but it would allow a time period of no possibility of contact so a reserve can sleep if desired/possible.

Does anyone have the FAA email address for USAirways flight attendant contact?

Try this:

think this is the address:
Joseph Conte
Manager Operations Law Branch of the Office of the Chief Counsel
(Author of the letter and speciality in 121.467)
I believe the address is
US Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Ave. S.W.
Washington DC 20591
I know lots of people that were called in about excessive passing back when we had the PASS system. I always made my time so it was never an issue for me under the old system. I sat in the first two weeks and then flew like a fool. There were some that passed all the time but I think inflight should do their job and make sure that doesn't happen. They will never entertain passing but how about 2 or 3 PASS windows a month?
And I do think this whole situation is about to boil right over into the union and company's lap. It certainly has been a long time simmering and one day the lid is going to blow right off the pressure cooker.
Oh so many of you are Correct we paid dearly and NO ONE CARED THEN OR TODAY.
I will let you all know that if you do not get involved you are destined to be treated as if you did not exist!!!!!!!!The Union blames the company as they all Toast to our demise been there seen it. GREED for the 2%
i'm on reserve... been on duty for 5 days now. no call from scheduling. i can't figure out an accurate number in seniority order nor in inverse order with all of the people who say FLY/ ROC/ or RST... because those don't change once the f/a becomes active again... so every night before i go to bed, i check all of the transatlantic flights to see if i'll get quick called in the event of a recrew... ugh... what a life!
That my dear is no life .Yet I have to tell you that I believe that there will be a big change . This contract works for one party Management. Your Reserve System is a prison sentence and you are suffering the results of a poor contract.Stay Positive and do not let your Love for the flying profession be exploited by a shamble of an Airline
I know lots of people that were called in about excessive passing back when we had the PASS system. I always made my time so it was never an issue for me under the old system. I sat in the first two weeks and then flew like a fool. There were some that passed all the time but I think inflight should do their job and make sure that doesn't happen. They will never entertain passing but how about 2 or 3 PASS windows a month?

Well, there should be a cap. Give 2 passes per month.

Scheduling...." Hey, Twice what are you looking to do today"? (remember that)

Twice... " I would like to pass for a 2E"!

Scheduling...." Sorry Twice, you have already used your 2 passes. You have to take something.....what would you like?"

See how easy that would be!!!!

This is my point......

If you have X amount of hours going into the "reserve pool" each month, what difference does it make WHO takes them?

They are paying us ALL 73 hour guarentee. Usually we only ave. around 50 ish. They are still paying us the extra 23ish hours. Wasted hours.

Now, if I want to keep working to 90.01 and you don't...who cares.

Well, there should be a cap. Give 2 passes per month.

Scheduling...." Hey, Twice what are you looking to do today"? (remember that)

Twice... " I would like to pass for a 2E"!

Scheduling...." Sorry Twice, you have already used your 2 passes. You have to take something.....what would you like?"

See how easy that would be!!!!

This is my point......

If you have X amount of hours going into the "reserve pool" each month, what difference does it make WHO takes them?

They are paying us ALL 73 hour guarentee. Usually we only ave. around 50 ish. They are still paying us the extra 23ish hours. Wasted hours.

Now, if I want to keep working to 90.01 and you don't...who cares.


Isn't that funny. I brought this up to my CLT Lecp(Hearn) when the company talked about changing the rsv system. I mention, 1)limited passing, 2) no passing, and 3) get rid of the "pass" abusers(as they didn't want to be here anyway. Most of the ones who abused the passing left after the system was changed. Hearns response was" we don't want to do that". What, be proactive? And you wonder why he didn't get reelected. But guess who did? Yep, Mike Flores. Aren't we lucky. Spent one year in CLT, then went on to be MECP. Rsv issues just don't seem to be a priority with AFA. And if you try to get a rsv elected into office, the BH candidates say" Tnhey are only running to get back BH's and give the bid sheet up, don't vote for them"
um, excuse me but maybe someone can help here.When did daily begin filling positions A-J of evening OPR?I know your reading this in scheduling because a few have told me you read this. Whats the deal? Hurricane that didn't make the news?Weather is fine here.Did this thread piss you off? Anyone with details please feel free to post why 10 people were hauled out to sit at the airport for no real reason when normaly it's four. :down:
um, excuse me but maybe someone can help here.When did daily begin filling positions A-J of evening OPR?I know your reading this in scheduling because a few have told me you read this. Whats the deal? Hurricane that didn't make the news?Weather is fine here.Did this thread piss you off? Anyone with details please feel free to post why 10 people were hauled out to sit at the airport for no real reason when normaly it's four. :down:

10 OPRs? :shock: WTF?
10 OPRs? :shock: WTF?

I live in sicklerville NJ and there was a heavy rain here around 5:30 p.m. and was gone by 6:00 p.m. today. We are about 30 minutes from the airport by ground. Guess it scared scheduling. LOL
Zarah- Scheduling has a lot more to be scared about than a rain storm. Thier attitude and unacceptable behavior will catch up with them. Karma is a #### as they say. I have never heard of this myself. A rain shower and they cover all that opr? Sounds like a spiteful move to me.
What doesn't make sense to me is if weather worried scheduling enough to cover 4pm OPR with 10 reserves instead of the usual 4 why did they release people today that were going off at midnight ALONG with folks who took future trips at 3pm? If weather is an issue then they should have indicated that they would not be able to release due to weather in the system. Seems they don't have trouble doing it ANY other time. This my friends is just another example of what happens to reserves. It's complete bull#### and the f/a getting called can't refuse the trip/opr. I'm so sick of this I want answers. Stupid Mother F#@&ers. :angry: