As much as I love the idea of having a rotating reserve system, this is precisely why we will never get it. Blockholders simply will not support it. The majority of our union reps are in the top 25% if not higher and so are their friends. This suggestion would be dismissed immediately. Our union would never do anything to inconvenience a blockholder.
This is the very thinking that needs to be changed. Junior Flight Attendants and Reserves are part of the membership. We pay the same dues that senior f/a's pay. During negotiations, your AFA leaders' jobs are to bring forth the issues of the membership...THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP!!
After meeting with management, AFA leaders report back to the membership what has been counteroffered, then the membership votes. If you don't vote, then I guess you put your life into the hands of those that do vote.
If junior membership is only 20% and the senior membership truly is throwing us under the bus, then we better wake up and run before the bus comes. Why would we continue to pay $400 a year for nothing? If we are not represented, maybe we need to rethink, reorganize and get ourselves a VOICE!
Let's forward our top 3 issues to our AFA and respectfully request they work for us too during negotiations. If no part of reserve life changes for the better in the new contract, then we will know where we stand. It will be blantantly apparant if we are not considered in our contract and then the next set of decisions should be made. People can change things! and it looks like we need a change.
So...Junior Flight Attendants, Reserves...what do you want?
1.) ****Increase Pay**** as qualifying for food stamps should not be acceptable to anyone.
2.) Increase Call-Out Time to 3-4 hours and/or have a long call and short call as the pilots do and rotate these options fairly that way you might get a month or 2 where commuting might be doable.
3.) Rotating Reserve
There are my 3 wishes! What are yours?