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Reserve Flight Attendants need to quit your #*^@$ing!

I agree with you and I am jr. to you ...seniority is all we have, I may be on rsv soon but that is life...jr. RSV's should move quit or get off this board and get a life...I agree with you stop all the b*^%#ing, if you live in base RSV is not that bad, I hold a line and sometimes bid RSV so I can ####...I think there should be shifts or PT times but like you said you can't help when you were hired...if it's that bad time to re-think your options...
No need to look at other options. What we WILL be doing is working on NEW leadership in the AFA from local all the way up. I truly do believe that most have had enough. Nothing to "agree" with here. AT ALL. The system is BROKEN!
Maybe he should be called, "Safety Pudge" Excuse me, this half of the jumpseat is mine. Too bad there are no armrests on the jumpseat.

Now was that really called for? Is getting personal on this site they way you feel better about yourself? I am not at all ashamed at what I said, for it is MY opinion, obviously not yours. Furthermore you won't hear me stick a jab at anyone personally on this board just to get my jollys. The nice part of having an opinion is just that, it's "MY OPINION"!!! You don't have to agree with it.
Pretty unethical from someone who holds a position within the union. We'll have to find out about that, can't be right.
I too think it's really bad that a union rep. would get on here and start this post. I don't care if you are just the PIT safety rep.---with posts like this it's obvious that you are not working for the flight attendant group as a whole and perhaps you should reconsider your position with the union. Do you only do safety work for B/H in PIT when they call ???

You need to define what you mean by union rep. If safety is involved I am on the list to be called to help in any way I can on the local level. That said, Safety and this thread are 2 different things, don't confuse them or make them the same. There not...And why should I reconsider my position on the union? Because I don't have the same position or opinions as some of my peers? Before you start spouting off on how I state my opinions, Let it be known through and through, I do go to the union meetings, and I do voice my opinions. LOUDLY!!! Anyone who goes, and trust me, I know who goes, knows what I am talking about. My position as a rep has nothing to do with this!!! As I said on previous posts.... These are just my opinions... Like them or not....
I am so sick and tired of the same old biatching from the reserves. I am soooooo over it. Let me say this first and formost. I know it's a bad system, but it's the one you have, so deal with it, or leave. Simple....
I have heard how bad it is, and yes in Jan, I will also be a reserve... WhooptiDoo... It doesn't matter that I will only be a reserve for a month before I am made to transfer. But it is the card Im dealt. I will deal with it and move on. The reserves on our property seem to think block holders owe them something. Guess what, we don't... We like you paid our price with the many years of service we have already provided for this company. When we were hired, we sat reserve like yourself, unfortunately for you, over the last 10 years or so, there has been little to no growth and only BK's and bad contracts to show for it.
That's not the blockholders fault for that. It' is you, the lonely reserve who would rather sit and biatch about how bad it is, than move on to a more lucrative career change. When we all got hired they all asked us the same questions:
Will you work weekends
Will you work holidays
Will you work long hours
ETC, ETC, !!!
Nothing has changed except this airline has had no growth for you. It is the growth that will bring about the change in your status. So, why should I as a blockholder feel for you, when it is you that needs the career change more than us.
Seniority is everything to the airline industry...
Give that up in any way and you are doomed...
So like the song says "Get over It"

Just my opinion...

Am I to understand that you are referencing a monumentally terrible, briefly charted pop song of the nineteen-eighties, Don Henley's "Get Over It!"? What's next, Kenny Loggins?
By the way, for all who seem concerned, The position of LEC Safety is purely volunteer. It's not elected.
There, you looked into it...
It's Ok, we're printing all if this out as we speak. Keep talking!

And welcome to Philly! We'll see you when you get here.
I have been away from the board for awhile, but I have a comment that has to be made. The bid sheet is going away. With a new contract, not one reserve from the east or f/a from the west will accept a contract with a system that allows blockholders to cover sick calls. That IS what i was hired for. We outnumber the blockholders on the east on this one. Three airlines represented my non-revs today. None of them could believe how cushy our system was for blockholders. "What a dream!" was a quote I remember off hand. SS, I hope your month on reserve is complete chaos and I hope you realize how bad your commute will be in February. It is already bad enough, but adding the additional f/a's getting kicked out of PIT is going to be interesting. Let the games begin!
No need to look at other options. What we WILL be doing is working on NEW leadership in the AFA from local all the way up. I truly do believe that most have had enough. Nothing to "agree" with here. AT ALL. The system is BROKEN!

Safety Dud's post was totally lame to say the least. In any case, this is a perfect example as to the reason there is a split between the BHs and Reserves. It comes from the top and trickles all the way down. You all are true professionals, very classy. Great job! Bravo! I am so impressed! Wow! I aspire to be as cool as you union clown leaders and my one and only goal in life is to become a blockholder. It's true! Holding a block means more to me than anything else in the world I have accomplished. Once I hold a block, I will have arrived. You want to talk pathetic? I'll tell you what is pathetic. Working for a company for 30+ years without saving for retirement. Now that's pathetic. When I hear you old cronies crying about your lost pension, I don't care. You know why? Because you voted for it, not me! Don't take out your lack of planning for your financial future on us reserves. Hey, I've had a retirement account since I was in college. I might have been a kid (still am according to you) but I still understood the importance of planning for your future. Even more pathetic than that is that you all have nothing else to brag about except your seniority. Gosh, if your greatest accomplishment in life after all these decades is that you get your first choice of trips or that you get to pick any position on the plane you want, then you are seriously a loser. I cannot even imagine not knowing anything about the real world or not having actual, real-world accomplishments that are meaningful. I'm sorry but winning a f/a award for being the fastest one on the cart doesn't count. I'm thinking more along the lines of starting/leading a local charity, publishing a book, having a degree and using it, running a successful business, etc. On a more serious note, one thing I would like to see is a change in leadership and a change in unions. That's right, the pilots are dumping ALPO (um, I mean ALPA) and we should dump AFA and all of the useless people who are running it. They are selfish and only care about themselves. You all laugh at us for our juniority but guess what, he who laughs last laughs the hardest. Don't forget that. Oh, and bother way 😉 I know there is going to be some wiseazz who is going to say we need to leave US Airways because things will never change and go get a new job so I will go ahead a respond to your trite remark. Some of us are here because we love this job, just hate what is going on at the moment and we are working to make a change. Where else can you work and get paid to travel the world with your friends? As for me, I am making plans to leave as we speak so don't worry about me. I'll make sure the door doesn't hit me on the way out too, thank you very much. I'm ready to get away from all this so I can live in the real world and not be doomed to a seniority-based hell for eternity. Also, for your information, some of us "new kids on the block" are the smartest and the most educated and the most accomplished of the whole flight attendant group. If you actually took the time to treat us as human beings you would know that we are a talented group of professionals.
Has anyone else picked up on the vast difference in posts from flight attendants on this board? The posts from the 'junior' people tend to be much more intelligent, readable, and grammatically correct than the "I have a block" crowd.

One has to wonder if it's a geographical thing, a generational thing- I can't imagine America's public school system has improved- or if it's something else... Certainly one group seemd to be more educated, or at least more persuasive, than the other.
Safety Dud's post was totally lame to say the least. In any case, this is a perfect example as to the reason there is a split between the BHs and Reserves. It comes from the top and trickles all the way down. You all are true professionals, very classy. Great job! Bravo! I am so impressed! Wow! I aspire to be as cool as you union clown leaders and my one and only goal in life is to become a blockholder. It's true! Holding a block means more to me than anything else in the world I have accomplished. Once I hold a block, I will have arrived. You want to talk pathetic? I'll tell you what is pathetic. Working for a company for 30+ years without saving for retirement. Now that's pathetic. When I hear you old cronies crying about your lost pension, I don't care. You know why? Because you voted for it, not me! Don't take out your lack of planning for your financial future on us reserves. Hey, I've had a retirement account since I was in college. I might have been a kid (still am according to you) but I still understood the importance of planning for your future. Even more pathetic than that is that you all have nothing else to brag about except your seniority. Gosh, if your greatest accomplishment in life after all these decades is that you get your first choice of trips or that you get to pick any position on the plane you want, then you are seriously a loser. I cannot even imagine not knowing anything about the real world or not having actual, real-world accomplishments that are meaningful. I'm sorry but winning a f/a award for being the fastest one on the cart doesn't count. I'm thinking more along the lines of starting/leading a local charity, publishing a book, having a degree and using it, running a successful business, etc. On a more serious note, one thing I would like to see is a change in leadership and a change in unions. That's right, the pilots are dumping ALPO (um, I mean ALPA) and we should dump AFA and all of the useless people who are running it. They are selfish and only care about themselves. You all laugh at us for our juniority but guess what, he who laughs last laughs the hardest. Don't forget that. Oh, and bother way 😉 I know there is going to be some wiseazz who is going to say we need to leave US Airways because things will never change and go get a new job so I will go ahead a respond to your trite remark. Some of us are here because we love this job, just hate what is going on at the moment and we are working to make a change. Where else can you work and get paid to travel the world with your friends? As for me, I am making plans to leave as we speak so don't worry about me. I'll make sure the door doesn't hit me on the way out too, thank you very much. I'm ready to get away from all this so I can live in the real world and not be doomed to a seniority-based hell for eternity. Also, for your information, some of us "new kids on the block" are the smartest and the most educated and the most accomplished of the whole flight attendant group. If you actually took the time to treat us as human beings you would know that we are a talented group of professionals.
I have read a lot of your posts an I have surfed around your reserve site blog. The way you refer to Safety Stud as Safety Dud, an I have seen you refer to blockholders as blockheads is anything but professional. Also many of your posts contain misguided information. The contract that you speak of has an expiration date of Dec. 31, 2011. Without this merger with AWA there would not be an opportunity to negoiate a new contract, then we would all be living under this one until 2011. I am a reserve, a career reserve, I hate this LTO as much as the next person but I don't blame the blockholders for this system we have. I dont blame the present leadership in our union either, they were not in office when this contract was presented to us for a vote. The majority of flight attendants on the property voted this contact in and now we are paying the price. Fighting amongst ourselves isnt going to get a better contract.
SafetyDud! Your coming to PHL I see! Keep it up and your reception will be really warm. And just so you know....come real close and bend that ear....lean in close!.......
I have been away from the board for awhile, but I have a comment that has to be made. The bid sheet is going away. With a new contract, not one reserve from the east or f/a from the west will accept a contract with a system that allows blockholders to cover sick calls. That IS what i was hired for. We outnumber the blockholders on the east on this one. Three airlines represented my non-revs today. None of them could believe how cushy our system was for blockholders. "What a dream!" was a quote I remember off hand. SS, I hope your month on reserve is complete chaos and I hope you realize how bad your commute will be in February. It is already bad enough, but adding the additional f/a's getting kicked out of PIT is going to be interesting. Let the games begin!
You might want to go back and check your math. Blockholders out number the reserves in every base. Reserves alone cannot swing a vote. Here we are again, trying to pit one group against another. Pathetic.