😀 cute.
So thats it? That's your answer? And here I was actually hopeful we were having a useful exchange minus the tennis match.
Let me try again... seriously...
If everyone keeps what they had, to include your own international flying and attrition,
As you're apparently in at least some degree of earnest with your question...fair enough. Let's properly address issues in order, individually, and start with: How/what circumstances define the notion of "everyone keeps what they had, to include your own international flying and attrition,"..and..you'll perhaps quickly excuse me if I'm wholly unable to see how anything of the sort even remotely would happen under Nic.
"Under your plan, a reduction in work force puts West captains on the street and your recent furloughees in their jobs." What magical numbers are you drawing from what equally "magical" hat? I see any likelihood of that as being virtually zero..assuming company survival in ANY fashion. I'm displeased with envisioning anyone back "on the street" to say the very least, but: I put it to you = Play King Solomon for a moment..and tell me how you would "relatively" choose who's to go? My preference would be furlough in reverse order of service on the line time accumulated. Try and tell me/anyone why years of flown work are actually worthless..versus some new hire's showing up on campus. I'm all ears. Find what fault with that you wish. That's my personal belief as to the best "middle ground" here, and not reflective of pure DOH, I'll grant...and not any voicing of majority opinion..and is my best efforts at considering compromise...but Hey!..NO one out west wants to even talk about ANYTHING...so,...etc.
If I'm about to vote, without any west input..and have to purely choose between Heil NIC!!.."Eastholes"..."Sheeple"..."I want the captain seat..and most of all, I want every single east pilot to pay for it!"..."Ho Ho Ho!..St Nic is coming to town!".."clowns"...or "MY" people..that I actually know and fly with..without ANY reasonable, interim ground at all..guess which I'll cheerfully pick?
"I don't think it rings sincere to say you want everyone to keep what they brought to the table, except the baggage and misfortune that you had." Kindly refresh my memory as to when I've EVER whined around here about my career, or life in general? Whether or not this/any airline even survives...my position's not based on any "It's ALL about MEEE!" BS. So..where's the supposed source for any "insincerity"?
"If you want to have protections to keep your attrition and resulting upgrades, then the West should keep theirs as well, in addition to the jobs they came with." I completely agree...shock time. It's NEVER been my position that any west pilot should become subject to displacement by any east person, and have often, directly stated exactly that.