Bob, the TWU believes in jobs for all, unlike AMFA who's motto has been seemed to be "No concessions!".
I have yet to meet or hear anyone preach "Lets get rid of jobs". Jobs for all is a universal desire, with the possible exception of Allan Greenspan. The RTW preaches "jobs for all", opponents of the minimum wage preach "jobs for all". They use this arguement to preach lower wages creates jobs. The generally accepted union philosophy is not that we need more jobs, but better jobs. Unions cite the fact that many workers work two or more jobs plus have relied on overtime to make ends meet. Unions argue that by shortening the amount of hours that individual workers work and raising wages are the only real way to increase jobs and raise living standards.
Why does the TWUs philosophy sound more like the enemies of labors than of the labor movement?
Do you believe Bob that Singapore will close down and the jobs at NWA will return to those furloughed "at full wages and benefits". These times are NOT those of the 70's and 80's, they have been rebirthed since 911. Companies have used our despair to raise their bottom line.
The first question is ' were the jobs that were lost due to outsourcing or reduced capacity'? Over the last twenty-four years that I've been in this industry I've seen several cycles where there is a surplus of mechanics followed by a shortage of mechanics. Trends of outsourcing followed by trends where airlines bring work back in house. I've been told that both NWA and UAL are already calling guys back.
Companies capitalize on whatever opportunities present themselves. This is nothing new. What has changed is the fact that todays leaders have no leadership skills or courage.
Bob, we are both adults with children. Do you want to or are you prepared to follow NWA and UAL's history with AMFA?
NWA history with AMFA has been of good pay and sustained profitability. NWA is a job worth going back to. UAL only got AMFA last summer and the agreement in place was put there by the IAM. I am prepared and eager to join together with my brothers from NWA, UAL, SWA and hopefully every other mechanic in the industry to form a craft specific industry focused union. These unions have proven to be more effective and efficient than catch all unions as evidenced by pilots, carpenters, electricians and plumbers. Even industry focused industrial unions like the Longshoremen would be preferable to catch all unions like the TWU.. The fact is that for twenty years we have been in a steep overall decline. The organizations in place have failed to come up with any plan to reverse this trend. We need to try something else.
My kids enjoy their life as is, they are not aware of what could be. My attacks on you and my willingness to go toe to toe with anyone, anytime, is for one thing man, my family.
Glad to hear about your well being. No doubt that your children enjoy more material comforts than I can provide to my family. The problem is that if you truly believe in unionism then you would be willing to consider our difficulties, but as you said, you are doing well, we however are not. I even attempted to try and get this out to your coworkers by flying down to MCI. However your E-board would not allow it. Why? Are we not supposed to be brothers?
What you fail to see is that the money that provides your comfortable lifestyle does not originate out of MCI or TUL. The funds that pay you originate out here on the line. If things go badly out here, sooner or later it will have bad effects on you. Poor morale and performance out here can threaten the existance of the company, even as you belive that you are coasting comfortably along.
Out here on the line we have no objections to you guys living like kings, we only object to you forcing us to live like peasents.All we ask of you is to be willing to let us fight for a reasonable wage for what we do. If you dont want to fight for more then allow regional pay to be put in place. Overhaul has consistantly taken your attitude of, "hey I'm doing Ok". Thats fine, but you should at least give us, your union brothers a chance to share with you how what is acceptable to you will effect us. I believe that if we could that a large percentage of truly union minded members at overhaul would realize that "hey, these guys have a point".
You are right, I too have a family. However after 25 years in the business I find that I may be forced to leave it and start all over again because people like you feel that if this wage is good enough for you in MCI that its good enough for me in NY.
Part of the blame for this has to go to the union and the structure we are in. A structure that will not change. I see AMFA as a chance for the future. Not just for me, but for all our class and craft.
Do I consider AMFA a threat? You betcha! I'll be the first to admit it. I want no part of it and will fight to keep it out of my livlihood.
Why do you see AMFA as a threat? The fact is that AMFA represents more of our class and craft than any other union now. Why do you feel that a democratic, accountable craft union that is focused upon our profession is a threat to our profession? Do you see ALPA or the APA as a threat to pilots? The fact is that AMFA is the fastest growing union in the industry and there is a reason for this. Mechanics when given the choice choose to be represented by one of their own.