I think the call sign should be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!It makes sense to me that the call sign remain Usair, too.
But you know what they say....The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

I think the call sign should be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!It makes sense to me that the call sign remain Usair, too.
But you know what they say....The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
It would be best for us all if some steps towards group unity can be started. We're all in this mess together, like it or not.
That was a nice selective use of a quote. Put let me include what you left out. AC 8900.1 that is referenced states this below. So USAPA was pushing for the use of US Air. But keep spinning. If the east pilots did not care what the call sign was why the big push that it was a “safely†issue? Why the resistance?
WHEREAS Advisory Circular 8900.1, Section B. The Telephony Designator (Call Sign) states Usually, the company name or a pronounceable abbreviation of the company name is used in combination with ATC facilities and operating services. An example is American 411. And that ...a call sign should not consist of more than two words and three syllables.
That was HILARIOUS! You are absolutely right. I think management should allocate at least 3 sim sessions per eastie in order to "retrain" them on the cactus callsign...
Cholla, Ocotillo, Saguaro, Totem Pole, Barrel, Teddy Bear and others, but in the spirit of future cohesion, I like Agave.
FORESTBUGHow about "Road Runner"? Or Better yet, "Beep-Beep"?
Both have alot to do with the Desert. Just as long it isn't Wile E. Coyote.![]()
Hmmm...fairly appropriate, but perhaps something a bit more socially subtle = Sand Fleas ?No matter really, as cactus is cause for enough chuckles as it is. I can see where many will have some initial difficulties just saying that with a straight face 😉 Perhaps some west posters are right, and the east folks should be afforded sim sessions to practice it = "Now just stop it you guys!!...We're not kidding!...We're serious here!...That really IS the call sign now!"
I admit it's hard not to chuckle in the morning when the redeyes start landing and the radio is calling out Cactus123 is on the ground
Obviously you stopped listening too...because you still believe the first part of your statement, even though Parker has repeatedly said the first part of your statement is incorrect. But, believe what you want, not what is fact....neither company would probably be here without the other. It is a good thing to have one call sign, but it should have been something entirely new so that the employee groups could niether gloat or complain. Like someone already said, management is playing the employees to get what they want....a group who will not stand together against management for what is deserved and right.As soon as we're no longer ashamed that our company took over USAirways this kind of thing will stop.Not me. After two nasty mergers I think I'm getting the hang of it: just stop caring.
Effective Sept. 1, new call sign will be... CACTUS.
Thoughts anyone? OMG... INCOMING!!!!
There are facts and there are suppositions.neither company would probably be here without the other