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Cactus call sign

As long as you guys get a paycheck, what do you care what it's called. Personally, I like Catus - a very succulent name. I just don't see why this is such a thorny issue. So, stop acting like a bunch of pricks. 😛


LMAO!!! VERY clever! Something along this line crossed my mind but decided I didnt want to go there!
ok lets not start the whole east vs west bs sh#t again. we have excellent pilots on the east side as do we have in phx and vegas. please take back what you said.

I don't mean to imply that all the East pilots are jaded, the majority I work with are not. The ones that are need to remember that this is not the same company we worked for a year ago. The Cactus call sign would be a constant reminder of that.
Maybe DP is looking to keep a piece of both airlines alive. The US name carries on for brand recognition, the Catus call signs stays for the west people who have been there from the start. Is it really a bad thing? I dont think an air controller in Italy or Germany is going to run home and tell his friends and family an airline landed today with a call sign of Cactus.
The East guys don't care; they just want all their senority love that DOH...Eye gotta get outta here...

Eye (running and ducking)
I would like to make a revision to my suggestions:


Has anyone considered to ramifications of using the word: "Cactus" anywhere else in the world?

I know for a fact that the word "Cactus" in Australia is the same as the phrase, "F U", as in I F****d Up" in the US.

Is this the profile we wish to project to the rest of the world, considering our potential "global" status?

Are you guys, like, single digit IQ? or worse?
I know for a fact that the word "Cactus" in Australia is the same as the phrase, "F U", as in I F****d Up" in the US.

Funny, Cactus means the same thing in Australia as USAir does in PHL! 😛h34r: :shock:

Is Australia even on the radar screen and are the ATC guys and radio geeks listening going to have problems with it? Might provide some interesting conversation on the layovers there though. 🙄
Has anyone considered to ramifications of using the word: "Cactus" anywhere else in the world?
That occurred to me as well, as I posted in one of the many threads on this subject some time ago.

I was not aware of the Australian slang, though.

From KoalaNet:
Cactus : dead, not functioning ("this bloody washing machine is cactus")
Has anyone considered to ramifications of using the word: "Cactus" anywhere else in the world?

I know for a fact that the word "Cactus" in Australia is the same as the phrase, "F U", as in I F****d Up" in the US.

Is this the profile we wish to project to the rest of the world, considering our potential "global" status?

Are you guys, like, single digit IQ? or worse?
If we ever were to go to Australia, I'm sure anyone that heard the cactus call sign would be intelligent enough to know that cactus also refers to a plant. IN fact, there are cacti in Australia as well.
From that site:

Trichocereus bridgesii Monstrose
'The Penis Plant'

Picture shows prostrate growth habit. Spines are very efficient at deterring theft or animals.
I hear our pilots and dispatchers constantly using the term "cactus net"...can someone from the west or anyone that knows to the rest of us exactly what that whole system is? When we were first flying to Costa Rica I met an employee on the way back stating he had been down in the area setting up cactus net for the company. Maybe that has something to do with us using the call sign???

IMHO I think its great that we are using Cactus still since its so different from the rest for safety reasons... you never know what those guys are doing who are pushing tin around the skies!
By the looks of things this whole argument will be moot, the new US AIRWAYS call sign will be Brickyard

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