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New Call Sign

I've heard others that make no sense whatsoever...like "WaterSki." Now there's a great call sign for an airline.

Trans States first started out serving Lake of the Ozarks. Waterskiing was a big thing there so that's what became of it.

I don't think this exchange would go over to well on the comms. "Tranny 2310, pull up and hold short, be ready to go"
Now that entire logic is turned on it's head. We have a large North American player with significant presence in the Caribbean and Europe...so what do they do....use the call sign of the defunct regional carrier. Lots of great rocket surgeons out there in Tempe.
What's the big deal?? A call sign isn't a marketing tool.

Again, if calling the fleet "cactus" quiets the juvenile crowd, then so be it.
Interesting when you look at the posts here, the juveniles seem to be the ones complaining about a decision that was made 2 years ago.
I don't think this exchange would go over to well on the comms. "Tranny 2310, pull up and hold short, be ready to go"

Cute. And you're right. But why even go there? Tranny?

Why not just "TranStates 2310, pull up and hold short?"

The actual name of the company fits the criteria for FAA call sign assignment. Company specific....two syllables.

The story I heard from a TranStates pilot (and this is so ridiculous that it's probably true) is that the call sign came from the fact that the founder/CEO liked to water ski.
Then by your logic, keeping USAir as the call sign would have been an "F you" to the former America West pilots. The reason for keeping the Cactus call sign change comes down to one simple word: compromise.
Its seems to me that a lot of effort and energy is being wasted on debating the call sign. A call sign won't give us a single contract.

I have an idea , why don't we put this effort into a single contract.


Why doesn't anyone address this issue?

How about "OUTHOUSE"? That is the way US is going. Plus their Fliers can relate to that very well. :lol: If US would install UA's option of Channel 9.
Since this appears to be a big issue for some, why doesn't the company take a poll?

Gee, I wonder the outcome on that!!! rofl1.gif pound_table_laughing.gif
If any of ya ever fly to Hawai'i, you'll hear "Speedbuggy" on the frequency.. that's used by Mokulele... which to make things interesting, Island Air, flying Dash 8s out there, uses "Moku" as their call sign. Pacific Wings uses "Tsunami".... which I feel sorry for anyone listening to United's Channel 9 and hear that.. I bet it will stir some attention!!


and one other thing, i think we shoudl be careful about the call sign we use. When I'd fly United a lot, I'd hear "Air Whiskey" on the radio all the time and get thirsty everytime I'd hear it 😛
The story I heard from a TranStates pilot (and this is so ridiculous that it's probably true) is that the call sign came from the fact that the founder/CEO liked to water ski.
Trans States was originally called Resort Air and the flew to the Ozarks recreation area. "Waterski" is a great call sign and I used it for nine whole months.
Since the military already has the alphabetic ones reserved, such as Bravo Sierra, how about Bees. Pronounce it Bee-Es.
Must be a left coast thing. I've not heard that definition on the right coast but then I lead a sheltered life. :lol:
I consider myself a religionists person and dislike the f word but the only way to describe QIK/.SHARES is it is F-up
I think Kirby should have offered our call sign for sale.

they're offering everything else to marketing, why not the call sign?

"cocaCola 2174, cleared for the Expressway Visual 31, winds 270 at 10"


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