you're kidding right? blame management all you want, but the west employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of USairways, just like the east employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of America West. This new airline is much worse than either one of those two ever were.let the westies take credit for this degredation of the airline. I wonder how many have actually stepped foot on a US flight and taken them to the 40 some intl destinations served by the carrier.. and I don't mean Cancun and Honolulu *grin*
you're kidding right? blame management all you want, but the west employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of USairways, just like the east employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of America West. This new airline is much worse than either one of those two ever were.
and back to the topic of the thread ..I'm guessing that most of the people that are on here complaining about the use of AWE & Cactus will NEVER see or hear that designator or call sign.
Wrong. It is the employees that should direct the corporation.i am going to have to agree with you on that one.
Does this refer to the "Golden Years" of yore when "Uncle Ed" was a push over and PIT was the center of the universe?It is the employees that should direct the corporation.
Sorry. While there was a period at the end of the sentence, I really had not finished my thought. The topic to which I was responding was about "degradation" of the carrier.Does this refer to the "Golden Years" of yore when "Uncle Ed" was a push over and PIT was the center of the universe?
Don't you mean the PIT employees should direct the corporation?
We all know how that turned out.
Quick point..I essentially agree. I keep hearing that HP became "bogged down" by the added expense of the East...and it blew their operation. (budget)let the westies take credit for this degredation of the airline. I wonder how many have actually stepped foot on a US flight and taken them to the 40 some intl destinations served by the carrier.. and I don't mean Cancun and Honolulu *grin*
Debbie has been using that line since the 80's. We were doing a transcon on the 767 serving ice cream sundaes in first, hungover and jilted by another pilot...I was so depressed...drinking in the middle of the day...smoking non-stop....finally, Debbie said, Betty, you just have to find a new didn't work...i was still depressed...adopt a cat...Boots was the best thing that ever happened to me.and as a very very wise FA told me once after going through something difficult, you just have to find a new normal.