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New Call Sign

great ... more reason for the guys out west to say they bought us.
let the westies take credit for this degredation of the airline. I wonder how many have actually stepped foot on a US flight and taken them to the 40 some intl destinations served by the carrier.. and I don't mean Cancun and Honolulu *grin*
let the westies take credit for this degredation of the airline. I wonder how many have actually stepped foot on a US flight and taken them to the 40 some intl destinations served by the carrier.. and I don't mean Cancun and Honolulu *grin*
you're kidding right? blame management all you want, but the west employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of USairways, just like the east employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of America West. This new airline is much worse than either one of those two ever were.

and back to the topic of the thread ..I'm guessing that most of the people that are on here complaining about the use of AWE & Cactus will NEVER see or hear that designator or call sign.
you're kidding right? blame management all you want, but the west employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of USairways, just like the east employees have nothing to do with the "degradation" of America West. This new airline is much worse than either one of those two ever were.

and back to the topic of the thread ..I'm guessing that most of the people that are on here complaining about the use of AWE & Cactus will NEVER see or hear that designator or call sign.

i am going to have to agree with you on that one.
i am going to have to agree with you on that one.
Wrong. It is the employees that should direct the corporation.

It is management's job to "cut costs". It is the employee's job to interject reality to that meme. If employees do not speak up, then management "moves forward", depending on the employees to define when the cutting hits bone. The fact that many employees (read former PI) have no idea what is going on, management really goes way too far, depending on someone to define their boundaries, and exceed by ridiculous extents what is rational. Hence, the irrational, and doomed for failure, US.
Does this refer to the "Golden Years" of yore when "Uncle Ed" was a push over and PIT was the center of the universe?

Don't you mean the PIT employees should direct the corporation?

We all know how that turned out.
Sorry. While there was a period at the end of the sentence, I really had not finished my thought. The topic to which I was responding was about "degradation" of the carrier.

I believe it incumbent on employees to involve themselves in any decision, if they really care about the corporation to which they have committed their lives (careers). In a sense, the corporation will direct, for instance, the level of maintenance/whatever the employees and customers tolerate. It is a negotiation over how much money/resources is/are spent.

A healthy company would see quite a bit of involvement, with healthy feedback opportunities. A sick company (US) will tend to hide and/or not utilize such feedback.

I would think a "labor action" would be one way to assert a communication opportunity.
let the westies take credit for this degredation of the airline. I wonder how many have actually stepped foot on a US flight and taken them to the 40 some intl destinations served by the carrier.. and I don't mean Cancun and Honolulu *grin*
Quick point..I essentially agree. I keep hearing that HP became "bogged down" by the added expense of the East...and it blew their operation. (budget)

This assumes that only the expense column was added to HP's bottom line...and not the 200% increase in INCOME revenue from that east operation...convenient oversight.

I easily concede that we needed each other to survive....the CEO has said it about 50 times publicly...but the west refuses to buy it.

It costs money to make money...this is a hard lesson for Parker...he's used to the desert product in PHX and LAS...whereas widebodies in the NE corridore and TA ops are spendy...but if you want the revenue, you have to have the product...

Economics 101 here....
My post was 'tongue-in-cheek' to those who kept saying "the west saved you! the west saved you! we were better than you ever were".

which explains why US Shuttle bookings are down like, what, 35%, and Delta Shuttle is growing.

No matter what, the folks in Tempe will always be right. And the "evil easties" will always be wrong, and we should be grateful to those in Tempe for "saving" everyone.

Unforunately US was a very good product, great network, IFE, powerports, business tools, etc. East had its issues as well, and having WN battling you everywhere didn't help... but it was at least a product that was consistently BETTER than southwest..... and let me tell ya, I haven't stepped foot on a US aircraft in 6 months because I get better service on WN as a non-rev now... i can cross my legs, i get a free soda (dr. pepper!), and i still get pillows and blankets.
I think the call sign should be BOOHOO.

I love my pilots, I do, they're all very sweet to me, at the number two window, and I know this company has pissed a lot of people off but I think it's fairly obvious that management is doing whatever they want to do and hissyfits aren't really changing anything . This board is so depressing, things are never going back to normal, and as a very very wise FA told me once after going through something difficult, you just have to find a new normal.
and as a very very wise FA told me once after going through something difficult, you just have to find a new normal.
Debbie has been using that line since the 80's. We were doing a transcon on the 767 serving ice cream sundaes in first, hungover and jilted by another pilot...I was so depressed...drinking in the middle of the day...smoking non-stop....finally, Debbie said, Betty, you just have to find a new normal....it didn't work...i was still depressed...adopt a cat...Boots was the best thing that ever happened to me.
boots=also nickname for idiot pilots that wear cowboy boots w/ there uniform, everyone makes fun of them behind there back. haha.
Well, I finally dumped that MAD pilot Debbie introduced me to. He didn't wear cowboy boots, but every Thursday night he would put on a black tank top, jeans and black boots and tell me he was going to play poker with the boys. I got tired of it--you all know I pick-up the M/T/W or T/W/Th FCO flights, so we rarely spent quality time together except for the occasional movie marathon weekends--I mean who doesn't love Barbra Streisand and Bette Midler? He loved shopping and sewing and the golden girls, but his constant need for hanging out with his boy friends was just too much. I need some attention, too. Sorry for the tirade, but I had finally found my new normal and that jerk turned it upside down.

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