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Cactus call sign DOA?

The call sign decision is neither a victory or a defeat for anyone involved. No one hears the call sign but pilots and controllers.

Seniority decisions look at the way the two airlines were combined. Doug said himself it was a merger, financed by Wall Street.

Bottom line all of this reminds me of a Greek proverb;

Did the chicken s%@# or did it pass gas?

Meaning, it does not matter.
You People are A joke you would all be walmart greeters nows if it wasn't for awa aquiring catus east. twice the size......

This would be the AWA that Doug Parker told your own pilots last month that had an 80% chance they would be in Ch 11 right now, if this deal wasn't done with THIRD party investors providing the money for the airlines to combine. It would appear YOU'RE lucky this deal happened or I can't imagine what they would have done to your pay and work rules in bankruptcy.
I hope i never get to fly with any of you cause if i do your butt would be shown the front door of my aircraft as soon as you opened your mouth.

Unless it goes DOH. Then it wouldn't be YOUR aircraft, would it junior?
Unless it goes DOH. Then it wouldn't be YOUR aircraft, would it junior?
Kind of funny that all you catcus east talk sh&& now. What was you saying last year nothing. you are all sorry. As for DOH it will not happen so wake up from lala land. I am done talking down to you loser. IN closing I might be junior but I am not a 20 year F/O on reserve. Junior

Bye Bye now losers
You are absolutely NOT correct. AWA didn't have enough money to stay in business beyond Sept 2005, (according to your CEO) let alone have the money to acquire USAirways. You need to go get educated and read the POR documents. What kept AWA alive was an ATSB loan after 9/11. Without it, AWA would have gone over the cliff faster than U's predicted demise.

Pit, listen to what your saying. I haven't seen anything on paper to suggest AWA wouldn't have enough money to stay in business past Sep 2005. It is true as an airline it was a struggle to stay in business, but you of all people are believing verbatim DP's comments about not having enough money to stay in business beyond Sept 2005? The merger has been profitable for investors and....?

A select group of investors brought the two companies together with their financial backing... I repeat...outside investors.

AWA was a regional PHX based carrier being grouped with a Legacy East Coast franchise because these investors believed in the synergy the two carriers would create with little or no overlap.

And why did they believe this? Give credit where credit is due. DP is a great salesman and was right on with his analysis.

And your pal, Doug P. is not going to provide ANY INCREASES to your wages through 2009 for the pilots and 2012 for the rest of labor. The plan for the investors is to maximise shareholder value, and that focus is the same for your management team.

Sleep well.

Your statement above drives home the point again...If you don't trust him in negotiations...then what makes you believe his statements about AWAs impending doom? Don't get me wrong, I think the merger is a good thing overall...sucks for some of us employees (or former ones), but I find it odd to pick and choose what to believe and what not to believe when you have no facts to back your beliefs up. Not picking on anyone, just pointing out what many others are failing to recognize when they believe the "impending failure" of AWA story. Think about it.
Kind of funny that all you catcus east talk sh&& now. What was you saying last year nothing. you are all sorry. As for DOH it will not happen so wake up from lala land. I am done talking down to you loser. IN closing I might be junior but I am not a 20 year F/O on reserve. Junior
Bye Bye now losers
Kind of funny that all you catcus east talk sh&& now. What was you saying last year nothing. you are all sorry. As for DOH it will not happen so wake up from lala land. I am done talking down to you loser. IN closing I might be junior but I am not a 20 year F/O on reserve. Junior
Bye Bye now losers

Not yet anyway.
Cactus call sign is the topic. This isnt the place for seniority issues or any other internal problems. There are enough other threads for you all to deal with them in their appropriate place. Thanks.
Cactus call sign is the topic. This isnt the place for seniority issues or any other internal problems. There are enough other threads for you all to deal with them in their appropriate place. Thanks.

Here here

Back on topic:

Other horticultural theme callsigns:

Prickly pear
Burning bush
Snap dragon
Cactastic :blink:

Senior Momma is always a cool one but its not keeping with the frontier/desert theme more of a PHL thing.
Cactus east??? Give me a beak...

Do cactus's grow anywhere out east, I am thinking not. Maybe it should be called oak east or hemlock east. Anyway, who cares who bought whom. And, why now are we taking doug's word as gosple? He is a liar and a cheat and greedy and a damn good salesman. Bet he would do good on a used car lot. Lets just fight him together and get OUR money!!! COST NEUTRAL = CHAOS!!!!
Westies need to listen more carefully to what DP said in the July 20th pilot meeting in PHX. This question was answered very clearly. He said that for accounting purposes only, AW was the acquiring airline, but LEGALLY, AW is now a SUBSIDIARY of US Airways! Also, if negotiations fail, the legal fallback would be that the EAST contracts will be imposed due to our stronger survivorship language.

May DOH prevail for our pilots!!!

So what your saying is AWA moved in and pays the utilites, phone bill and the mortgage but the deed is in USAirways name. :lol:

Low Paid



Chapter 33

You People are A joke you would all be walmart greeters nows if it wasn't for awa aquiring catus east. twice the size if it wasn't for awa you would be no size get a freakin life you all make me sick I hope i never get to fly with any of you cause if i do your butt would be shown the front door of my aircraft as soon as you opened your mouth.
Once again this Walmart Greeter Bulls___, Most of us on the East have Educations...I guess that is not the case out West! So Once again I assure all who may have their doubts...WE WOULD NOT BE WAL-MART ANYTHING! I do however have an uncle Who manages a Wal-Mart Super Center and he makes more than most PILOTS! BTW I didn't know FO's could remove people from trips.

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