Just a suggestion for you. If you are trying to appear as the voice of reason, you can't pepper your comments with little s-bombs like "upper hand".This is not a very clever statement. All the back and forth between the sides should stop.
As for this statement, you are like a knat picking a fight with and 800 lbs gorilla. Stop this madness before it goes any further. Before this merger, US was like still fighting the US Civil War or war between the states or war of northern aggression. Im saying this to say, these people on the east, south, north and north east can hold a grudge until Jesus comes! Its better to make peace than try to start an inhouse east/west war of which the east people have the upper hand. Just a suggestion.......
Remember that the blame for all this in-fighting lies squarely on the shoulders of U management and their lack of leadership. They abdicate their responsibility to clearly line out how things (such as boarding priority) will be and what the corporate culture and "moral center" will be. This is not, as it may appear, to give employees more ownership of the culture, but rather to 1) see what policies are cheapest to employ and 2) to avoid any east-west alliances whose power could threaten the prime directive of a "cost-neutral" integration. If only they could see how much this counter-productive strategy is costing them.