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New Call Sign

Perhaps a lot of folks are spring loaded to blame USAPA for global warming, the smog in Beijing, and the indiscriminate bombing of baby milk factories. But USAPA didn't take sides about what the call sign should be. They said there should be one instead of two. That actually shows a maturity and understanding of appropriate engagement.

I don't know of any east pilots who care one iota about a call sign. All the complaining seems to be coming from pilots who are spring loaded to accuse others of complaining when they aren't. :unsure:

That was a nice selective use of a quote. Put let me include what you left out. AC 8900.1 that is referenced states this below. So USAPA was pushing for the use of US Air. But keep spinning. If the east pilots did not care what the call sign was why the big push that it was a “safelyâ€￾ issue? Why the resistance?

WHEREAS Advisory Circular 8900.1, Section B. The Telephony Designator (Call Sign) states Usually, the company name or a pronounceable abbreviation of the company name is used in combination with ATC facilities and operating services. An example is American 411. And that ...a call sign should not consist of more than two words and three syllables.

(1): a worker who refuses to join a labor union
(2): a union member who refuses to strike or returns to work before a strike has ended
(3): a worker who accepts employment or replaces a union worker during a strike
(4): one who works for less than union wages or on nonunion terms

The definitions apply to which pilot group? Portions or all of one group has acted consistent with three of them.

I continue to be amazed at the continued misuse of the term, rather ironic. The definition has been posted a few times but that hasn't seemed to make much of a difference.
That was a nice selective use of a quote. Put let me include what you left out. AC 8900.1 that is referenced states this below. So USAPA was pushing for the use of US Air. But keep spinning. If the east pilots did not care what the call sign was why the big push that it was a “safelyâ€￾ issue? Why the resistance?

WHEREAS Advisory Circular 8900.1, Section B. The Telephony Designator (Call Sign) states Usually, the company name or a pronounceable abbreviation of the company name is used in combination with ATC facilities and operating services. An example is American 411. And that ...a call sign should not consist of more than two words and three syllables.

Heavy Sigh here..As impossible as it apparently seems to you...I'm also not much concerned with what the call sign is/was/or ever will be, and have stated that in the past. If you're absolutely desperate to drum up a "fight" here...find at least some actual reason to have conflict. Heck..my first cross-country solo call sign in the T-38, along with a dozen other students launched in the same hour..was, of all things "Lump" with a coupla' digits added. I can't think that even cactus is much of a step down from that. :lol: Seriously; No one's going to much care here, since this is hardly PSA/Piedmont/USAir/etc, or even USAirways anymore in any case, and if it's cause for great rejoicing out west = that's great.

There are other ways to perceive this however. One of which might be that the management's not hugely thrilled by having the new Union prove so confrontational, rather than Alpo-submissive, and is tossing out what they mistakenly assume to be a major affront. Viewed with that lens, and with the added thought of doing whatever's possible for them in the way of attempting to keep the west vs east pilot disunity maxed out...the action and timing from management's perspective makes perfect sense.
I think this single call sign is a positive thing, and has been a long time in coming. This Flight Operations management team has so wishy-washy and indecisive; it's about time they actually made a decision. This gives the West pilots a perceived victory, and helps keep some sense of pride. The East pilots just need to accept this gracefully, and move on. Maybe, just maybe, this could be a first small step toward cohesiveness between both pilot groups?

Well said.
Westcoastflyer: "Maybe, just maybe, this could be a first small step toward cohesiveness between both pilot groups?"

Well said.

It would be best for us all if some steps towards group unity can be started. We're all in this mess together, like it or not.
Despite my "board name" I really didn't have a preference on what our new call sign would be. Perhaps that is because it doesn't impact my job slinging drinks for dollars in the back. I just glad they finally made a da*n decision and I'm glad it's not FLAG. Ugh. It's just one more thing on the "to do" list with this merger that is checked off. I don't view it as anything more.

I will say, I'm a little surprised this thread has lasted 9 pages. My money says it ends up locked because like most other threads it is slowly turning in to an east vs. west/USAPA vs. ALPA thing.

And yes, EastUS we are all in this together. Too bad not all of us see things that way. The west is just as sick and tired of the incompetent management of this airline as the east....probably more so since we've been dealing with Parker et al. for longer. I know you guys on the east have had some bas***d CEOs, I'm not comparing just saying there is no love lost on Parker.
Sorry for the rant but this is one of my pet peeves.

And who start their transmision with "and".

I had a CFI who did that a lot on the CTAF and on other frequencies in controlled airspace. I wouldn't say it annoyed me, but I (thankfully) didn't pick up on that habit ("And, uh,..."). Sorry. Gotta be short 'n' sweet.
I think "Merchant" would make a fitting call sign.

Cause the Merchant accounts are making SSOOO much money off of all the extra's we're taking in. I mean, they get 3% of whatever we charge on the credit card 😛
There are other ways to perceive this however. One of which might be that the management's not hugely thrilled by having the new Union prove so confrontational, rather than Alpo-submissive, and is tossing out what they mistakenly assume to be a major affront. Viewed with that lens, and with the added thought of doing whatever's possible for them in the way of attemtping to keep the west vs east pilot disunity maxed out...the action and timing from management's perspective makes perfect sense.
Well said.

I wish the pilots, as a group, would finally realize that when it comes to group dynamics, management is not a friend to operations. It has been stated that former pilot managers used to sit around planning to interdict the contract in a hundred different ways each year.(I have no reason to believe that they have stopped) They knew that ALPA could only handle 10% of the resulting grievances so management considered those "loss-leaders" knowing they would "win" on the other 90%. It is asserted that one manager told a pilot that they make more "progress" that way than in regular Section 6 negotiations.

I hear that at ATA meetings, the attendees brag how they bring their respective unions to heel. They trade strategies. They toast each other over particularly great "concessions won".

I don't consider it a "war", just management doing their job. I do, however, wish more pilots could figure that out and then act appropriately.

That last pilot in the CLT pilot Parker video was just, absolutely, embarrassing. I always thought double digit IQ was a minimum to be hired as a pilot, but, I guess I was wrong, yet again. Sigh.

The "and" or "uh" began in wwII when pilots wore throat microphones that were activiated by voice (hince the term voice activated michpophone). If you didnt make some kind of noise the first part of the first word was always clipped off.

For what it's worth.
Why don't we think of the new call sign this way: CACT: MEANS America West Airlines, and US means US Airways, so you get CACT US?!!! Sounds good to me! Get over it. :up:
Exactly, Its just another great move for the company to bring us all together in harmony. The call sign should have been something different. They had the opportunity again to do something for better moral and failed.

Until we are all paid the same and are truly one company I will say whatever they want me to say.


I couldnt really care ... it just doesnt make sense to me. isnt the name of this company usairways
I couldnt really care ... it just doesnt make sense to me. isnt the name of this company usairways
So It doesn't make sense that we are paid the same!!! and it doesn't make sense that we are treated the same.!!! hmmmm

I agree with you that the call sign should have been Usair. Its whats on the plane. My point is ,is that everyone in the previous mergers was brought to the highest payscale within a few weeks of each mergers announcement. All that takes is a sign off from the CEO. He elected not to do that. And for the economic benefit here we are today fighting each other.

I could type more but I should stop here AAAAARRRGGGGG

It makes sense to me that the call sign remain Usair, too.

But you know what they say....The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
It makes sense to me that the call sign remain Usair, too.

But you know what they say....The squeaky wheel gets the oil.
Well then you should have no problems stapling the west. BtW cactus is a great call sign, it will be even better overseas, easier to understand in all languages, according to icao it is the preferred format, it's a "tactical" call sign. Most importantly it reflects the fact that this is a new company, and it will remind the easties of that everyday they show up to work. OH and everyone will start referring to you easties as "cactus" pilots, instead of usair pilots, I love it.

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