didn't you know ..as long as he does it, it's ok.700, what is your new mantra...." off topic" get back onto the call sign that was posted....
didn't you know ..as long as he does it, it's ok.700, what is your new mantra...." off topic" get back onto the call sign that was posted....
Well, for starters you've got your facts a little off - not all the fleet types you mentioned were grounded.
Then there's the little thing about why certain fleet types were grounded - like where the non-line maintenance on those types was performed. Seems like the company figured the CLT/GSO mechanics wouldn't be as supportive of the strike as the PIT mechanics (and they were right).
"We all know" lots of things that aren't really true.....ask SpinDoc about the oil company conspiracy. So the F/A MEC decided to honor the IAM picket line and the ALPA MEC didn't - doesn't prove that there was any "secret deal". Or was there a "secret deal" on 9-11? We got paid for the trips that didn't fly then....
Really, 700UW, this industry is filled with examples of one union on a property not supporting another - look at NW for one of the latest examples (and what's this I hear about the IAM trying to recruit the scab mechanics there?). Where were the mechanics when the TWA F/A's struck back in the 80's? Working on planes - that's where. Were they "scabs" with a "secret deal" because they didn't have as many planes flying to need working on?
In my long memory, there's only been one instance of the various unions on a property pulling together - Eastern under Lorenzo. So either every union is a "scab" union or none of them are, but you don't get to pick and choose based on what's most convenient for your argument.
CACTUS?Well, we all know the CLT/GSO mechanics, as a group, are scabs, don't we? I mean, don't they represent the society that allowed carpetbaggers to scam them all from the civil war on? Stupidity is a cultural thing, aint it?
Exactly, what does 9-11 have to do with scabs? Yes, the pilots got paid for trips missed, is that a problem as most of the pilots in LAX did not fly their trips?
That is no justification for anything. You either have principles or you do not. In my experience with USAirways, very few have principles, the rest are basically scabs.
Wrong, sir. There are many examples of unions pulling together. Just because you are not paying attention does not make your blatherings true.
Well, we all know the CLT/GSO mechanics, as a group, are scabs, don't we? <SNIP>
LOL . .too funny!One time I bumped into a cactus and got a nasty scrape. I had a small scab on my arm the next day, but it’s all healed now.
Since NWA imposed a new CBA on the mechanics, it is now ESE work.
The language was always in the ESE contract, the IAM/ESE CBA was not changed.
Just like ALPA did at NWA, crossed the picket line, did you teach the NWA ALPA Leadership how to do it?
The IAM will not support amfa as there is too much bad blood between them.
Why did ALPA cross?
When will the new call sign be determined?Should we just dump the last page of NOT ON TOPIC posts or just close this down altogether? Some of you really need to learn to read better. 😛h34r:
One more off topic post and there's going to be carnage everywhere.