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Cactus call sign

I hear our pilots and dispatchers constantly using the term "cactus net"...can someone from the west or anyone that knows to the rest of us exactly what that whole system is? When we were first flying to Costa Rica I met an employee on the way back stating he had been down in the area setting up cactus net for the company. Maybe that has something to do with us using the call sign???

IMHO I think its great that we are using Cactus still since its so different from the rest for safety reasons... you never know what those guys are doing who are pushing tin around the skies!
Cactus net is basically the radio communication system used between pilots & dispatchers. We use Cactus Net instead of Atlanta Radio or ARINC. That system has nothing to do with staying with the Cactus call sign.
Cactus net is basically the radio communication system used between pilots & dispatchers. We use Cactus Net instead of Atlanta Radio or ARINC.
A small technicality, but it's Aeronautical Radio, Inc I believe.

That triviality aside, does Cactus Net have the same geographical coverage as ARINC, as well as the non-pilot/dispatch communication features?

A small technicality, but it's Aeronautical Radio, Inc I believe.

That triviality aside, does Cactus Net have the same geographical coverage as ARINC, as well as the non-pilot/dispatch communication features?

I believe it covers the US, Mexico, Canada, and Alaska. We do use ARINC for communications over the Pacific. What kind of non-pilot/dispatch communications do you mean?

Yeah, I believe ARINC stands for Aeronautical Radio, Inc. .but I think they also officially go by ARINC, Inc. now--kind of like Federal Express is now officially Fedex, and Kentucky Fried Chicken is officially KFC. A side not: Isn't ARINC Incorporated a little redundant?? 😀
I believe it covers the US, Mexico, Canada, and Alaska. We do use ARINC for communications over the Pacific.
Gotcha - misunderstood and thought you meant that HP didn't use ARINC at all.

What kind of non-pilot/dispatch communications do you mean?
Requesting & receiving gate messages, getting ATIS for destination airport (AWOS at others), PDC, etc. Oh - and sending out/off/on/in times, ETA corrections, position reports, etc.

Gotcha - misunderstood and thought you meant that HP didn't use ARINC at all.
Requesting & receiving gate messages, getting ATIS for destination airport (AWOS at others), PDC, etc. Oh - and sending out/off/on/in times, ETA corrections, position reports, etc.

Yeah, ARINC is used over the Pacific, and Atlanta Radio is used as a backup when ACARS & Cactus net don't work.

We use ACARS for those type of messages; I don't know if that data is transmitted through Cactus net sites though.
Big deal, most of us have changed call signs before...probably when you were in 6th grade.

Hey, I'm getting tired of that trash. I was in EIGHTH grade!
Actually I like the call sign "Cactus". It just reminds me of who the "pricks" are in Tempe running us down the toliet.

Then it would be Roto-Rooter. "Roto-Rooter that's the name, flushes All DoUgIe's troubles, down the drain, roto-rooter."

Thank You, Thank You Very Much :elvis: :elvis: Ladies and Gentleman, Elvis has just left the Building! :lol:

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