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New Call Sign

I was always wondering about that. My apologies if your welcome to USAviation was less than friendly back then!

IIRC, we had some oddball n00bs that were shown the door around the same time.
It's ok 🙂 I actually went to a FFOCUS BBQ a few weeks ago near CLT, and the one guy from this forum was like, "why are you here, don't you work for the Sandcastle", and I was like, "no, I'm a US Chairman FF"... He was like, "dude, you need to change your name". UGH.

So repeat, I'm a FF who flys every week... My company is www.solidcactus.com - I am from Pennsylvania. I also live in West Palm Beach (depending on where I feel like being). AND I just happen to like South Florida, I am not handicapped, have a wheelchair, OR belong to the "mean people" club that normally flys on the PBI runs...

I don't yet hate US Airways, regardless of the changes they've made. The employees are great, the pilots are experienced, and the CP desk people are so wonderful... I'm not to happy with the changes to Dividend Miles, but I'll be honest, as long as US can provide me with SAFE, reliable, clean transportation - I will not stop flying US completely. I have started flying Continental, Souhwest and Delta more now since US has stopped doing the mileage bonus. The truth is, I would have never started flying DL, CO and WN if US didn't start screwing with the Dividend Miles program. I do think this is going to hurt US long term...

Anyway, I have now totally went off topic, sorry 🙂
What makes you think the "Easties" won't act professionally?

Personally the shorter the call sign the better. Less syllables help too. CACTUS is fine with me.

I don't know too many of the east professionals that sent special greetings through the mail
a couple of months ago. Now there's professionalism!

Wasn't that just ALPA being its typical ineffectual blowhard self and grandstanding on a superficial issue? They certainly didn't resemble anything close to trade unionism.

I know that you east guys are spring loaded to blame ALPA for anything and everything bad that has ever happened in the world. But calm down think through the issue.

USAPA also took the position that the call sign should be US AIR.

AI 08-15 FAA Call Sign for the Combined Carrier
Motion Stein/Westberg:

WHEREAS US Airways and America West are completing a merger and a single FAA call sign will be needed for the combined carrier, and

WHEREAS the FAA would like to see a common call sign for both East and West Combined Operations for the benefit of safety as well as to reduce confusion to ATC and other interested parties, and

WHEREAS Advisory Circular 8900.1, Section B. The Telephony Designator (Call Sign) states “…Usually, the company name or a pronounceable abbreviation of the company name is used in combination with ATC facilities and operating services. An example is ‘American 411’â€￾. And that “...a call sign should not consist of more than two words and three syllables.â€￾

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the BPR endorses and recommends that the company adopt a single FAA Call Sign that complies with AC 8900.1 for both East and West Operations.

Motion passes

So does this make USAPA is ineffectual and a grandstanding blowhard against trade unionism? They took the same position and lost also.
I know that you east guys are spring loaded to blame ALPA for anything and everything bad that has ever happened in the world. But calm down think through the issue.

USAPA also took the position that the call sign should be US AIR.

So does this make USAPA is ineffectual and a grandstanding blowhard against trade unionism? They took the same position and lost also.

Furloughs are part of the business. How are things going out west?
Folks this is not a union labor thread. The topic is the call sign, If it continues on this course it is going to be closed.
Quad color livery with stripes, swooshes, and squares (the flag)

Heritage Aircraft

Sports Team Aircraft

Blacktop Aircraft

Pilots in Black Uniforms

Flight Attendants in Blue Uniforms worn every which way

Low Cost Full Service

Service Reductions up to the distinction of Stingiest Airline

Name of Company US Airways

Call Sign Cactus

Sometimes I stand at in the terminal and look around at what we are and am convinced that our young decision makers have serious cases of ADD. I am increasingly saddened that although they tell us they want unity, uniformity and to present a seamless operation to the public they seem to be determined to assault the senses, especially the eye, with exactly the opposite. It barely has the look of an airline much less a brand.

I guess that the callsign has some more of that that incredible emotional content that is more important than the logic about who we are in the air or the name on our operating certificate or our fleet.

Some days, aw nuts, most days, this place is the definition of hell for any professional who loves the aviation industry or even a smart marketing person.

In a recent interview on the subject of mergers and airline leadership Gordon Bethune said that he respected his employees yet also looked at them as his beloved children. His quote was that you may let your children pick where you go on vacation..... but you don't put them in charge of important decisions like where you are going to live.

Callsign is where we come in contact with other places, spaces and organizations. It shouldn't be a sentimental or "which kid needs a pat on the head" decision.

But then again, none of us ever seem to have to grow up here in NeverNever Land.
If the Easties choose to act professionally this won't be a problem either.
Kind of like the Westies forcing management to write them a memo recently about not using "this is an America West Crew operating your flight today' in their PA announcements? I guess both sides have their "acting unprofessional" crew members, so who needed the lecture? By the way, most pilots I come across really don't care what the call sign is, they do feel that FUBAR would be a good one though!
"Deciding" to use a name that represents something fubared in a certain part of the world can be a real negative as Osco Drugstores found out when they tried to penetrate latino neighborhoods (osco is slang for, um, yucky).

I suspect the call sign is temporary, that is, until they can put UAL and US together, again. Besides, it will make it easier for the media to refer to multiple airline units as cacti instead of usairway's airplanes, for instance as well as represent a great metaphor for the management methodology in place, nurturing their assets only when they happen to remember to do so.
I guess that the callsign has some more of that that incredible emotional content that is more important than the logic about who we are in the air or the name on our operating certificate or our fleet

I know it would be expensive but I always thought after any merger airplanes should have been painted, uniforms changed, id's changed with new id numbers, door codes changed and just about anything that showed an inkling of either of the two aircarriers changed. Start new and build from that.

Even after the PSA and Piedmont mergers you could always tell your airlines roots by your id number.

I know that you east guys are spring loaded to blame ALPA for anything and everything bad that has ever happened in the world. But calm down think through the issue.

USAPA also took the position that the call sign should be US AIR.

AI 08-15 FAA Call Sign for the Combined Carrier
Motion Stein/Westberg:

WHEREAS US Airways and America West are completing a merger and a single FAA call sign will be needed for the combined carrier, and

WHEREAS the FAA would like to see a common call sign for both East and West Combined Operations for the benefit of safety as well as to reduce confusion to ATC and other interested parties, and

WHEREAS Advisory Circular 8900.1, Section B. The Telephony Designator (Call Sign) states �€œ�€�Usually, the company name or a pronounceable abbreviation of the company name is used in combination with ATC facilities and operating services. An example is �€˜American 411�€™�€�. And that �€œ...a call sign should not consist of more than two words and three syllables.�€�

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the BPR endorses and recommends that the company adopt a single FAA Call Sign that complies with AC 8900.1 for both East and West Operations.

Motion passes

So does this make USAPA is ineffectual and a grandstanding blowhard against trade unionism? They took the same position and lost also.

Passing a resolution is hardly grandstanding, ALPA issued a basic refusal to comply along with not wearing the new uniform and a whole slew of things that were purely show and superficial to the issues of the day. It is why they are gone. USAPA's focus has been a contract, a seniority system consistent with unionist principles, captain's authority and training, and addressing disruptive and deviant behavior within the union.

Friday and Payday should be what matters, not a callsign or what color the aircraft is.
Kind of like the Westies forcing management to write them a memo recently about not using "this is an America West Crew operating your flight today' in their PA announcements?
Our paystubs (and direct-deposit info) still read "America West" so nobody "forced" management to do anything. The East-run flight department just got a bit paranoid. As soon as we're no longer ashamed that our company took over USAirways this kind of thing will stop.
I guess both sides have their "acting unprofessional" crew members, so who needed the lecture?
Not me. After two nasty mergers I think I'm getting the hang of it: just stop caring.

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