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New Call Sign

If the EASTIES start saying CACTUS will the little boys flying the 757 into DCA stop putting up the USAPA SCABS clipboard in the windscreen---or---will the WESTIE F/A's not tell the agents not to let pre-board EAST crews down early---my o my

What are you talking about? I do the DCA turn and we have never told the g/a not to pre-board East. I do these 3x a week. Where are you getting this information - are you trying to make trouble where it doesn't exist?
just got the full brief from the FA it happened to---so sad ---- agent gave me brief on stunts pulled in KBOS recently-- O MY
You know I have read all of the comments about the "new call sign" and I am at a loss as to what difference this makes. I watch the news every day about airlines that have been lost due to the cost of operating, the cost of high fuel etc. I have had many friends in the past 25 years that bust their tails on the ramp, or at the ticket counter assisting and making a difference so that they could proudly go to work the next day. Many of you have also had some friends fall into the unemployment line due to an airline closing its doors, or being swallowed up by a merger, ie TWA, Western, Pan Am. The bottom line here in not which call sign is used, its what kind of service we give our customers, both internal and external that matters. The industry is going through a bad time and I for one feel we all need to give our best so that we dont fall by the wayside. In the long run, what we do today affects us tomorrow.
You know I have read all of the comments about the "new call sign" and I am at a loss as to what difference this makes. I watch the news every day about airlines that have been lost due to the cost of operating, the cost of high fuel etc. I have had many friends in the past 25 years that bust their tails on the ramp, or at the ticket counter assisting and making a difference so that they could proudly go to work the next day. Many of you have also had some friends fall into the unemployment line due to an airline closing its doors, or being swallowed up by a merger, ie TWA, Western, Pan Am. The bottom line here in not which call sign is used, its what kind of service we give our customers, both internal and external that matters. The industry is going through a bad time and I for one feel we all need to give our best so that we dont fall by the wayside. In the long run, what we do today affects us tomorrow.
well said
You know I have read all of the comments about the "new call sign" and I am at a loss as to what difference this makes. I watch the news every day about airlines that have been lost due to the cost of operating, the cost of high fuel etc. I have had many friends in the past 25 years that bust their tails on the ramp, or at the ticket counter assisting and making a difference so that they could proudly go to work the next day. Many of you have also had some friends fall into the unemployment line due to an airline closing its doors, or being swallowed up by a merger, ie TWA, Western, Pan Am. The bottom line here in not which call sign is used, its what kind of service we give our customers, both internal and external that matters. The industry is going through a bad time and I for one feel we all need to give our best so that we dont fall by the wayside. In the long run, what we do today affects us tomorrow.

In theory, you are exactly correct. But we front line people are human beings and deserve at least a little respect for our incredibly painful sacrifices and more than lip service when we go that extra mile to keep this airline afloat. As human beings we eventually react harshly when we see our efforts rewarded with nothing more than a perfunctory "thank you," while our lives continue to deteriorate under the glaringly unfair display of upper management lining their own pockets while we get nothing but lip service.

Sorry, but human beings don't operate the way your pretty words would have it. In the entire course of recorded human history, the fact is that human beings eventually react to such treatment. And in many instances (e.g. the French Revolution) it is not a pretty picture when they do. Human nature has not changed one iota since guillotines were in vogue.
With the cockpit door closed, I don't care what the call sign is. You can say Cactus a zillion times and get your fill. Cactus, Cactus, Cactus. As long as US Airways is still painted on the fuselage and my inflight announcements make zero reference to AWA or Cactus. Ewwwwe
Right on . I'll say cactus all day long as long as I can keep my seniority.

whatever, i just saw hot tuscon the other day and i think the call sign should be named after him. intlsnn + tus = <333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

oh, in other news I am in ABQ. Please wave accordingly when you fly over. I have nothing of significance to add here so Im going to finish my green chile burrito. That's right, GC baby.

my new call sign is going to be WIDELOAD if i stay here too long.
In theory, you are exactly correct. But we front line people are human beings and deserve at least a little respect for our incredibly painful sacrifices and more than lip service when we go that extra mile to keep this airline afloat. As human beings we eventually react harshly when we see our efforts rewarded with nothing more than a perfunctory "thank you," while our lives continue to deteriorate under the glaringly unfair display of upper management lining their own pockets while we get nothing but lip service.

Sorry, but human beings don't operate the way your pretty words would have it. In the entire course of recorded human history, the fact is that human beings eventually react to such treatment. And in many instances (e.g. the French Revolution) it is not a pretty picture when they do. Human nature has not changed one iota since guillotines were in vogue.

I am sorry, but I just don't agree with you. This is the 21st century, If we are to survive as an airline, if we are to continue in this existance, then we need to allow the changes to take place. The fact of the matter is a company that is unwilling to change, most certainly ceases to exist. Braniff, Pan Am, TWA, Eastern, Western, all have been swallowed up and summarily dismantled, at the whims of the merging carrier. Our's has been different, and at times mostly difficult to adjust to, but overall the changes are making us better. I have seen agents slowly starting to come together, but to be torn apart by something as small as a call sign, Excuse me but I just don't understand. sooner or later all this bicering has to end. I say stop now and lets get on with the business of making this a great carrier. :up:
.... but overall the changes are making us better.

An example please? :blink: As far as the call sign nonsense = I could personally not care much less, but there are those among the majority of the effected work group who find it utterly offensive, and this is clearly and simply a very stupid move to make. How does this type of genius decision making, in any way, serve to make anything "better"? Why not have wisely chosen something that neither "side" of the contentious pilot group could have taken any umbrage at?...unless of course, the actual intent is to keep the employees at each other's throats?.....

I suggest sparing all any Obama-esque, change is wonderfull BS, and actually examine what has been and is really going on.
An example please? :blink: As far as the call sign nonsense = I could personally not care much less, but there are those among the majority of the effected work group who find it utterly offensive, and this is clearly and simply a very stupid move to make. How does this type of genius decision making, in any way, serve to make anything "better"? Why not have wisely chosen something that neither "side" of the contentious pilot group could have taken any umbrage at?...unless of course, the actual intent is to keep the employees at each other's throats?.....

I suggest sparing all any Obama-esque, change is wonderfull BS, and actually examine what has been and is really going on.

Yeah, maybe yoru right... We can all have YOUR attitude while we end up shutting down, and standing in the unemployment line. I don't know what I was thinking. Let's keep on gripping about these types of issues. You are so wise. :down:
An example please? :blink: As far as the call sign nonsense = I could personally not care much less, but there are those among the majority of the effected work group who find it utterly offensive, and this is clearly and simply a very stupid move to make. How does this type of genius decision making, in any way, serve to make anything "better"? Why not have wisely chosen something that neither "side" of the contentious pilot group could have taken any umbrage at?...unless of course, the actual intent is to keep the employees at each other's throats?.....

I suggest sparing all any Obama-esque, change is wonderfull BS, and actually examine what has been and is really going on.

Well said.

(Somehow I picture that other poster standing smiling with his/her fingers in his/her ears yelling "LALALALALALALALALALA" while the airline comes to a screeching halt over these nonsense, counterproductive decisions that our greedy management continue to make.)
I like the cactus call sign because it will always be a reminder of who is really in charge and how badly they screwed up the "new" US Airways! Now if we could just wipe off the US Airways name and put AWA on them.
but then folks like NiceLandingCaptain will be flying YOUR A330s across the atlantic and destroying the brake systems and killing people as they pull up to the gate cause the wheels will be on fire and causing the entire plane to go up in flames!

(heck, i'm not even a pilot and I know you don't taxi to the gate after a no-flaps landing for a bit..)

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