Checking it Out said:
TWU= 300,000 members plus---------------Amfa=18,000 members
Supports Politics------------------------------No Politics (shoe leather only)
Do you get the picture?
Shame on you. An officer of the International and you dont even know how many people our organization represents! Or as usual are you attempting to decieve?
300,000? Come on now, you should know that its only around 100,000.
Do you always triple the number? "Honestly honey, its SIX not two".
Lets see if all the drives are successful, just at AA, it will knock the TWU down to around 65,000 members. Ouch, now we know why they were so scared of the company's threats of Bankruptcy. They may no longer be able to afford those digs at 1700 Broadway. Whats that they have a long term lease? Well there is always subletting. I hear there is some dissatisfaction over at SWA, oops maybe another 6000, 51000.
If we go to AMFA they will have around 34000, plus USAIR 7000(?), 41000.
That would be around 41000 concentrated in one industry on one class and craft vs being in a union that represents anybody from any industry, from Flight attendants, to transit to wharehouse. The numbers are not that much bigger however the limited resources for the TWU will be spread far and wide while the less limited *resources for AMFA will be focused and intense.
Admittedly AMFA does have to focus more on the political arena, but growth should provide that ability. ( The addition of AA could nearly double the size of the union.)The TWU has failed to use its political clout to help mechanics, it is only now, more than 10 years after the fact that they are going after FAR 145 with any vigor and they still have no plan to fight FAR 66 when it comes back.
Do YOU get the picture?
I claim that AMFAs resources are likely to be less limited than the TWU due to the fact that mechanics are on the high end of the TWU represented workers in pay, in other words, per person the amount of dues collected will be higher with less people to represent. When we left local 501 it was said that we were 25% of the members but 40% of the dues.