AA has a well documented culture of this type of activity.
To name a few.
Every Friday at Tulsa a management Boardwallk is held in rotating areas where people gather during work hours for a management rally. Always at 11:00 am and mostly attended by management and grande sucko kulos, then they go on their lunch hour and over 2 hours total management time is lost. Every Friday!
On a regular basis we have had vendor days where vendors are allowed on the property and employees are encouraged to leave their work areas during the day to attend.
Blood Drive, announcements made to go give blood, never done on own time always on paid time t-shirts and food handed out.
Just before the Last T/A management allowed the TWU Union bus in the parking lot, and hats and t-shirts were given out during work hours without objection and with apporval.
Friday Morning, a P.A. system announcement was given to go to the flag pole at 0700, I attended and placed a US flag on the fence holder and was gone from my work area for nearly an hour. Paid Time not even break time.
My point is that just as with the AMFA Drive, AA managment creates a culture of tolerance and then singles out the events they don't agree with.