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Twu Participation For Change!

Mark Inman said:
Hey Knight watch Why do you think Bob was removed from office. He was one of the few people to be elected who did what his members wanted . Well I don't expect you to understand. You have been self-serving way to long to ever understand it's about our profession not the association. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!
Well he was wrong, period. He was an officer of a TWU local, if his members had wanted him to do a state violation, would he had won in court, "he only did what his members wanted". Sorry excuse of a man. Now he cries about his wages, poetic justice!
Nightwatch said:
Well he was wrong, period. He was an officer of a TWU local, if his members had wanted him to do a state violation, would he had won in court, "he only did what his members wanted". Sorry excuse of a man. Now he cries about his wages, poetic justice!
A union and state or federal law are two totally different things!!! A union (a real one that is) does not control the people the people control it.
The sorry excuse would be the person or people who try to stop that process. I wonder where you stand in this picture nightwatch? Like I really need an answer! :blink: :blink: :blink:
Rusty said:
The twu hired a PR firm in an effort to suppress the membership and we just got more cards. Nothing ever changes with the twu and they never learn from their mistakes.

Can you expand on this? how is an open form discussion going to suppress the Membership?

Since any cards signed at this time will be invalid a suspect this statement was mis-leading in an attempt to get a reaction.

How does nothing ever change?I have seen dramatic changes recently! Can you explain with the 5 top positions in our local having new faces I can see the members have made dramatic changes! With the new designs and ease of access to the website at the ATD I see more information made available for the members!

Can you expand on what your idea of "nothing ever changes?"

Checking it Out said:
Can you expand on this? how is an open form discussion going to suppress the Membership?

Thats the same thing that management says when they hire in Union busters.

Since any cards signed at this time will be invalid a suspect this statement was mis-leading in an attempt to get a reaction.

They may not be valid for the pending application but should there not be a vote this summer they will be valid for next summer.

How does nothing ever change?I have seen dramatic changes recently! Can you explain with the 5 top positions in our local having new faces I can see the members have made dramatic changes!

Besides the faces, what has changed? Will the members get to vote on International officers? Will the members get a report from the convention showing how the delegates voted? Will the members be able to elect the person who signs their contract? Will the members have the right to recall?

With the new designs and ease of access to the website at the ATD I see more information made available for the members!

Such as?

Can you expand on what your idea of "nothing ever changes?"

So tell us what changes have been put into effect? What has the TWU done to prevent another disaster like what happened in 2003? What plan does the TWU have to reverse twenty years of concessionary bargaining? Or will the new administration be complaining in a couple of months about the lack of "participation"? Can you expand on what will change when your President is part of the International and if he plays ball with them he has the possibility of moving into a nice six figure salary with all the benifits that the TWU is negotiating away from us but if he decides to put the members first the same International will consider it grounds for removal?

From the "Findings of the International subcommittee" on my trial, hearing, fact gathering-they could not make up their minds what to call it.

"Brother Owens further admitted in hearing testimony that his primary duty was "not to the International" but "primarily to the guys that elected me and put me in office and my dutys to them and whats written in the Constitution".
On cross examination (conducted by the committee), he stated that, "If the oath conflicts-if there is a conflict between the International and the members, I feel , as their representative, I have to fight for the members side."

These admissions constitute a repudiation of his oath of office, which requires alligience to the International"

So who will Dennis, an International officer, put first? The members or the gang from 1700 Broadway in New York? When the gang from 1700 Broadway in New York City determine that another round of cuts are in order so AA can put the final nail in UALs coffin, thus allow AA to expand and swell the ranks of TWU dues payers plus maybe get a little more of a direct kickback from the company where do you think Dennis will stand? An expanded TWU means an expanded International with even higher salaries. Do you think he will risk removal for you? When given the choice between his nice six figure International spot or suspension and going back to inspecting and crawling around airplanes on the floor for a fraction of the money which way do you think Dennis will go?
Decision 2004 said:
Is that a "focus group"?

Or a "FU#K_US Group"?
Emily Karrack and John Cox did well in Kansas City, they even had the amfa guys listening. :up:
mojo13 said:
Emily Karrack and John Cox did well in Kansas City, they even had the amfa guys listening. :up:
They should listen (not believe), because they need to know their enemy well.
Checking it Out said:
Can you expand on this? how is an open form discussion going to suppress the Membership?

Since any cards signed at this time will be invalid a suspect this statement was mis-leading in an attempt to get a reaction.

How does nothing ever change?I have seen dramatic changes recently! Can you explain with the 5 top positions in our local having new faces I can see the members have made dramatic changes! With the new designs and ease of access to the website at the ATD I see more information made available for the members!

Can you expand on what your idea of "nothing ever changes?"

If I may, I will also exspand on this cio.

The membership did not chose to have a "PR firm" do anything. It seems to me having a PR firm come in to help you polish the "twu turd" is not fooling anyone. It was the Kremlin on Pine St. and the mighty twu International that decided to waste thousands of dues dollars fighting the membership. The membership is sick of the twu lies, corruption, and sell-outs. That is why a AMFA card drive was conducted, and will continue, until the twu is gone.

No cards would be invalid at this time. People are free to sign a card anytime we wish. If the NMB refuses AMFA's AA protest, we can't file any cards for a year. No reaction needed.

Changes of faces in the twu can and do happen. Its the twu draconian policies and proceedures that will not change. Contrary to your twisted beliefs cio, the twu International owns this contract and the owns the locals. They have swooped in and removed people dully elected by their peers for no other reason except trumped up charges and a false accusations. The twu International has now tried to "reach out" to the very same members they try and squash. Too little, too late, can't hear you.

Yes, nothing ever changes in the twu. Just some of the the faces. That's why the twu is confused and failing like its industrail union brethren, and will be replaced by AMFA.

There is not one card drive for the twu.......anywhere. I rest my case.

The AMFA supporters never fail to amuse me. They openly cry about the TWU, it's failure to allow change, their failure to be able to change within.

They are presented a quorum that will allow their needs and desires to be heard, their chance to possibly attain the changes they openly cry about, and what do they do? THEY CRY OPENLY ABOUT HAVING THE ABILITY TO DIRECT CHANGE!....go figure.
Nightwatch said:
The AMFA supporters never fail to amuse me. They openly cry about the TWU, it's failure to allow change, their failure to be able to change within.

They are presented a quorum that will allow their needs and desires to be heard, their chance to possibly attain the changes they openly cry about, and what do they do? THEY CRY OPENLY ABOUT HAVING THE ABILITY TO DIRECT CHANGE!....go figure.
Steve, I think the biggest cry babies are the ones who would rat out their fellow worker. Some have admitted to being rats while others are closet rats but, a rat is a rat.
Nightwatch said:
The AMFA supporters never fail to amuse me. They openly cry about the TWU, it's failure to allow change, their failure to be able to change within.

They are presented a quorum that will allow their needs and desires to be heard, their chance to possibly attain the changes they openly cry about, and what do they do? THEY CRY OPENLY ABOUT HAVING THE ABILITY TO DIRECT CHANGE!....go figure.
I think that most members understand that the problem with the TWU is not at the Local level but rather at the unaccountable International level, so how will bypassing the Locals fix this problem? Other than speaking to these hired hands what has changed that now allows the members to "direct change"?

Will the members now get to vote for who has control over their contract?

Will the members have the right to recall International officers?

Will the members be entitled to a voting report from the Convention so they can see where they need to focus their efforts for change?

Will the Conventions be conducted in an accountable democratic way?

Sure we can talk to these people but in the end, even if they tell the International what the members want do you think that the International will change a system where they have no accountability and that has made them very wealthy to boot?
Rusty said:
Steve, I think the biggest cry babies are the ones who would rat out their fellow worker. Some have admitted to being rats while others are closet rats but, a rat is a rat.
And believe me brother, you have a lot of rats in your ranks of AMFA. They are on a first name basis with MAS.
Nightwatch said:
And believe me brother, you have a lot of rats in your ranks of AMFA. They are on a first name basis with MAS.
How would you know?
Nightwatch said:
Is this a leading question Bob? The AMFA orgs at MCI have a lot to be proud of....just ask MAS.
Again, how would you know?

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