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Twu Participation For Change!

As usual the twu misrepresented Ray Abernathy as "Abernathy Associates" and now has to try and cover up with Abernathy/Associates.
The twu hired a PR firm in an effort to suppress the membership and we just got more cards. Nothing ever changes with the twu and they never learn from their mistakes.

No Vote, No Peace!!!
It all just goes to show how completely out of touch the TWU is. Instead of allowing the membership to elect people who know how the members feel they hire outside groups to talk to the members.

When a union is that out of touch that they need to spend members dues hiring non-union people to talk to their members its time for the members to get a new union.

Imagine that we are paying theTWU to represent us but they have to hire outsiders to figure out what we want. They remove officers that tell them the same information they are paying those guys to get.

Companies do this sort of stuff all the time, usually to keep their employees from going union.

Pathetic, The answer is to get leaders that can lead. With the TWU that is not an option.
Imagine that we are paying the TWU to represent us but they have to hire outsiders to figure out what we want.

I do my best not to pay the TWU at all. If you do not receive representation, why pay for it until you have to?
Buck said:
I do my best not to pay the TWU at all. If you do not receive representation, why pay for it until you have to?
Yea but unfortunately we do have to. I dont believe in RTW but to be forced to pay dues to an unaccountable organization that can not do what they are paid to do is wrong. The fix is not RTW but proper enforcement of the LMRDA and an expansion of the LM-2s.
Bob Owens said:
Yea but unfortunately we do have to. I dont believe in RTW but to be forced to pay dues to an unaccountable organization that can not do what they are paid to do is wrong. The fix is not RTW but proper enforcement of the LMRDA and an expansion of the LM-2s.
I totally agree. However my non payment of dues except when forced to do so by Article 38 of the AA/TWU agreement is in my opinion the only way to show that I disapprove of the way the TWU conducts business.

The fix is not RTW, however it is the TWU that has shown that the principles of RTW are alive and well within their organization.
Bob Owens said:
Yea but unfortunately we do have to. I dont believe in RTW but to be forced to pay dues to an unaccountable organization that can not do what they are paid to do is wrong. The fix is not RTW but proper enforcement of the LMRDA and an expansion of the LM-2s.
Wonder why you weren't talking that smack when the TWU was paying you $800/mo., sounds a bit self-serving to me.
Nightwatch said:
Wonder why you weren't talking that smack when the TWU was paying you $800/mo., sounds a bit self-serving to me.
Wrong again Steve. I've always been against RTW and for transparancy and accountability.

You see its the heavy handed supression of union members rights by corrupt leaders like the ones we have in the TWU that makes the common man vote for RTW. Sure most people want to have a union, but most also realize that a corrupt union could be worse than no union at all.
It was the TWU that agreed to make employment available for everyone no matter the cost!
Lets see; we need to participate for change! You are correct CIO! I did participate by voting in the twu 514 elections. Now you friend bill is upset about the change about to happen. I guess that gives a little twist to NO VOTE NO PEACE!!!!!


Hey Knight watch Why do you think Bob was removed from office. He was one of the few people to be elected who did what his members wanted . Well I don't expect you to understand. You have been self-serving way to long to ever understand it's about our profession not the association. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!
The responses have been excellent and I hope you have taken the time to think about the changes you are interested in. The group is in MCI and will be back later in the month to start the focus groups! I hope you will participate if you get the chance!!!!!
Nightwatch said:
talking that smack
Careful guys Steve is relapsing again, around 12 years old I would guess!!! Don't make him cry or Bill will be mean to us!!!
Checking it Out said:
The responses have been excellent and I hope you have taken the time to think about the changes you are interested in. The group is in MCI and will be back later in the month to start the focus groups! I hope you will participate if you get the chance!!!!!
Hey, I have an idea how about another survey? :huh: :huh: :huh: Those are always good for the twu. 🙄 🙄 🙄
Checking it Out said:
The responses have been excellent and I hope you have taken the time to think about the changes you are interested in. The group is in MCI and will be back later in the month to start the focus groups! I hope you will participate if you get the chance!!!!!
Is that a "focus group"?

Or a "FU#K_US Group"?