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Members Walk The Floors In Tulsa!

Got this from the-mechanic.com site it appears that the TWU raided a Mechanics Union to get in at AA

Received: 10/04/03 01:15:05 EDT
Name: AMFA supporter
Employer: AA

The TWU talks about raiding as if they have never done it! Case number R-1447 decided october 1, 1945 american Airlines
The TWU filed for representational vote vs the incumbent union airline mechanics association, International. the TWU raided to get on the property of AA under the pretense that they can do a better job representing them.
What a bunch of hypocryts! Isn't that what AMFA is stating but they are viewed as raiders of evil, yet the TWU did it first and thats OK. in democracy, to be challenged means that you are not doing your job and are inferior. please do not let the twu say they are immuned from their own slander!
sign a election authorization card
Dave, the t-shirts are a form of expression for Solidarity, as you are well aware. That is why you have spent alot of money to design the many different styles. The members are glad to wear them and as you are aware the antics of hiding tool boxes slashing tires that is going on at some of the line stations to sign an amfa card only shows how stupid amfa looks.

Go to amfanuts, amfawatchdogs and see how the members of amfa feel.

Please explain why amfa is better than The TWU? All the items you pointed out over the last several years have been wiped out. The only difference now is you have Individuals at amfa making millions of dollars and giving nothing in return!!! except job elimination!
The AFL-CIO has concentrated on other the the mechanic and related profession. The only time the lead bus driver has anything to say concerning the mechanic craft and class is when there is a threat of AMFA.

Why would I want a bus driver to lead my union?
TonyB said:
tONYb........What has the mighty amfa done for workers lately? ????????OK, SAY OVER THE LAST 20 YEARS? 10 YEARS?wHAT bILL OR SAFETY AID TO THE WORKER HAVE THEY BACKED? whAT PROTECTION, OR AID TO THE UNEMPLOYED WORKER? What has AMFA done to keep jobs from going over seas? What has AMFA done to protect the rights of the A&P mechanic? any mechanic? HAs AMFA helped secure a change in workplace safety? work rules? Inspections?

Where was the backing for the Air Traffic Controllers when Reagan fired them. Where was AMFA? AMFA did exist when this happened? could it be that AMFA will not endorse or condone strikes? Maybe AMFA says if your not an AMFA member we dont want to support you? Unlike the AFL-CIO unions.

What did the mighty AMFA do when NAFTA was passed. AFL-CIO, did somehting, Did AMFA? Doubt it, since AMFA does not beleive in political backing.

What did the mighty AMFA do when GATT was passed?[ Where was AMFA?

What has the mighty amfa done about all the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States AMFA was helping promote RIGHT TO WORK STATES, such as Oklahoma instead of protecting the unemployed, AMFA has done nothingto protect any workers jobs, Why would AMFA care about the manufacturing jobs? Amfa only wnats theskiled craft, and dont beleive manufacturing jobs are skilled or a craft? AMFA only wants airline mechanics? Say what you want about the TWU or any AFL-CIO union, at least they represent all, doesnt matter what profession, or skill

amfa, MY ASS
Checking it Out said:
Dave, the t-shirts are a form of expression for Solidarity, as you are well aware. That is why you have spent alot of money to design the many different styles. The members are glad to wear them and as you are aware the antics of hiding tool boxes slashing tires that is going on at some of the line stations to sign an amfa card only shows how stupid amfa looks.

Go to amfanuts, amfawatchdogs and see how the members of amfa feel.

Please explain why amfa is better than The TWU? All the items you pointed out over the last several years have been wiped out. The only difference now is you have Individuals at amfa making millions of dollars and giving nothing in return!!! except job elimination!
Wearing a T-shirt could be a sign of Solidarity or it could be that they were given the shirt for free. If a person went out and bought a shirt with a particular message then it would be safe to assume that the message on the shirt reflects that persons position, however if the shirt was given out for free and worn to work it could just be that the person wants to soil a shirt that he got for free instead of one that he bought.

Hiding tool boxes and sklashing tires? Where did that happen?

If AMFA members are so unhappy with their union then how come we have not heard of any drives to get rid of AMFA, yet we hear of several to get them?
Buck said:
Buck, I disagree. The TWU might be the union for bus drivers, but it also is the union for airline mechanics, supporting only airline workers.
UAW supports all classes and crafts within its organization without problems same as TEAMSTERS, representing truckdrivers and dock workers, and to me TEAMSTERS are on eof the strongest unions in America, not because of their name, but because of the membership, memberships trusts the ability of its leaders.
I dont know your predicament or others, its none of my business, I know the problems we face at MCI, the EBOARD, probably same as at your local, but I overlook and hope for a change within our local, finding the capable leaders we have within our membership
From what I hear most hear, the real problem is not with theinternational but within the locals?
Whats to keep those same individuals if AMFA would win election from being the same officers you have today?
How would any local be better with a new name but with same leaders?
I know at our local, communication has always been lacking, but it is getting better.
If every local could get all the members to go meetings, and voice your concerns, change the by laws and such, take over your local again? To me, thats why the by laws at each local are what they are, not enough member participation.
Checking it Out said:
Look at the below Information and than look at the above post and see who is lying to who?

A Message from International President Sonny Hall (updated regularly) Mobilizing Transportation AFL-CIO Unions and our rank-and-file Sisters and Brothers must be a top priority for us. The terrible economy and mounting national debt, the horror of terrorism and the commitment to defeat those who would destroy America and, frankly, the inability to trust the words spoken by the present Administration in Washington, D.C., are also major priorities.

TWU Leads Campagin To Demonstrate That America Needs Passenger Rail -- Leaders of 6 Amtrak unions, led by TWU, held a press conference and rally on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at Union Station in Washington, D.C. to protest the efforts by President Bush and his Congressional backers to kill the nation's intercity passenger rail system. The officials, including Railroad Division Director Charles Moneypenny, announced that workers will withdraw their services from Amtrak on October 3, 2003, in a one-day political protest. The workers want to give the riding public a preview of what life will be like without Amtrak.

Labor Rallies to Support Amtrak Workers -- The AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department is rallying the troops to defeat President Bush's plans for a privatized Amtrak.

FAA Bill Tries To Trash U.S. Airline Jobs; Tell Senators To Stick Up For Your Job And Support A Filibuster -- The FAA bill reauthorizing aviation spending for the next three years has been hi-jacked in the House-Senate Conference Committee in the dark of night. Violating the votes of members of the House and Senate, Republican leaders of both bodies stuck in three attacks on airline workers over the unanimous objection of House and Senate Democrats.

Defend Against Senate Action To Take Away Workers’ Asbestos Rights -- Everyone, including unions, agree that the system is broken for bringing justice and remedy to workers suffering from asbestos exposure. However, Senate Republicans led by Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah) are trying to use that as an excuse to reward the companies responsible for the problem and deprive injured workers of fair treatment. Write and tell your Senator to OPPOSE S. 1125.

TWU Presses Amtrak on Contract -- Click here to see the first two of a series of flyers outlining the union's continuing campaign to press Amtrak for new collective bargaining agreements.

Another Attack On Overtime Pay -- Having failed to attack overtime pay through the comp time bill, the Bush Administration is pushing a regulatory change that would strip overtime protection from over 8 million American workers.

Democrats Lay Down Conditions For Medicare Drug Bill -- Led by Sen. Ted Kennedy, 37 Democrats have drawn a line in the sand over the Medicare Drug bill, signing a letter saying "Our support for the conference report depends on the satisfactory resolution of the following [six] key issues."

House And Senate Pass (Different) Medicare Drug Bills; Both Deeply Flawed – We Need To Stop The Worst Elements -- The House and Senate have passed different versions of a Medicare prescription drug bill. Both share a number of serious flaws. Click here for more.

Senate Passes Foreign Aircraft Repair Station Restrictions; FAA Bill Goes to Conference -- The Senate passed an amendment by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) that would require the FAA to do a 'security audit' of Foreign Maintenance Bases certified by the FAA to perform aircraft maintenance on planes used in U.S. domestic service. Any bases that fail to provide sufficient security protections would be subject to having their certification lifted.

TWU President Tells Congress: More Support For Amtrak -- Calling on Congress and the Bush Administration to make a long-term investment in Amtrak rather than dismantle it through "bureaucratic shell games" and flawed privatization schemes, TWU International President Sonny Hall, told a Senate panel June 5 that Amtrak should receive at least $1.8 billion in federal funding for Fiscal Year 2004. Click here for more.

Senate Bill Threatens TWU Prescription Drug Benefits -- Republicans and a few Democrats in the Senate have proposed a Prescription Drug Bill for Medicare.

Big Win for Flight Attendants! -- Flight Attendant Certification Included in FAA Reauthorization Bill

TWU Gets Bill Introduced to Outlaw Executive Compensation Deceptions Like the Recent American Airlines Actions -- Congressmen George Miller (D-CA) and 30 others have introduced pension reform legislation that includes language to require companies to disclose executive compensation packages to employees during negotiations. This would make illegal behavior like the recent American Airlines actions in concealing hidden protections and perks for executives while bargaining with the TWU and other unions.

DOL Dismisses Complaint Regarding 21st Constitutional Convention -- The U.S. Department of Labor recently dismissed charges brought by Local 100 President Roger Toussaint that elections conducted at the International Union's 21st Constitutional Convention violated the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA). DOL. Click here for a complete text (PDF) of the DOL ruling dismissing these charges.

White House Tries To Cripple Local Unions -- The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed regulation changes for labor organizations’ annual financial reporting requirements. The changes are outrageous and will financially burden unions. The revisions will require unions to break down expenses and disbursements by functional categories and flood them with massive reporting that will slow down efficiency and cost members billions of dollars.

Get the full story, learn the truth!!!!

Have a Great Weekend all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!!!!!

CIO claims !!!! look at the above post and see whos lying.

Well there you go spinning again. The point is all that #### you just posted is just a bunch of lip service. For one overseas maintenance should never have gotten started. I didnt see anything about stopping it. Just a bunch of retoric that will do nothing but get foreign maintenance up to speed. So what are you saying? Once we have them crossing their T's and dotting their i's we can have a better chance of shutting them down.

Overtime legislatation, thats a joke right ????? I talked to a guy on the floor in Tulsa friday and he was really pissed, claimed he was thinking about wearing an AMFA shirt, reason being he worked the holiday and said he only got half pay for working it. By the way CIO, ((((HE WAS A STOCK CLERK))))
Checking it Out said:
Go to amfanuts, amfawatchdogs and see how the members of amfa feel.
Why don't you go to AMFANUTS, so you can hang out with the rest of the defeated former iam officers. Gee, what can we think of today to say. :lol:
AMFA was helping promote RIGHT TO WORK STATES, such as Oklahoma instead of protecting the unemployed,
I would like to see this in writing that AMFA National was promoting RTW or are you just throwing out crap like the rest of the twu boys on here. :shock:
How funny and trully pathetic!
Checking it out thinks we're all typical blind TWU sheep.

A Message from International President Sonny Hall (updated regularly)

The TWU saying how great they are. Sounds like Bagdad Bob to me.

I suppose Checking It Out adheres to Hitler's propagada minister, Josef Goebels idea that, "...if you repeat a lie often enough people will start to believe it..."


tic, toc, tic, toc....
That's the sound of the clock running out on the TOTALLY WORTHLESS UNION :up:

The TWU cannot be fixed and that is why no one goes to the Union meeting because after 16 1/2 years with the TWU, I know that they will never change no matter how much you participate, that is a fact, we are going to have a vote and if the majority want AMFA then we will have a new Union period and we can try to make our AMFA local what we want it to be, if the TWU wins then we will all just have a big cry and live with concessions untill we retire with nothing.


Unless you want permanent concessions till you retire with the TWU
Hey TWU supporters what has your union done for you during your AA career
lets see, B&C scale SRP's OSM's LeAAP PAY, Flex benefits slashed holidays Vacation, increased your medical premiums, lifted system protection, junior mechnic program, i could go on and on about even more give backs since 1980 the TWU has had only ONE positive successful labor contract but this still had many un-necessary give backs and now the last contract made all the other give backs seem small in comparison but the reality is all of these give backs has set the whole aviation maintenantce field behind all other fields of maintenantce, so if you really feel that your union has helped your career i would love to here about it because i cant find anything positive that they have done to help any of us. :down: sign a card today help your career while you still have one......

A.M.F.A NOW!!!!!!
It is the International that is broken. With the removal of Article 22 from the TWU constitution, which use to allow for the removal of officers, granting life positions. As for the MCI local changing things, I have said before "Good Luck". More power to you. But I truly believe that no matter how strong you belive your local has become, it is the International that runs the TWU. I would hope that those members at MCI, have enough years left in their profession to see what the truth is. But it could be that you will only need one or two. I will remind you that this is not the IAM, you are going to have the truth forced upon you and then it will be to late.
Buck..you know this to be true..if our local stops repping us due to the International..and this item will be stated by our president and e-board..then we at MCI will respond accordingly, but NOT by shopping for a different union, we are mechanics..used to fixing what is wrong.
AMFA MAN, I would ask, why, or where was AMFA during the OKLAHOMA RIGHT TO WORK voting took place? All Afl_cio unions campainged eagerly to stop the RTW from passing,
I remember when voting took place, the debates, AMFA supporters or organizers were no where to be found? I remember how upset local AMFA supporters were when this was going on, that they were saying if not for the AFL-CIO unions fighting this, the RTW would have passed by a larger majority.
Since RTW does not apply to AMFA they will not campaing for or against something, I dont recall, was AMFA actually helpingget aid for unemployed mechanics?
AMFAMAN, I will not come here and throw" crap"