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Members Walk The Floors In Tulsa!

Checking it Out said:
I see the anti-amfa shirts are out selling the amfanow shirts by a 2 to 1 margin. The officers and shop reps are coming out in force and the members are glad to see the atmosphere has greatly improved.

Keep up the Great Job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters,

buck I hear you have caught up on your back dues, Glad to see you have come back on board. Keep up the strong support of the TWU!
How are the monkeys doing in your part of the world? Are you still feeding them?
Why did it take you so long to enforce the contract? You know that you will have to continue to enforce Art 38, as it is my plan never to pay unless forced by the contract. If you had the fortitude to seperate your liberal left wing agenda from the true representational issues of my craft and class then there would no dues problem.

And I can assure you that I am not back on board, I am still a non-member of your socialist entity.

One other thing CIO or any other TWU Loyalist, why are you selling TWU t-shirts to your members? The membership already gives you enough in the form of dues.
CIO: I was asked to post this for you.

April 10, 2003

TO: All AA Members:

RE: United Airlines Term Sheet of April 8, 2003

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

We have received numerous calls and E-mails regarding the latest UA term sheet dated April 8, 2003 reached in Bankruptcy, as compared to the AA March 31, 2003 tentative agreement. The chart attached depicts the UA Term sheet overlaid on the AA T/A. In summation: If our Negotiating Committee agreed to the outsourcing vs. compensation, we would be at a 10% pay reduction and holidays, vacation, sick leave would be intact. The direct result of the UA agreement would eliminate 6,388 jobs. Our Negotiating Committee rejected the additional outsourcing of work.


James C. Little
Director Air Transport Division
Intl. Administrative Vice President

FSC Chart
Checking it Out said:
I see the anti-amfa shirts are out selling the amfanow shirts by a 2 to 1 margin. The officers and shop reps are coming out in force and the members are glad to see the atmosphere has greatly improved.

Keep up the Great Job all you TWU Brothers and Sisters,

buck I hear you have caught up on your back dues, Glad to see you have come back on board. Keep up the strong support of the TWU!
How are the monkeys doing in your part of the world? Are you still feeding them?
Well the TWU is probably selling them for $6 less!! If the TWU is selling them you know that the buyer is getting a good deal, too bad for the suppliers.

By the way how much are you charging for them? Or are you giving them away?
Buck, thanks for posting for me!!!!

I see you are out of touch with what is happening in Tulsa, The shirts we are talking about, is a group that is tired of the rhetoric and lies amfa is preaching on base and have done this in the past. They have done a great job.

The only ones wearing the amfa shirts are the same ones that have wore them in the past.

I understand in hanger 3 and 4 today the TWU shirts out numbered the amfa shirts 40 to 1.

Keep up the good work all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!!!!
Just a note, The AFL-CIO in conjunction with the local in Tulsa put out a flyer, these were sent to the members homes. Their is a couple of mistakes.

You heard it here first, so don,t go rant and rave about the errors.

The TWU is doing a great job at puttting out information to the membership.
CIO, I guess when little wrote something along the lines of "the only way to have full accountability is to have a full re-vote" that was a typo too? Your status as a coward posting twu boot licker grows with every moronic post. Keep up the good work. It's just a shame you are not man enough to make your lies with your real name. Thanks for helping with the AMFA drive.
Checking it Out said:
Just a note, The AFL-CIO in conjunction with the local in Tulsa put out a flyer, these were sent to the members homes. Their is a couple of mistakes.

You heard it here first, so don,t go rant and rave about the errors.

The TWU is doing a great job at puttting out information to the membership.
Their is a couple of mistakes.

If it's the grammar mistakes, we know you wrote it. 😛
Bob Owens said:
This was an opinion, not a promise.

If we do go AMFA I will get involved and I will push for more political involvement. I do not agree that we should only use "shoe leather".

With the addition of AA, AMFA will likely pick up USAIR and Continental before the year is out. They could even surpass the TWU in membership within a few years.

Once AMFA feels they have all the mechanics they are going to get they can apply to join the AFL-CIO. I'm sure that the TWU,IBT and IAM will balk but if they balk too much they may find themselves alienating themselves from all the Craft Unions in the AFL-CIO. The IAM and IBT will probably shrug it off easier than the TWU. Their loss is minimal since they have 730,000 and 1.4 million members each. The AFL-CIO allowed the Air Traffic Controllers back in. They also readmitted unions that left to raid and then came back.

There is a movement within the AFL-CIO for restructuring the labor movement, read the SEIUs paper "United We Win". It attacks the notion of catch all unions in favor of forming unions that can focus on and better serve particular workers. It falls right in line with the idea of merging all the ATDs into one union. However one person who was with the AFL-CIO with whom I spoke to after getting suspended admitted that more than likely the only way that such a union could be formed is by decertifying the TWU,IAM,and IBT because their leaders are so myopic and self serving that they would never agree to such a plan, even though all airline workers, and in turn possibly the entire labor movement would benifit.

There is truth to your statements about elections however thats democracy, and its better than the alternative. In other words its better than what we have now.
Hi again Bob, In my honest opinion, it would be a grave mistake if AMFA would ask to be certified as AFL-CIO, First, after all the years of being negative pertaining to political affiliation, now AMFA says they want to contribute and be aggressive on capitol hill? Im not saying I heard that from you, I heard it elsewhere.
I for one, would petition to the AFL-CIO to never allow AMFA being associated with the AFL-CIO, 1 reason being, they raided AFL-CIO unions while the members faced hard times,
Another reason maybe AMFA would want to join AFL-CIO, is because they know if they are affiliated with AFL-CIO, another union could not dethrone them?
Per your saying AMFA will sigh maybe Continental? From what I hear, I dont think so, their members are happy with their union.
I have heard the arguments before, about AMFA not raiding, but for lack of better words, thats all I can say, its a raid.
Checking it Out said:
Buck, thanks for posting for me!!!!

I see you are out of touch with what is happening in Tulsa, The shirts we are talking about, is a group that is tired of the rhetoric and lies amfa is preaching on base and have done this in the past. They have done a great job.

The only ones wearing the amfa shirts are the same ones that have wore them in the past.

I understand in hanger 3 and 4 today the TWU shirts out numbered the amfa shirts 40 to 1.

Keep up the good work all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!!!!
I have been out of touch with the TWU for almost twenty years. You are correct your group is tired. How would you know about the number of shirts worn, you are never there?
Checking it Out said:
I understand in hanger 3 and 4 today the TWU shirts out numbered the amfa shirts 40 to 1.

Keep up the good work all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!!!!
You think this is about T-shirts and counting wearers do you?

Think again, I know for a fact that the majority has now signed cards. I also see every single day, a card signing AMFA supporter wearing a TWU shirt. Sad day when the member fears his own union so bad, that he will not show where he really stands. But let that secret ballot procedure dictate outcome and watch what happens then.

I also know the A&P's are over 80% opposed to continued Industrial Union representation and instead, favor a craft union that places them as the majority on a continuous basis. Why wouldn't a mechanic want to be in a mechanic's union?

If the TWU is so confident about their t-shirt wearing support, then why the direct mailings and the shuffle to blow smoke and mirrors again with ATD structure changes?

It appears to me that the TWU is running more scared than ever. And rightfully so.

There is going to be an election and results will NOT favor status quo!

All we have to do now, is sign enough cards to prevent the TWU from using NMB procedures to prevent a democratic vote on the issue at hand. I predict an election by Feb. 2004.
Hey man wear the anti-AMFA shirts all you want but the bottom line is that the majority will decide whether we replace the TWU with AMFA not me or you and so far the majority, over 50% have said that they want to atleast have a vote on the issue, the cards continue to come in so there will be a vote, and it is my belief that AMFA will win the election.
but hey when we do you can still wear your anti-AMFA shirts we don't care, we will have what we want a UNION with some BALLS, latest count 50.5%
the end is near for the TWU. :up:
I love the latest TWU mailer. You can tell all the TWU lackeys by that brain dead catatonic look they all have. It looks like a fugitive poster from the insane asylum, especially that goofy bastard Kirk Wells. What a sorry looking bunch. No doubt they were all paid for their time.

What has the mighty AFL-CIO done for workers lately?

Where was the backing for the Air Traffic Controllers when Reagan fired them?
NOWHERE!It's easier to blame Republicans.

Where was the mighty AFL-CIO when Eastern went on strike? They talked a good line of trash but Bush 41 called their bluff and refused to call for a PEB.

What did the mighty AFL-CIO do when NAFTA was passed?

What did the mighty AFL-CIO do when GATT was passed?

What has the mighty AFL-CIO done about all the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States?

:down: :down: :down: :down:
Look at the below Information and than look at the above post and see who is lying to who?

A Message from International President Sonny Hall (updated regularly) Mobilizing Transportation AFL-CIO Unions and our rank-and-file Sisters and Brothers must be a top priority for us. The terrible economy and mounting national debt, the horror of terrorism and the commitment to defeat those who would destroy America and, frankly, the inability to trust the words spoken by the present Administration in Washington, D.C., are also major priorities.

TWU Leads Campagin To Demonstrate That America Needs Passenger Rail -- Leaders of 6 Amtrak unions, led by TWU, held a press conference and rally on Wednesday, September 17, 2003 at Union Station in Washington, D.C. to protest the efforts by President Bush and his Congressional backers to kill the nation's intercity passenger rail system. The officials, including Railroad Division Director Charles Moneypenny, announced that workers will withdraw their services from Amtrak on October 3, 2003, in a one-day political protest. The workers want to give the riding public a preview of what life will be like without Amtrak.

Labor Rallies to Support Amtrak Workers -- The AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department is rallying the troops to defeat President Bush's plans for a privatized Amtrak.

FAA Bill Tries To Trash U.S. Airline Jobs; Tell Senators To Stick Up For Your Job And Support A Filibuster -- The FAA bill reauthorizing aviation spending for the next three years has been hi-jacked in the House-Senate Conference Committee in the dark of night. Violating the votes of members of the House and Senate, Republican leaders of both bodies stuck in three attacks on airline workers over the unanimous objection of House and Senate Democrats.

Defend Against Senate Action To Take Away Workers’ Asbestos Rights -- Everyone, including unions, agree that the system is broken for bringing justice and remedy to workers suffering from asbestos exposure. However, Senate Republicans led by Sen. Orrin Hatch (Utah) are trying to use that as an excuse to reward the companies responsible for the problem and deprive injured workers of fair treatment. Write and tell your Senator to OPPOSE S. 1125.

TWU Presses Amtrak on Contract -- Click here to see the first two of a series of flyers outlining the union's continuing campaign to press Amtrak for new collective bargaining agreements.

Another Attack On Overtime Pay -- Having failed to attack overtime pay through the comp time bill, the Bush Administration is pushing a regulatory change that would strip overtime protection from over 8 million American workers.

Democrats Lay Down Conditions For Medicare Drug Bill -- Led by Sen. Ted Kennedy, 37 Democrats have drawn a line in the sand over the Medicare Drug bill, signing a letter saying "Our support for the conference report depends on the satisfactory resolution of the following [six] key issues."

House And Senate Pass (Different) Medicare Drug Bills; Both Deeply Flawed – We Need To Stop The Worst Elements -- The House and Senate have passed different versions of a Medicare prescription drug bill. Both share a number of serious flaws. Click here for more.

Senate Passes Foreign Aircraft Repair Station Restrictions; FAA Bill Goes to Conference -- The Senate passed an amendment by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) that would require the FAA to do a 'security audit' of Foreign Maintenance Bases certified by the FAA to perform aircraft maintenance on planes used in U.S. domestic service. Any bases that fail to provide sufficient security protections would be subject to having their certification lifted.

TWU President Tells Congress: More Support For Amtrak -- Calling on Congress and the Bush Administration to make a long-term investment in Amtrak rather than dismantle it through "bureaucratic shell games" and flawed privatization schemes, TWU International President Sonny Hall, told a Senate panel June 5 that Amtrak should receive at least $1.8 billion in federal funding for Fiscal Year 2004. Click here for more.

Senate Bill Threatens TWU Prescription Drug Benefits -- Republicans and a few Democrats in the Senate have proposed a Prescription Drug Bill for Medicare.

Big Win for Flight Attendants! -- Flight Attendant Certification Included in FAA Reauthorization Bill

TWU Gets Bill Introduced to Outlaw Executive Compensation Deceptions Like the Recent American Airlines Actions -- Congressmen George Miller (D-CA) and 30 others have introduced pension reform legislation that includes language to require companies to disclose executive compensation packages to employees during negotiations. This would make illegal behavior like the recent American Airlines actions in concealing hidden protections and perks for executives while bargaining with the TWU and other unions.

DOL Dismisses Complaint Regarding 21st Constitutional Convention -- The U.S. Department of Labor recently dismissed charges brought by Local 100 President Roger Toussaint that elections conducted at the International Union's 21st Constitutional Convention violated the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA). DOL. Click here for a complete text (PDF) of the DOL ruling dismissing these charges.

White House Tries To Cripple Local Unions -- The Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed regulation changes for labor organizations’ annual financial reporting requirements. The changes are outrageous and will financially burden unions. The revisions will require unions to break down expenses and disbursements by functional categories and flood them with massive reporting that will slow down efficiency and cost members billions of dollars.

Get the full story, learn the truth!!!!

Have a Great Weekend all you TWU Brothers and Sisters!!!!!