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Local 514 Member Walked Out

Nothing except the subtitle to your thread.

If you are just dead set on debating this issue...I'm Your Huckleberry

Do you know the difference between "Union Rally" and the subject or content of the rally NOT being directed at the Union?

If you would stop trolling every thread on the board with one-liners or one sentence and/or unrelated questions, I would stop mentioning your post in negative tone.

Dennis opened every meeting with these words.
This is not an AMFA rally
This is not an AMP rally
This is not directed at the TWU

And then dicussed the stalled negotiations, and the company removing the posted flyers.

Obviously you failed to attend any of these rallys and therefore know nothing about what was happening.

And no matter how or why you try to deny it, the fact is you were the one that brought up the TWU attack on this thread.

My opinion of the TWU stands the same as it has for awhile now. But if you want to bash the TWU or advocate agency fee, then simply start a new topic on those matters. It really isn't personal or difficult Buck. Unless you just must take it that way, but I have no control over that, nor do I want to work on that problem, it is yours to deal with.
If you are just dead set on debating this issue...I'm Your Huckleberry

Do you know the difference between "Union Rally" and the subject or content of the rally NOT being directed at the Union?

If you would stop trolling every thread on the board with one-liners or one sentence and/or unrelated questions, I would stop mentioning your post in negative tone.

Dennis opened every meeting with these words.
This is not an AMFA rally
This is not an AMP rally
This is not directed at the TWU

And then dicussed the stalled negotiations, and the company removing the posted flyers.

Obviously you failed to attend any of these rallys and therefore know nothing about what was happening.

And no matter how or why you try to deny it, the fact is you were the one that brought up the TWU attack on this thread.

My opinion of the TWU stands the same as it has for awhile now. But if you want to bash the TWU or advocate agency fee, then simply start a new topic on those matters. It really isn't personal or difficult Buck. Unless you just must take it that way, but I have no control over that, nor do I want to work on that problem, it is yours to deal with.
Call it trolling or participation, I don't care any more. I have always posted one liners and my questions may be unrelated to you but not to me. I have always looked up to you for you friendship, intelligence and ability to retain information and the ability to recall that information easily. But somehow, I guess over the last few years you have changed. I am not sure what has been going on in your life but I hope you figure it out and turn your anger off or direct away from me.

Thanks for explaining what these meetings were about and of course I was not there, I was not aware of them nor was I invited. Yes I brought the TWU attack into the thread, but it was you who posted the union in the sub-title of your thread. And again I learned from the best. Either your opinion about these issues is different or yours have changed. I guess while I was sick, you must have change your way of thinking, all you do now is attack people again with nothing but anger. When a person attacks another because the have a different opinion, you do it with a vengeance and you make it personal in my opinion. And you do have control over your actions.
Call it trolling or participation, I don't care any more. I have always posted one liners and my questions may be unrelated to you but not to me. I have always looked up to you for you friendship, intelligence and ability to retain information and the ability to recall that information easily. But somehow, I guess over the last few years you have changed. I am not sure what has been going on in your life but I hope you figure it out and turn your anger off or direct away from me.

Thanks for explaining what these meetings were about and of course I was not there, I was not aware of them nor was I invited. Yes I brought the TWU attack into the thread, but it was you who posted the union in the sub-title of your thread. And again I learned from the best. Either your opinion about these issues is different or yours have changed. I guess while I was sick, you must have change your way of thinking, all you do now is attack people again with nothing but anger. When a person attacks another because the have a different opinion, you do it with a vengeance and you make it personal in my opinion. And you do have control over your actions.

Ok you are correct I am angry, have been since about 1989, I always thought you were also.
When did you become not angry about what is happening to us?
Maybe you changed not me, I have been angry even long before you and I met.

Maybe someday I will learn how to only seek change on those things that I am happy and content with instead of those that anger me, which is surely a waste of time.

Usually though, I tend to leave those issues I am satisfied with alone. I guess that is backwards to most people.
I can read on here daily and find nobody angry about anything going on within AA and/or the industry. All I see is a large group of happy and content folks seeking to change that which they are so happy about.

Oh well, feel free to troll, participate, and above all be happy and content with the way things are.
The last thing we would want is another who is angry and seeking change.

I will seek out Dennis Mead and ask how he gets motiviated enough to hold Union Rallies without anger being his motivation.
Because I personally have no idea how someone that is Slap Happy gets that motivated to take action.
Ok you are correct I am angry, have been since about 1989, I always thought you were also.
When did you become not angry about what is happening to us?
Maybe you changed not me, I have been angry even long before you and I met.

Maybe someday I will learn how to only seek change on those things that I am happy and content with instead of those that anger me, which is surely a waste of time.

Usually though, I tend to leave those issues I am satisfied with alone. I guess that is backwards to most people.
I can read on here daily and find nobody angry about anything going on within AA and/or the industry. All I see is a large group of happy and content folks seeking to change that which they are so happy about.

Oh well, feel free to troll, participate, and above all be happy and content with the way things are.
The last thing we would want is another who is angry and seeking change.

I will seek out Dennis Mead and ask how he gets motiviated enough to hold Union Rallies without anger being his motivation.
Because I personally have no idea how someone that is Slap Happy gets that motivated to take action.
No I am angry. I am angry at the continuing tactics the union uses for appeasement in an industrial union atmosphere. However you have rarely placed your anger upon those seeking similar change that is needed to the system. Maybe it is not anger but frustration out of your control. I have also known Dennis for a long time. In the past when as a group tried to discuss issues with him, he was not interested. Times have changed and so has everyone else, I guess. Maybe it is time for me to change also. I had become very busy for my life, but never loss my quest for change of the industrial union system. As for the group of people wanting change, they do, it is fear that I see.
Buck and Informer, The rally will take place tomorrow at 10:30 AM during lunch time. This way the company can try to walk us all out for doing this on our unpaid lunch period. I have attended the other rallys and I can confirm Informer's story. Dennis always stated that it was not an AMFA or AMP thing. He went on to say that the TWU is doing what we asked them to do which is to negotiate. The company is stalling and not negotiating in good faith. I remember the old days when we were asked to stop working and go out on the ramp by our shop steward at a certain time. We all did and then after a few minutes the shop steward would tell everyone it was ok to go back. This always had to do with someone getting walked out and should have happened when Dennis was walked out. But our lame union will not even think about that now. It's pretty bad when things were better with Ed Wilson as 514 president. So we gonna see you tomorrow Buck?
Buck and Informer, The rally will take place tomorrow at 10:30 AM during lunch time. This way the company can try to walk us all out for doing this on our unpaid lunch period. I have attended the other rallys and I can confirm Informer's story. Dennis always stated that it was not an AMFA or AMP thing. He went on to say that the TWU is doing what we asked them to do which is to negotiate. The company is stalling and not negotiating in good faith. I remember the old days when we were asked to stop working and go out on the ramp by our shop steward at a certain time. We all did and then after a few minutes the shop steward would tell everyone it was ok to go back. This always had to do with someone getting walked out and should have happened when Dennis was walked out. But our lame union will not even think about that now. It's pretty bad when things were better with Ed Wilson as 514 president. So we gonna see you tomorrow Buck?
I am not doubting anyone especially the Informer, never have. I do work afternoons, so if I was to attend it would need to be off shift and I am not sure that I would not get Dennis and group in trouble by attending, plus I believe it is against company policy and or rules to so. In other words I will not be attending.
I am not doubting anyone especially the Informer, never have. I do work afternoons, so if I was to attend it would need to be off shift and I am not sure that I would not get Dennis and group in trouble by attending, plus I believe it is against company policy and or rules to so. In other words I will not be attending.
Ok I guess I won't look for you.
I am not doubting anyone especially the Informer, never have. I do work afternoons, so if I was to attend it would need to be off shift and I am not sure that I would not get Dennis and group in trouble by attending, plus I believe it is against company policy and or rules to so. In other words I will not be attending.

Well...when you've got this to put in there faces....

ARTICLE 33-No strike-no lock out
a) It is the intent of the parties to this agreement that the procedures set forth in this agreement will serve as a means of amicable settlement of all disputes that may arise between them, and, therefore:
1) The Co will neither cause nor permit a lockout during the life of this Agreement.
2) Neither the Union nor the employees will engage in a strike, sit -down, walkout, stoppage, slowdown, or curtailment of work for any reason during the life of this Agreement.

Sounds pretty damn cooperative to me. I'd love to see the looks on the European mechs faces after they read this. 🙂-D "waattt!!! Are you guys on drugs!?"

Report for work on time.

Call in when absent and when you expect to be late as far in advance of your scheduled starting time as possible.

Three (3) consecutive days absence without advising the Company will be grounds for dismissal.

During your tour of duty, remain in the area necessary for the efficient performance of your work.

Remain at work until your tour of duty ends unless you are authorized to leave early.

Check on or off duty in the prescribed manner and for yourself only.

Unauthorized appearance on the premises of the Company while off-duty is restricted and your presence must not interfere with the orderly work of others who are on duty.

Report for work on time.

Call in when absent and when you expect to be late as far in advance of your scheduled starting time as possible.

Three (3) consecutive days absence without advising the Company will be grounds for dismissal.

During your tour of duty, remain in the area necessary for the efficient performance of your work.

Remain at work until your tour of duty ends unless you are authorized to leave early.

Check on or off duty in the prescribed manner and for yourself only.

Unauthorized appearance on the premises of the Company while off-duty is restricted and your presence must not interfere with the orderly work of others who are on duty.
I have no problem with you not being there Buck. I would not be there if I was on afternoon shift either. Do not think for one minute that I was knocking you in any way. Hopefully there are more out there than there have been any other time. Then I want to see the reaction of the company. Last week there were HR guys out there taking pictures on their cell phones. So much for company policy of having a camera pass to use a camera on AA property. I guess that only applies to union people.