CactUS4Ever said:Pay me $50hr, cut my medical expense down 50% and keep everything else the same. 2 year contract and I'm happy.
We would all be happy with that, you must hang on Bob's every word, (Bob telling the members that kind of contract is achievable will cause nothing but delayed contracts for years) but that will never happen. Our medical is the same as everyone else, $50 an hour is a lot more then Delta or UAL our closest competitors, and I'm thinking a 5 year term will be what AA is looking for. I would expect our new union to negotiate for a 3% raise, for every 12 months after the contract is amendable, so AA doesn't get a free ride by stalling on contract negotiations for years. I believe the IAM at USAir had that. Expecting something good but doable is the mind set we need to be in or we will be like the FA's leaving money on the table.