Ideas to pass a TA with the mechanics.

OldGuy@AA said:
The way it works now is you have to bump the lowest seniority AMT in the entire system.  
This point scares the more informed here at US, if you can find any,  the most of all about the goofed up TWU system your group has.
Real tired said:
Since we're soon to be coworkers, I try to understand what is posted here to learn from "your side".
What do bus drivers have to do with anything?  And how do they tie into Fleet Service?  Do you mean a bus company like Trailways?
The TWU is basicly a bus drivers union. The  ATD is small in comparison to the rest of the TWU.
The TWU like any union has a responsibility to all it's members. But since The AMT's are such a small group in the ATD we feel that we don't get proper representation.
The Fleet group is larger so thats how that goes got it now?
Real tired said:
This point scares the more informed here at US, if you can find any,  the most of all about the goofed up TWU system your group has.
If you are a fleet worker you need to get with a fleet person from AA and ask them.
How bumping within the mechanics rank and file may or maynot be the same. The mechanics at US have a system to bump anywhere. We don't so that will have to get worked out after the new CBA is worked out. We have separate title groups and US doesn't. So they will get split like we have it I assume and still stay within the Class and craft. The plan from everything I read is that we will merge the members by Occupational time.
( Time in current job ) Even if we switched to AMFA it would get done that way as well.
We are just going to have to wait until our cba's become amendable, and get renegotiated.
 Unless we get this Union/association worked out we will be stuck with these POS contracts for many yrs just like the UAL and the CAL guy's.
What will happen on the Fleet side is really up to you guys and how your class and craft wants this to go. Maintenance will not have a say in what you do nor do we want too.
The TWU is basicly a bus drivers union. The  ATD is small in comparison to the rest of the TWU.
The TWU like any union has a responsibility to all it's members. But since The AMT's are such a small group in the ATD we feel that we don't get proper representation.
The Fleet group is larger so thats how that goes got it now?
Sorry.  Not Fleet.
Mechanic.  35+.  PIT.
And I still do not understand at which company, and which bus drivers the TWU represent.  And how the AA Fleet people are tied in with them?
Thanks for the reply, though.
Real tired said:
And I still do not understand at which company, and which bus drivers the TWU represent.  And how the AA Fleet people are tied in with them?

Local 100 represents most of the men and women who drive and maintain public buses in New York City under the umbrellas of MaBSTOA in Manhattan and the Bronx, NYC Transit Surface Division in Brooklyn, and MTA Bus in Queens and the Bronx.
And us smart ones want out of the 'Bus Drivers Union'!!
Real tired said:
Sorry.  Not Fleet.
Mechanic.  35+.  PIT.
And I still do not understand at which company, and which bus drivers the TWU represent.  And how the AA Fleet people are tied in with them?
Thanks for the reply, though.
Real Tired
The TWU's home office is Local 100 in NYC, which represents the Bus/train people of NY.
Go there and look at who they represent.
Like I said just due to sheer numbers the fleet represented workers out number us so the TWU caters to them. The ATD is just a small part of the TWU. Understand now.
 If you are an AMT for USAirways in PIT you better start doing your homework as far as this association and what the IAM/TWU have in store for us. Your station was decimated by the cuts at US, what do you think is going to happen in the future when they get this whole thing worked out? 35 yrs I hope you are close in age to get out before all the BS really starts.
Ive got 3 yrs to go. Or I hope that is all.
I hope that you and he others at PIT don't plan on buying into the IAM/TWU deal, you will come out on the short end mark my words the TWU is a Joke. Only the IBT is worse, of the three big industrial unions.
Real tired said:
Since we're soon to be coworkers, I try to understand what is posted here to learn from "your side".
What do bus drivers have to do with anything?  And how do they tie into Fleet Service?  Do you mean a bus company like Trailways?
Harry Lombardo is president of the TWU International and is a bus driver from Local 100 in NY.  He appointed several people to the Air Transport Division (ATD) and all of them except one were Fleet Service Clerks from AA.  One is a former AMT from Pan Am.  American Airlines AMTs have nobody representing them in the ATD.  In all actuality Fleet Service will determine what AMTs are offered in a TA.  AA Fleet Service is well paid when compared to their peers in the industry, while the AMTs are the absolute lowest in the industry.  This is what you get in a bus driver union with Fleet Service dictating to the ATD.  But this is what we are stuck with.  
OldGuy@AA said:
Harry Lombardo is president of the TWU International and is a bus driver from Local 100 in NY.  He appointed several people to the Air Transport Division (ATD) and all of them except one were Fleet Service Clerks from AA.  One is a former AMT from Pan Am.  American Airlines AMTs have nobody representing them in the ATD.  In all actuality Fleet Service will determine what AMTs are offered in a TA.  AA Fleet Service is well paid when compared to their peers in the industry, while the AMTs are the absolute lowest in the industry.  This is what you get in a bus driver union with Fleet Service dictating to the ATD.  But this is what we are stuck with.  
I would say that about sums it up....
Above is just another reason that we Don't need to have a T/A with AA, under the TWU.
This campaign by the TWU just shows us how much they care about the AA workers.
Both Fleet and Maintenance.
Why didn't the TWU do this during our contract negotiation?  My guess is that they are so obligated by deals with the AA Mgmt, for all the scams that have been perpetrated against AA workers they would never do anything to rock that boat.
NO T/A with the Association or the TWU.
bigjets said:
We go to mediation for YEARS, we will never be released as we are the largest airline in the world, there is a republican congress and most likely a republican president. It's like you don't know history, and are wrapped up in your own rhetorical spin that your not opening your eyes to reality.
Try reading history books that have more print than pictures, ones where you don't have to color in the pictures as well. 
Mediation lasts for Years when neither party is pushing for an outcome.  
How long were the NWA/AMFA talks of 2005 in Mediation before being released, the AA pilots were real eased shortly after rejecting their TA. Normally release occurs after a TA is rejected, I believe we are the only Union that did not request a release after a rejected TA. 
Republicans tend to be less likely to interfere, Bush did not step into the dispute at EAL and Clinton did step into the dispute at AA. 
MetalMover said:
I have to say I agree with this post. the problem I see is that the company will not just GIVE us DL matching wages or even a tad more WITHOUT getting something ELSE in return. You are correct, they got the pension, retiree medical more outsourcing...So what's left? My hunch is the sick time bank might be offered for sacrifice for an increase in pay....The F/A's got the $$$$ but they had to give them the "hard 40."
We are not going to get an increase to match DL wages without losing something else.
Yes we may have to give up TVs and comfortable chairs in the break rooms, other than that its how much of a fight do we give them that determines what we get. 
Bob Owens said:
Yes we may have to give up TVs and comfortable chairs in the break rooms, other than that its how much of a fight do we give them that determines what we get. 
Put it this way, if the TVs, comfy chairs and laptops are removed........then you will see a fight.
Real Tired
The TWU's home office is Local 100 in NYC, which represents the Bus/train people of NY.
Go there and look at who they represent.
Like I said just due to sheer numbers the fleet represented workers out number us so the TWU caters to them. The ATD is just a small part of the TWU. Understand now.
 If you are an AMT for USAirways in PIT you better start doing your homework as far as this association and what the IAM/TWU have in store for us. 
TWU is based out of Washington DC, not Local 100 in NYC.
Local 100 is based out of Brooklyn, a borough of NYC, and has many mechanics (some came or still work at AA) .
Harry Lombardo is a Mechanic out of PHL, not Local 100. 
The margin between Fleet and Maintenance is slim. The biggest problem with the current TWU structure is Title II which is spread out between Maintenance and Fleet Locals. Under the TWU structure for negotiations its possible that there could be more Fleet Service clerks sitting in Maintenance negotiations than mechanics. The fix is easy, allow Title II to choose whether they want their own local, all go with fleet or all go with aircraft maintenance, but they should not be all over the place and if they choose either of the first two options they should have their own contract.
Under the association its likely that Title II and Stores will have nobody from their class and craft sitting in negotiations. 
I do agree that the Association is something we need to avoid at any cost. We need one union. The Association will be a disaster and after seeing what the IAM endorsed with a company earning Billions I would not want them to be the one union either. 
Real tired said:
Since we're soon to be coworkers, I try to understand what is posted here to learn from "your side".
What do bus drivers have to do with anything?  And how do they tie into Fleet Service?  Do you mean a bus company like Trailways?
Prior to the first BK did your pension allow you to collect a full pension at 60? Please PM me. 