From the feedback I'm getting from Peterson he is probably more in tune with our needs than Little, Videtich etc. Remember that this is a guy who doesn't kiss managements ass like the Little TeAAm. He participated and led strikes against his employer in PHL. Not to say we don't have our differences but I'd rather have Lombardo than Little. He is a staunch Industrial trade Unionist and no doubt the political arena and the objective to oust Little is what led him to structure his team as he did(It was pretty much a given that the Line and AFW was not going to support Little- putting out where you stand has a price-and Tulsa has been known to jump to whatever side they think is going to win however Fleet was the question mark , plus Alex Rodriguez no doubt had a say so Maintenance was pretty much left out, the excuse was the lawsuit, Lombardo told Peterson drop the lawsuit and name what position you want)
I'd asked Little to replace Videtich with Lombardo when I saw how Videtich was doing everything he could to stall talks and give the company their zero cost contract. Of course that never happened.
So while there are differences the fact is that this team thats in place will likely never say to us "You need to lower your expectations", or "Lets put this contract behind us and do whats best for American Airlines", or "you can't expect to be paid like SWA, Fed Ex or UPS" or "Fuel just went up 2 cents this morning, thats gonna cost AA x million more for the year". The hardest part I think will be overcoming the hard core industrial union mentality that prevails in Public Transportation but has never really applied in the airline industry. The concept of having workers in one contract in one Union divided up between several Locals is something that they didn't deal with, and everyone got the same increases. Our structure at present has no rhyme or reason due to Title II being all over the place. Our structure was built around the internal politics of the Union and not whats best for the members. They already tried to apply an Industrial Union approach and that resulted in three craft specific Locals filing to leave the TWU. Then when they look at SWA they see what amounts to two craft Locals within an Industrial Union, where each is totally separate. Separate buildings, separate negotiations, separate contracts, but it works. Keep in mind that these guys never gave pay cuts and still have medical at minimal costs, good pensions and retiree medical. Unlicensed mechanics at the MTA earn more than Licensed mechanics at AA, with much, much better benefits-we have had several mechanics quit AA and go start over at the MTA. With Fleet Service in control of the ATD, and reletively well positioned among their peers those from fleet will likely push for an across the board approach where everyone gets an equal slice of the pie. This of course is unacceptable to us because that was not applied in 2003 or 2012 where we had to give a bigger percentage than other groups which has landed us way behind our peers. Getting the message to Lombardo in a way that he can relate to with a Fleet dominated ATD could be a challenge. Other issues such as regional pay he fully comprehends, like most of the general public the fact that a worker in Tulsa gets paid exactly the same as a worker in NY and LAX seems strange. This is pretty much the only industry where that's the case, which was fine when we earned wages that were good, but not anymore.