Tim Nelson
Listen Fuzz, Boss Canale was up against the same negotiator as all the other groups on the property so explain to me why fleet service got hosed over with the 60 day rule and other fleet service exclusive rules? Explain to me why Canale signed that last garbage that screwed over those affected with the 60 day rule? Explain to me why Boss Canale has now shelved your section 6 negotiations for 2 years and agreed with the company that section 6 wasn't necessary.Have you ever considered the fact that maybe the company negotiator for UA might have been more acomadating than the idiots that our team has to deal with at US.
You continue to say that Cannale is a company lap dog, well he may be. Im more inclined to think its the company stupid. You can only go as far as this company is willing to go.
Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago