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IAM gets 100% seniority for AIRTRAN Customer Service Agents.

However, I do blame the IAM international level for allowing an election after the announcement. I think they did it on purpose to get out of the expence of going thru with SLI nego's.
They also wanted to make some easy money off the rampers before they are ruled to belong under the TWU.
Some people will never admit that DOH is not always Fair and Equitable in every SLI.
Even though after McCaskill-Bond was enacted we had arbitrators rule that SWA employees should get something more than DOH.

The first and biggest recipients of the ridiculous government interviening is ,, yes you Guessed it Air Tran.... they should have to give 10% of their New Found Raises back to the government, just like people do at church......

They didnt work for it but BAM one day there it is, more money.,... the worst thing about it is the PURE lack of appreciation that is being shown on so many levels, the stories keep coming and they keep coming about the attitudes and lack of gratitude shown from many AT people,,, just amazing and unfortunately the CSA seniority ROBBERY seems OK with most at AT

Just when I thought we at SWA got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING out of this deal, it got worse,, CSA's got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and their hard worked Seniority STolen from them... I vote we give the original SWA Csa's ,, 50% payraises, to match the ones the AT people got ,., the only differance is that SWA people would APPRECIATE IT

The lack of appreciation and the ripping apart the Culture that took 41 years to build seems to be just another Part of GK's big business plan, and is supposed to be acceptable to the OS(original southwest).... shocking is that some people are upset by the handouts...
The first and biggest recipients of the ridiculous government interviening is ,, yes you Guessed it Air Tran.... they should have to give 10% of their New Found Raises back to the government, just like people do at church......

They didnt work for it but BAM one day there it is, more money.,... the worst thing about it is the PURE lack of appreciation that is being shown on so many levels, the stories keep coming and they keep coming about the attitudes and lack of gratitude shown from many AT people,,, just amazing and unfortunately the CSA seniority ROBBERY seems OK with most at AT

Just when I thought we at SWA got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING out of this deal, it got worse,, CSA's got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and their hard worked Seniority STolen from them... I vote we give the original SWA Csa's ,, 50% payraises, to match the ones the AT people got ,., the only differance is that SWA people would APPRECIATE IT

The lack of appreciation and the ripping apart the Culture that took 41 years to build seems to be just another Part of GK's big business plan, and is supposed to be acceptable to the OS(original southwest).... shocking is that some people are upset by the handouts...

I keep reading this over and over from you and your like minded butties.
What would you like them to do to appease you?
Please be specific.
B) xUT
The first and biggest recipients of the ridiculous government interviening is ,, yes you Guessed it Air Tran.... they should have to give 10% of their New Found Raises back to the government, just like people do at church......

They didnt work for it but BAM one day there it is, more money.,... the worst thing about it is the PURE lack of appreciation that is being shown on so many levels, the stories keep coming and they keep coming about the attitudes and lack of gratitude shown from many AT people,,, just amazing and unfortunately the CSA seniority ROBBERY seems OK with most at AT

Just when I thought we at SWA got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING out of this deal, it got worse,, CSA's got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and their hard worked Seniority STolen from them... I vote we give the original SWA Csa's ,, 50% payraises, to match the ones the AT people got ,., the only differance is that SWA people would APPRECIATE IT

The lack of appreciation and the ripping apart the Culture that took 41 years to build seems to be just another Part of GK's big business plan, and is supposed to be acceptable to the OS(original southwest).... shocking is that some people are upset by the handouts...
So my question is, do you automatically give 10% back to the government, or your church when you get a raise or buy 10% more Jack Daniels? You claim the AirTran people didn't work for it so I suppose that means SWA bought FL b/c all of the employees are a bunch of unappreciative thugs out to rob SWA of everything. That must be it, the AirTran people were in on a plot with GK to screw you over! Get freaking real dude! You can't show me facts that all the FL people got 50% raises because that is BS and I can prove it. I have yet to see any of this hostility that you seem to be in on the pipeline and I, like you, travel every week. Seems to me the only one ripping your culture apart is your expressed attitude which goes on and on...
So my question is, do you automatically give 10% back to the government or your church when you get a raise or buy 10% more Jack Daniels? You claim the AirTran people didn't work for it so I suppose that means SWA bought FL b/c all of the employees are a bunch of unappreciative thugs out to rob SWA of everything. That must be it, the AirTran people were in on a plot with GK to screw you over! Get freaking real dude! You can't show me facts that all the FL people got 50% raises because that is BS and I can prove it. I have yet to see any of this hostility that you seem to be in on the pipeline and I, like you, travel every week. Seems to me the only one ripping your culture apart is your expressed attitude which goes on and on...

Let me slow this down and humor you and all your Trannie friends,,

1-I dont give %10 because I didnt get a 50% Raise(maybe yours wasnt 50% but I will bet it was more than 20-25%) ,, I didnt wake up one morning with the incredible fortune that my Average at best company was bought out by a much better run company..LOTTERY winning

2-You are sadly mistaken and downplay why SWA bought Airtran but I will tell you that the employee group was definitely not one of the reasons,, GATES, Equipment, Routes, ATL, taking out competition.... Remember if the Pilots didnt sign the last offer that was put in front of them Herb kindly reminded them how he would sell off all the 717s and keep only the gates he wanted ridding SWA of AT equipment and employees .... o yea I dont remember him mentioning the incredible employees is why he is buying AT,.,

3- You think I am making numbers up out of no where, I agree with you that not all employees got a %50 raise but none that I have heard got less than %25,, lets take a moment if you will.... A Super Duper SEnior AT F/a(oct 94),, who flies a 3 day trip paying 13.5 credits at her top out pay of $40a trip, would make $540 at AT... now keep up

That same trip cant happen at swa because our minimum trip has to pay 19.5.. at she gets 56$,,=$1092....a 100%raise INSTANTLY for wha,,100% not including A pay or per diem.... now I dont want to bore you but AT FAs had maximums of 100 and minimums of 70 ,, SWA doesnt .. SWA has Profit sharing and company match,,

If a FA at AT got really crazy and decided to fly 3 more days a month,,in the next 20 years would make approx $754,480 more than AT could of ever given(LOTTERY WINNER)..WOW and they still B*$*h and complain,, incredible,, I have actually heard about 20 to 1 complaints vs Thank YOu.,.. just shocking to me...but I digress

Now you may fly every week but I would hope you wouldnt see the crap that I see and hear, I hope AT people have enough class not to do it in front of Passengers..Cause god Knows it seems to be happening almost everywhere else..I cant imagine what is going to happen behind the Gates after the Great DEAl, CSAs got... is anyone at AT jealous that the CSAs of AT won the biggest lottery Tickets?????

So let me answer XuT and you at the same time,, because I think that what anyone at SWA wants is for all AT people to appreciate the GIFT or Lottery Tickets they won enough to be respectful to SWA employees,, Come to Work and Do your Job, and maybe learn that Thanks is a Horrible word,, And NOT, let me repeat NOT,,NOT NOT

NOT- (my personal experiences now, with the 20+ AT I have met) and I wont include the 100 plus horror stories I have heard,,,,
-NOT rub our faces in your new found money as A Male FA tried to do,, saying "I will make $1000 a check more, and work less"...
-NOt b$%tch and complain about now having to work weekends or god forbid commuting(I will commute to ATL tomorrow if I get all the upgrades they got and lose 2.5 years

--Not ASK someone you just met "HOW many years have you been here"! and then remind them that you are senior
NOT- Talk about how at AT we did it this way,, cause most could care less how AT did anything
NOT-refuse to clean a plane, or do seconds or in 2 cases,, no SErvice at all, they were too tired
Not- Come down the Jetway when they are non rev ing before Passengers, and sit in the front of the plane
NOT- as One Guy still in AT Uniform on a Full VAn.. tried to tell us how we should Vote,, are you kidding me,, he is not even in a SWA uniform... this is going to get uglier and the CSA thing Has The SCREWED METER way up,,,

I know it is hard for you to comprehend but IF you dont understand the way things are done here, then error on the side of caution and Politely try to inform yourself... Understand that SWA employees got nothing but a headache and try to Just do your Job that you are now being Paid WAY more for, be appreciative and have some RESPECT....

You Think it is me and that I am this hateful person,,, o yea thats it you got me... I see many differant people from many differant depts every WEEK,, who are ORIGINAL SWA and tell me How they really feel because I am also ORiginal SWA..Tooooooo many AT people are coming in with no Gratitude and spouting off,,, its sad...and its going to get worse,, I am one of the fortunate ones that doesnt have to work with them as often as the Junior people....YOU think I am the only one!!!! READ the article on CSA's(you know where),, that article got 458 responses last time I checked,, most articles get 10-15 responses,,wow,, and some say that the number of responses was in excess of 1200-1400 thx to moderators,,thats 100x more response than Normal... 100x.. read them and tell me that they are all singing Kum bai ya....

AT People , COME TO WORK ,, DO YOUR JOB, and BE Humble, and DONT complain,,,enjoy your NEW FOUND MONEY and SENIORITY in SILENCE,, cause most think you got more of both than you deserve......
You really have to ignore this nut job. Like I've said multiple times on this thread, it's paranoid jerks like him that are going to ruin the post integration for all of us. You know the stories he's telling are not true, they are all hear-say being blown out of proportion... This guy is supposed to be more senior employee but sounds like a high school kid with a chip on his shoulder. He definitly doesn't portray the fun-luving attitude SWA prides themselves on.

Buscador, maybe you should go back to the university and take another FLY class just to remind you how important EVERYONES role is at SWA, or so the kool aid claims. Seriously dude, get over it and stop bursting out all you negative energy on a thread that doesn't even concern you!! Now you know that if he's this way online, he's probably much worse in person with the AT hatred. The pecking order has shown loud and clear, the more money you make, the more seniority was taken/given. Now get over it already and move on with you life before you cause yourself to have a hernia or something...
You really have to ignore this nut job. Like I've said multiple times on this thread, it's paranoid jerks like him that are going to ruin the post integration for all of us. You know the stories he's telling are not true, they are all hear-say being blown out of proportion... This guy is supposed to be more senior employee but sounds like a high school kid with a chip on his shoulder. He definitly doesn't portray the fun-luving attitude SWA prides themselves on.

Buscador, maybe you should go back to the university and take another FLY class just to remind you how important EVERYONES role is at SWA, or so the kool aid claims. Seriously dude, get over it and stop bursting out all you negative energy on a thread that doesn't even concern you!! Now you know that if he's this way online, he's probably much worse in person with the AT hatred. The pecking order has shown loud and clear, the more money you make, the more seniority was taken/given. Now get over it already and move on with you life before you cause yourself to have a hernia or something...

You are sadly mistaken,, I wish the stories were a figment of my imagination but every and let me REPEAT ,, everyone is true and have personally experienced them.... but coming from a guy who spends so much time trying to remove your foot from your mouth,, it doesnt mean to much....

HOW aBOUT THE AT male FA non reving who called scheduling to replace the non rev 4th jumpseater,,because he had to work earlier???are you kidiing me

How About the the 2 AT FA;s in the lounge complaining that SWA computer trading sucks

How about The Male FA who refused to serve on one leg of a 6 leg day,, said that in training they said do what you have to and get through the long days,, he thought not serving at all was acceptable OR

The 2 Senior AT FA's who refused to help clean during an A/C change saying, "O no honey we dont clean planes we didnt bring in, your lucky we clean at all"

O yea,, I have nothing better to do but honestly I am not that creative to write stories that horrible,,,,, so sit in your little cubicle and turn your wrenches while you try to figure out the best way to pull your foot out of your mouth,, seems through the last year you find more ways to insert than remove..

NICE TRY,,, the fun Loving attitude of SWA FA's may just be a thing of the past,, I can give you 2.000 reasons

Nut job,, well if you meant someone who has 20-30 pts higher IQ is a nut JOB ,, it may be the smartest thing you have ever said

You may be insulated and only work with a select few people everyday,, but open your eyes and talk to others that work with different people all the time.... ITS no LUV fest out there and the biggest complaint is that too many at AT and the attitudes.... Not saying ALL of them,, but far far too many who are ungrateful and are showing it proudly,, I would bet a years Pay that you wont find many if any(besides the suits) at SWA who are saying,, I am sooo excited about the AT deal,

So we are STUCK with it,, I guess it is too much to ask for the AT people to have some respect and gratitude and try to understand that the headache that has been created,, may take more than your ROSE COLORED opinions and 2 aspirin to get rid of..

BUt hold on,, so in your sugar coated insulated world I guess you think that the CSA's at SWA arent going to feel screwed for the rest of their Careers,, that this deal wont create a Divide that WILL NEVER CLOSE,,, cause o yea by the way I have talked to many of them as well.... I am not hearing your ROSE COLORED opinions shared by them..

But I guess that is another figment of my imagination.... yep,, they will get over it everytime they hand off their seniority and shifts to an AT person...Time and time again as they train the Person who will soon be stealing their hard earned seniority with NOT one OUNCE of a Pay RAise let alone %50..

SORRY for SO much REAlITY at one time.. I should learn to give it in smaller doses
Well if the AT guys were putting in 100%, what were you doing? Besides, how does this relate to the current thread?
It's about the CSAs and how the SWA people think they are getting shafted when they haven't lost a dime. Some may lose a shift or a vacation slot but that could happen with a SWA transfer moving in. My Gawd, give it a rest and let's go to work!

yeah whatever , I guess running 200 flights with 3 to 4 guys a shift isnt "working".... what ever, how many on shift in ATL for that number.... According to the Director, alot more......
Exactly! I agree. It's 'Tribalism' on the SW side... plain & simple.
AirTran folks are now SWA employees!

Um, not until the NMB puts them under our union, and work rules. AT guys arent working on red bellies, and SWA guys arent working on AT jets.
yeah whatever , I guess running 200 flights with 3 to 4 guys a shift isnt "working".... what ever, how many on shift in ATL for that number.... According to the Director, alot more......

I guess a direct question like this confuses them SWA TECH, because I havent seen a direct answer!! LOL

QA-4 and AVtech would rather put on their Rose or Teal colored glasses and give a rah rah speech instead of answering questions like this one,, oops you and AVtech are to busy working on other ways to tell SWA people how to get over it what threads they should and shouldnt reply too,, and that they are what did AV say,, O yea NUTJOB,,,But thats not Abrasive being told by AT people how we should handle this or What we should do,, no not one bit....

Here is a direct ???..... what are you going to do with all the new found cash you will be making for years to come?? Hopefully you and AvTech can go take a class on Reality and Human Nature, that school would make you take off your Hat and Rose colored Glasses when you enter... if you guys worked as hard in the Hangar as you do trying to tell SWA people how they should be getting over it,, then you would be an asset to this NEW company

If you guys gave one less opinion for every EXTRA dollar you now make,, everyone would be spared THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of yours and AVtechs opinions.... Interesting ratio huh,, pass that one along to your brethren and then maybe you would learn to close your mouths and let your Work do the Talking.,... what a novel idea huh
I guess a direct question like this confuses them SWA TECH, because I havent seen a direct answer!! LOL

QA-4 and AVtech would rather put on their Rose or Teal colored glasses and give a rah rah speech instead of answering questions like this one,, oops you and AVtech are to busy working on other ways to tell SWA people how to get over it what threads they should and shouldnt reply too,, and that they are what did AV say,, O yea NUTJOB,,,But thats not Abrasive being told by AT people how we should handle this or What we should do,, no not one bit....

Here is a direct ???..... what are you going to do with all the new found cash you will be making for years to come?? Hopefully you and AvTech can go take a class on Reality and Human Nature, that school would make you take off your Hat and Rose colored Glasses when you enter... if you guys worked as hard in the Hangar as you do trying to tell SWA people how they should be getting over it,, then you would be an asset to this NEW company

If you guys gave one less opinion for every EXTRA dollar you now make,, everyone would be spared THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of yours and AVtechs opinions.... Interesting ratio huh,, pass that one along to your brethren and then maybe you would learn to close your mouths and let your Work do the Talking.,... what a novel idea huh
Well Mr. Brilliance, first of all, I have not seen one penny of a raise, not one, so therefore I will just keep living within my means as I have always done. Secondly, I flew today on one of our flights and asked the F/As if they had heard of any FL F/As being rude, mocking or otherwise. All three said No they haven't and why do you ask? I tried to explain your pleading of how those at FL must all be totally disrespective and and unappreciative. They all said to not worry about it, every airline has a few bad apples. As far as 'Rose Colored Glasses', it is a great album by a friend of mines' band. What is funny, your CSA's have to deal with a decision made by their Union and you turn it into FL pissin match. How novel of an idea is that?
Well Mr. Brilliance, first of all, I have not seen one penny of a raise, not one, so therefore I will just keep living within my means as I have always done. Secondly, I flew today on one of our flights and asked the F/As if they had heard of any FL F/As being rude, mocking or otherwise. All three said No they haven't and why do you ask? I tried to explain your pleading of how those at FL must all be totally disrespective and and unappreciative. They all said to not worry about it, every airline has a few bad apples. As far as 'Rose Colored Glasses', it is a great album by a friend of mines' band. What is funny, your CSA's have to deal with a decision made by their Union and you turn it into FL pissin match. How novel of an idea is that?
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