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Statement from IAM

According to the FBI, four of the last eight Teamsters presidents have been criminally indicted.
my my my.....this is interesting to say the least.

Indicted for what? Sonny Hall of the TWU was found guilty of violating members rights.

The TWU tends to pay off those who actually fight back when they violate members rights. The TWU usually seeks a gag order that seals the files and the suits from public view. One of the reasons why they were so terrified of revisions that would make the LM-2 more detailed is because it would make it harder for them to hide these payoffs.
If it comes to an election we will be voting for the lesser of two evils. <_< Funny....to think we need organized crime to protect us from the evil corporations. :cop:
Any new statements or newspapers articles??? Haven't seen nor heard anything for quite a while.
The whole system is broken.

The ibt and the IAM need to work together and not fight each other.

I don't have all the answers but what any union is doing today in the airline industry is failing and it is failing because the membership is too apathetic.

You have to work within the union to effect change, and no I am not scared.
Now you Ya’ll get it. sounds familiar CWA/IBT Association
Your CWA Local Presidents Recommend A Strong Alliance to Maintain Our Passenger Service Careers
An alliance between CWA at US Airways, and Teamsters at America West, is best for the job security, standard of living and working conditions of passenger service employees at both airlines.
The lack of an alliance would be dangerous for agents at both airlines...
With the airline industry in chaos, and employees suffering cuts at every airline, agents at US Airways and America West cannot afford an antagonistic conflict against each other that would risk our salaries, our protections and our benefits.
We have worked out an alliance which will preserve the US Airways agents' CWA contract, their CWA locals and their access to information and participation in their union.
The alliance (called Association of Airline Passenger Service Employees IBT + CWA) will allow us to remain CWA members while the America West employees remain Teamster members. US Airways agents will remain protected by the terms and conditions of their CWA contract.
In the future, the goal is to bring the AWA salaries and conditions up to the CWA contract level, and to improve aspects of the CWA contract (for example: activate our "snap backs" sooner for holidays, vacation, sickdays, premiums, etc.). We eventually want a single, improved contract protecting the entire passenger service group.
When that future, single, contract is achieved, the Teamster agents in eastern stations would be CWA-represented. The CWA agents in western stations would be Teamster-represented. The Alliance will allow us to work in a concerted effort to resolve major contract issues that would affect all members, regardless of location. But that is in the future. For now US Airways agents, East and West, remain protected by their CWA contract.
Those are big goals and we can accomplish them by working together for a united passenger service group.
For the good of our careers, for the good of our new airline, it makes sense to form an alliance between the two work groups that maintains their current representation and contract (US Airways/CWA) and status quo conditions (AWA/Teamsters).
For that reason we recommend and request that you approve this Alliance when you receive your ballot and Alliance proposal in the mail.
Thank You,
CWA US Airways Local Presidents

John Hanson, Local 1171
Pam Terry, Local 2000
Becky Gerald, Local 3640
Jose Gomez, Local 3641
John Tyler, Local 3140
Betty Grove, Local 4404
Chris Fox, Local 13302
Robert Megel, Local 13301 (acting)
US Airways CWA’ers have voted overwhelmingly for the proposed alliance…
After much discussion and debate, and following the recommendations of the CWA Local President’s, the US Airways passenger service employees have voted by a margin of 84% YES to 16% NO in favor of the proposed passenger service alliance to jointly represent the US Airways and America West agents.
The CWA Local Officers and Staff want to thank all who voted and participated in the discussions prior to this vote.
We also want to assure all those who took the time to write suggestions and messages on their ballots that we will compile those messages and make them available to all local officers and staff.
The ballots were picked up from the US Post office in DC today and counted by the local presidents. The local presidents and staff will continue meeting today to discuss strategy going forward. We’ll keep you posted on these discussions and on any meetings with management (none scheduled this week - probably next week).
CWA’ers participating in today’s strategy discussion were CWA President Larry Cohen, local officers and representatives Robert Megel (13301), Sean Linehan and Pam Terry (2252), Jose Gomez (3641), Chris Fox (13302), John Hanson (1171), Vonda Hardy (3640), AFA-CWA Collective Bargaining Manager Clare Burt, CWA attorney Nick Manicone, and CWA staff Velvet Hawthorne and Rick Braswell.
Again, thanks for your participation in this important vote.
CWA Local Officers and Staff
With the airline industry in chaos, and employees suffering cuts at every airline, agents at US Airways and America West cannot afford an antagonistic conflict against each other that would risk our salaries, our protections and our benefits.
JOHN JOHN- quote from 700uw:
I don't have all the answers but what any union is doing today in the airline industry is failing and it is failing because the membership is too apathetic.

hes on the money with this statement.Its a known fact union membership in the US comprises a paltry 12% or less.
Dems take our money all the time and claim to be union supporters but with 12% of the population...its easy to see why there aren't any real labor friendly pols.pretty much all we get is lip service.this is why we don't get labor freindly legislation much.they have a bigger stake in other ethnic and/or lobbying groups for needed votes.

IAM held off until the last minute endorsing Kerry because they were not sure he was labor friendly...they go where the most votes are and with 12%...and of this percentage I bet 2% are active.we face a stacked deck because of lack of involvement....we pay the ultimate price= no clout at the polls.
Now you Ya’ll get it. sounds familiar CWA/IBT Association
johnjohn, The best thing we ever did(or the employees that work for this airline,not me for sure, LOL) was vote for this association. We(or they-again not me) bypassed alot of what is happening with the other workgroups and can concentrate on making the contracts better and will have more support. There are 2 unions that both have member support and resources available that can be shared. Its eliminated the standstill and ill will among east and west employees and will allow this workgroup to move forward. I hope the other workgroups would present this idea to their union leadership and possibly negotiate a combined contract that would incorporate the best of both contracts. With neither union losing membership or dues it would start strengthening the labor movement which has lost so much momentum in past history. Again, knowledge and resources could be shared to give labor across the board a united front. Solidarity could be rebuilt and truly begin to mean something, again. JMHO.
johnjohn, The best thing we ever did(or the employees that work for this airline,not me for sure, LOL) was vote for this association. We(or they-again not me) bypassed alot of what is happening with the other workgroups and can concentrate on making the contracts better and will have more support. There are 2 unions that both have member support and resources available that can be shared. Its eliminated the standstill and ill will among east and west employees and will allow this workgroup to move forward. I hope the other workgroups would present this idea to their union leadership and possibly negotiate a combined contract that would incorporate the best of both contracts. With neither union losing membership or dues it would start strengthening the labor movement which has lost so much momentum in past history. Again, knowledge and resources could be shared to give labor across the board a united front. Solidarity could be rebuilt and truly begin to mean something, again. JMHO.
IMO, at this point in the game, it's not likely to happen between the IAM and IBT for Mechanics and Related or the IAM and the TWU.

And still, no additional statements from the IAM. :unsure:
US management has requested that TWU drop all charges for the sake of "peace and unity". They all must think that this can be swept under the rug.
may be the best thing to do if all agree for acts of idiocy spurned by emotion.
depends how bad twu wants butt....

vengence is mine saith he lord
US management has requested that TWU drop all charges for the sake of "peace and unity". They all must think that this can be swept under the rug.

Isnt that typical with the TWU? The TWU is more committed to getting workers terminated than management. Didnt Sonny Hall brag about how the TWU once got him his job back when -in Sonnys own words- he "should have been fired"?

Oh yea, but that was back when union people like Mike Quill ran the union, way before "AA management with the phony degrees-Jim Little", ran the TWU.
QUOTE(barbeetantrums @ Feb 21 2006, 09:17 PM)

US management has requested that TWU drop all charges for the sake of "peace and unity". They all must think that this can be swept under the rug.

Isnt that typical with the TWU? The TWU is more committed to getting workers terminated than management. Didnt Sonny Hall brag about how the TWU once got him his job back when -in Sonnys own words- he "should have been fired"?

Oh yea, but that was back when union people like Mike Quill ran the union, way before "AA management with the phony degrees-Jim Little", ran the TWU.
Appears from the post that it was management that requested the charges be dropped.........has that happened?

Has there been any updated statements from the IAM about the incident and firings??
QUOTE(barbeetantrums @ Feb 21 2006, 09:17 PM)

US management has requested that TWU drop all charges for the sake of "peace and unity". They all must think that this can be swept under the rug.
Appears from the post that it was management that requested the charges be dropped.........has that happened?

Has there been any updated statements from the IAM about the incident and firings??

TWU has not dropped charges, last I've heard.

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