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IAM gets 100% seniority for AIRTRAN Customer Service Agents.

I know. You also left out my personal favorite: almost all elected AMFA officers still work their "regular job."

Doesn't change what I wrote, nor does it change the fact that if the (any) membership wishes to see change, it takes everyone getting involved...

P.S. union thugs? Really?
The word I was looking for was union stooges. Sorry.

Go ask the TDU ( Teamsters for a Democratic Union) how easy it is to get change in a big corrupt union.
Those union members have been working from within the IBT to try to make real change for many years.
The IBT leadership is still the same bunch of crooks and thugs (yes I mean it this time), that they always have been.
I know because I had the misfortune to have the ridiculous IBT Local 19 represent me at SWA before we had enough of their bull and cut them loose.
I was (and am) a fan of what the TDU is pushing for. I was rooting for Pope to win.

*That* is exactly the type of change that needs to occur, and while it's nice that AMFA embraces it, they undercut that when pushing for less than DOH. Whenyou do the same, you're just as culpable.
I was (and am) a fan of what the TDU is pushing for. I was rooting for Pope to win.

*That* is exactly the type of change that needs to occur, and while it's nice that AMFA embraces it, they undercut that when pushing for less than DOH. Whenyou do the same, you're just as culpable.
AMFA as an organization did not choose to push for or against DOH.
We SWA mechanics fought for a Fair and Equitable SLI.

While you may blame AMFA for everything that happens under them, you need to understand that under AMFA we have control of ourselves.
I think you should direct that criticism to us SWA mechanics alone.

We will make no apologies for fighting to protect our seniority.

We can agree that we will not agree to what is Fair And Equitable to BOTH sides.

But I have more evidence to prove that it would have been a very loopsided deal without a seniority adjustment.

PS. I was rooting for Pope as well.
just when i thought this BUYOUT couldnt get any uglier,, i feel for the SWAcsa who has to not only to show the AT person where the computer is, how to use OUR system but has to step aside and walk away from the schedule their seniority once afforded them... as the AT person is talking about the things they can now buy with the huge payraises they got...

no i guess that seems fair, i cant see why anyone would be a tad uspset or harbor any anger or resentment,,,i just wish we could of given all the AT people respective seniority,,our top 10% then their top 10% and so on,,that way 18 year AT people could enjoy 35+ years of service and right down the list we go...

can someone close the barn door before we original employees get FLEECED ANYMORE,,

I dont think any of the original SWA employees qualify to donate blood any more,, the red cross called and said that as an origial Swa employee you have already given all your Blood, Sweat, tears to AT and red cross doesnt accept bone marrow!!!she then laughed and said Didnt Swa Buy out AT????????

A probation period is a long way from a multi-year boost. If that's what most people wanted, why did AMFA push for something different?

Who said anything about handouts?

I assume that all employees are expected to put forth 100% effort. I would expect that the IAM, the AMFA, etc. expect that of their members as well. if they don't, they should.

You are a funny man, yeah the AT guys I worked with were putting 100% effort in before I ejected... for what I still dont know. Unbelievable. As far as handouts, If you dont give something up for it , its a handout.
You are a funny man, yeah the AT guys I worked with were putting 100% effort in before I ejected... for what I still dont know. Unbelievable. As far as handouts, If you dont give something up for it , its a handout.
Well if the AT guys were putting in 100%, what were you doing? Besides, how does this relate to the current thread?
It's about the CSAs and how the SWA people think they are getting shafted when they haven't lost a dime. Some may lose a shift or a vacation slot but that could happen with a SWA transfer moving in. My Gawd, give it a rest and let's go to work!
Back to the AT bashing I see... An unwarranted attack on those drug along for the ride. It almost seems like we take a step forward and then the same people step up and knock it all 4 steps backwards. It's really a damn shame...
Well if the AT guys were putting in 100%, what were you doing? Besides, how does this relate to the current thread?
It's about the CSAs and how the SWA people think they are getting shafted when they haven't lost a dime. Some may lose a shift or a vacation slot but that could happen with a SWA transfer moving in. My Gawd, give it a rest and let's go to work!
Exactly! I agree. It's 'Tribalism' on the SW side... plain & simple.
AirTran folks are now SWA employees!
Let's all get one thing straight here. We did exactly what the law told us to do. When 2 different unions represent the groups merging, then they must nego an SLI that both sides agree to. With AT voting it in by 85% then there should be no whining. Our dispatchers were the very first group to have an arbitrator make a ruling that is fair and equitable. Their arbitrator saw that a boost was fair and equitable. We were already in nego with the 4 years on the table, the arbitrators ruling just made it that much more clearer to the AT guys that we were not out of line asking for the boost. All you "dovetail" believers need to remember one thing. WE followed the law to a "T" as it is written in plain english. SWA is also the very first airline to have all 3 of the big union groups come to an agreement outside of arbitration. The company (SWA) also agreed with what we were asking for our original employees to recieve as a boost. We will do it again if SWA "BUYS" yet another airline, we will simply follow the law as it is written. You people need to learn how to move on, get over it...
Some people will never admit that DOH is not always Fair and Equitable in every SLI.
Even though after McCaskill-Bond was enacted we had arbitrators rule that SWA employees should get something more than DOH.
DOH is not always the fair way to go, it's not a gimme people. AMFA went from 12 yrs down to their absolute bottom to speed things along with SLI. We were not going to move off of the 4 yrs. Then we started having groups going into arbitration (after we were at our final 4yrs) then the decisions started to roll out. Dispatchers recieved 4 yrs, as fair and equitable by an arbitrator. Rampers recieved 2.5yrs added, as fair and equitable. So to whine that AMFA's not playing fair, is just that, a bunch of whining. You guys are lucky we stopped at 4 years, we could have gone to 6-8 years and still got an arbitrator to buy into it with the Seham law firm working for us.
Is it "whining" when an AMFA member bemoans IAM represented employees getting DOH?

No it's not whining. However, what happens over at the IAM with their SLI's is none of our bus as far as I am concerned.
The IAM had no choice once the AT folks voted them in. However, I do blame the IAM international level for allowing an election after the announcement. I think they did it on purpose to get out of the expence of going thru with SLI nego's. Not sure if the IAM will be at SWA much longer for what they let happen. We told our National if they were to allow an election after the announcement was made that they would be removed from the property just as fast as we fired the teamsters---2-weeks. Carry on...
Is it "whining" when an AMFA member bemoans IAM represented employees getting DOH?
Is it whining when KEV and others on here bemoan SWA employees getting better than DOH even though AT employees voted for those deals? And arbitrators ruled in favor of seniority enhancements?
Pot- kettle- black.

For me,and Charlie Sheen, I call it "winning".

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