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IAM Talking Tough at USAirway

Look to the Skies!!!!
Want a real career and not just a job? Yes sir!!! YOU.... yes....YOU can be an FAA Certificated Aviation Maintenance Tech at Timco in just a short few years!!!  30k the first year with overtime!!! The future is bright here at Timco!!!  401k (um....if you have any left over to save) and paid benefits of course. 
30k the first year, and then nearly every year thereafter, with plenty of overtime along the way!!! You can even work weekends, holidays, and midnights!!!
Up to a possible 40k after ten years, with overtime of course.
Hurry!!! Sign up today!!! 
30 to 40% retiring or moving on to a real job?
So Timco alone needs 10% of all the A&Ps this country produces, and they still only want to pay $30k, with OT.
As I understand it, mechs aren't being offered a buyout like the FA's, but we can do a stand in stead only in TULE. Is this he way it is?
Bob Owens said:
Real Tired;
We were able to get the first 1113 concessionary deal rejected. But it was by a narrow margin, so certain International officials who are no longer here got together with the company and put in an Early out offer with the hope that it would provide just enough YES votes to get the contract passed, and unfortunately it worked.
It was a one time only deal where they got $40 K, (UAL offered $75k) if they were old enough and had a minimum number of years with the company. It was crap, they offered bottom level managers more than double that. But the buyout wasn't really to reduce heads, it was to get a yes vote.
It created a surge of people leaving the company because many had stayed longer in anticipation of a buyout and some had left early because of it. This surge offset their announced RIF. So for the media it looked good, them cutting heads and reducing costs through BK, but in reality the heads were being reduced through attrition like most of the other 5000 or so jobs that were eliminated since 2002 and the next 2000 through 2018. Every A&P mechanic who was laid off had the opportunity to fill a vacancy in the system and that will likely be the case going forward, the fact is on the line they can not afford to lose guys. years ago they could RIF people whenever they wanted, and in a few months when they called they would return, that's not the case anymore. Here in NY Jet Blue is hiring as well as several other outfits. When you lay off a guy who has one week of Vacation, just five Holidays where he has to work for half pay and low wages (even at step 3) odds are he will find something better while he is out. This has been going on for a while, I know of two somewhat recent cases where the company fired two mechanics just to send a message to the guys over sleeping and attendance, both were very good mechanics with a lot of time with the company, one in his mid 40s the other in his mid 50s, both won their jobs back in arbitration and both had found better jobs while they were out and quit AA after winning their jobs back. That message surely backfired, they lost two very good mechanics, heavy hitters I'd say, and the message is if you get fired you can use it like a partially paid leave of absence to find a better job, and if you don't you can come back.
Attrition will likely remove 500+ guys per year from the headcount. Like I said the FAA only certifies around 3000 A&Ps for the entire Aviation Industry per year, more than half the A&P schools are gone. We have them. Time to squeeze them, we should start by supporting you guys and making sure you get a fair contract.
What are you guys asking for again? I hope its at least $40.
What are we asking for again?
Well, to tell you the truth, I try to keep up on things, and I have no idea what we are asking for.  No one has said a word.  Not for the almost 3 years our contract has been up.
Maybe after the 18th and the 19th of this month when meetings are scheduled, we might not find out what we were asking for, but we might find out what the company was offering when they impose the final offer on us if we go into our 30 day cooling off period.
Until then, it's been only shop floor rumors.
And as for "buy-out's".  That stuff doesn't happen here.
But because of the recent RIF in both PIT and CLT, the company was "nice" enough to offer those who wanted to go, and were eligible, 15 weeks of severance and a buy back of some sick time.
Rumor so far in PIT was that only 20 some took the offer, but around 53 got the RIF notices.  CLT numbers are unknown.
BS during the raid the people assigned to it especially Tom Regan was going around putting out what was asked for and the District put out information.

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