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IAM gets 100% seniority for AIRTRAN Customer Service Agents.

I guess a direct question like this confuses them SWA TECH, because I havent seen a direct answer!! LOL

QA-4 and AVtech would rather put on their Rose or Teal colored glasses and give a rah rah speech instead of answering questions like this one,, oops you and AVtech are to busy working on other ways to tell SWA people how to get over it what threads they should and shouldnt reply too,, and that they are what did AV say,, O yea NUTJOB,,,But thats not Abrasive being told by AT people how we should handle this or What we should do,, no not one bit....

Here is a direct ???..... what are you going to do with all the new found cash you will be making for years to come?? Hopefully you and AvTech can go take a class on Reality and Human Nature, that school would make you take off your Hat and Rose colored Glasses when you enter... if you guys worked as hard in the Hangar as you do trying to tell SWA people how they should be getting over it,, then you would be an asset to this NEW company

If you guys gave one less opinion for every EXTRA dollar you now make,, everyone would be spared THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of yours and AVtechs opinions.... Interesting ratio huh,, pass that one along to your brethren and then maybe you would learn to close your mouths and let your Work do the Talking.,... what a novel idea huh
The AT folks had about as much say in the merger as you did.
There will always be 1-10% of a workforce complaining, On both sides.
Put on your 'big boy' pants and suck it up!
Find a middle ground or be bitter for the rest of your career.
Absolutely your choice.

B) xUT
Well Mr. Brilliance, first of all, I have not seen one penny of a raise, not one, so therefore I will just keep living within my means as I have always done. Secondly, I flew today on one of our flights and asked the F/As if they had heard of any FL F/As being rude, mocking or otherwise. All three said No they haven't and why do you ask? I tried to explain your pleading of how those at FL must all be totally disrespective and and unappreciative. They all said to not worry about it, every airline has a few bad apples. As far as 'Rose Colored Glasses', it is a great album by a friend of mines' band. What is funny, your CSA's have to deal with a decision made by their Union and you turn it into FL pissin match. How novel of an idea is that?

Well then I stand corrected,,,, what was I ever thinking.... So let me get this straight....YOU talked to 3 FA's and YOu are AT/SWA and you asked them while they are in UNIFORM these questions,and you think they will answer you Honestly.., you have such a charm that they answered you Candidly without pulling any punches.... and now those 3 magical FA's are representative of us all!! ok I got it now,,, whew glad you cleared that up for me because my flying with and talking to Dozens and Dozens of FA's every month, hanging out with many FA's out of uniform who speak candidly is quiet different...

You havent seen a Penny yet,, you poor thing but you got to admit it must be kind of nice to know its coming.... talk to me in a year and tell me how many thousands and thousands extra you made,, and do like a lot of your co hearts are doing,, rub it in the SWA faces... again For every extra Dollar you gain(or stand to gain) you feel free to give one less opinion,,, I like that plan.... or every thousand you gain you give one Thank YOU... Sorry I am being crazy again,,

I went to the bank today and I am not a fan of Wells Fargo,, but I asked 2 bank tellers in Uniform what they thought about this Bank,, I think they lied to me,, shocker,, but I am going to use the info from those two tellers who were in uniform and didnt want to risk there jobs,, and I am going to put all my money in that bank now........ I am glad I got a chance to understand your reasoning and apply it so quickly.
That BWI situation is probably the only relevant rebuttal I've heard from an original SWA employee yet. That's situation is screwed up!!! I feel for ya man and wish I could help.

Yes, we are working SWA planes as SWA is working AT planes, NMB or not, we agreed on it when we passed the TA.

Second, I don't know why i even bother, but no crew still operating AT aircraft have gotten any kind of pay raises, only transitioned personnel have, like dispatchers and mechanics (hence the huge seniority bump compared to every other department, except non-contract because they all went DOH).

Lastly, of anyone's human nature or first reaction is one of hatred and disgust, which is deniable by the way you speak on here, then that person must be full of a lot of hatred and disgust on their own lives. I only took a couple of psychology classes back in college, when I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet, but I did learn that a persons nature is usually their responsive reaction to a subject. If all your responses are negative, then the mathematical equal would mean that you are a negative person, something SWA highly frowns upon. My fear, as it's always been, is that Buscador, and people like him, are out in the field spreading these stories of hate making others angry and thus perpetuating the cycle. I've spken to transitioned crews and they've told me that the tension is thick in the air, especially amongst F/A's because original SWA employees are putting more pressure on them than their counter parts working along side them. They've told me that when they tell their story to an original SWA employee they are immediately rejected by the majority and are segregated without help in their new tasks... Like high school bullies. They say it's not everyone, but a lot of them. Imagine having to deal with that day in and out!! I'm not trying to spin a tale of sorrow because I know a few that have taken the offensive route and are being smartasses right back, I'm just placing the "other sides" perspective on here, as far as crews are concerned.
The AT folks had about as much say in the merger as you did.
There will always be 1-10% of a workforce complaining, On both sides.
Put on your 'big boy' pants and suck it up!
Find a middle ground or be bitter for the rest of your career.
Absolutely your choice.

B) xUT

Let me get something straight with you because you seem to be missing my Point.... I have NO ,, NO Problem with any AT employee that comes to work and is appreciative enough for this Opportunity that they do a good job, show enough respect not to talk about seniority or money,, or rub it in those faces that got affected them most....

I will and Have given every AT person I have met the benefit of the doubt because as you say we didnt have any say in it.. I get that...have the courtesy to understand the big Picture enough that you dont complain and cop an attituted and rub it in any ones face.....

EX,, I had a AT girl on my plane with her SWA folder in her hand,,, her first Question to me,, HOW Long you Been Flying?...are you kidding.. so I lied and told her 2 years.... guess what her response was........ O I am sorry but I will be senior to you soon....NOW that is what you call trying to get along.......why would anyone do that in this situation?? ,,,, then she expected a few cocktails for her and her Hubby....WOW WOW

I agree with your 10% rules, but cmon... NO ONE should act the way many AT have been on the FA side mostly...I am not saying all or most but it seems the as+++les rise to the top and are causing the majority of the issues(seems to be more than 10%).... I may be outspoken and dont like anything about the AT deal period,, .

But I will be proffessional to ALL the AT people who come on The Plane and DO their Job the SWA way, they Smile and understand that Seniority and Pay should NEVER be rubbed in the Face of a SWA employee.....not a lot to ask for I dont think

So I do pull up my big boy Pants and give the AT FAs the benefit of the doubt, but I dont have to listen to many of the ungrateful AT employees who come in with entitled attitudes and bring sh++ty customer service,, And no one at SWA should have to tolerate any form of complaining from anyone who just got handed 50-100% raises(FA's) and seniority
Well then I stand corrected,,,, what was I ever thinking.... So let me get this straight....YOU talked to 3 FA's and YOu are AT/SWA and you asked them while they are in UNIFORM these questions,and you think they will answer you Honestly.., you have such a charm that they answered you Candidly without pulling any punches.... and now those 3 magical FA's are representative of us all!! ok I got it now,,, whew glad you cleared that up for me because my flying with and talking to Dozens and Dozens of FA's every month, hanging out with many FA's out of uniform who speak candidly is quiet different...

You havent seen a Penny yet,, you poor thing but you got to admit it must be kind of nice to know its coming.... talk to me in a year and tell me how many thousands and thousands extra you made,, and do like a lot of your co hearts are doing,, rub it in the SWA faces... again For every extra Dollar you gain(or stand to gain) you feel free to give one less opinion,,, I like that plan.... or every thousand you gain you give one Thank YOU... Sorry I am being crazy again,,

I went to the bank today and I am not a fan of Wells Fargo,, but I asked 2 bank tellers in Uniform what they thought about this Bank,, I think they lied to me,, shocker,, but I am going to use the info from those two tellers who were in uniform and didnt want to risk there jobs,, and I am going to put all my money in that bank now........ I am glad I got a chance to understand your reasoning and apply it so quickly.
Actually, it is not the first time I have had these convo's with WN F/As, in fact I have had quite a few. The best part is, they did not know I was a former FL employee so why would they BS me? I played 'Devils Advocate'. As for future pay increases, it is only my business if and when I get them, not yours, and I would never brag about it nor stoop that low to rub salt in anyone's wound. I won't even comment on your Wells Fargo statement. What AvTech04 says may be spot on and if so, it is what it is. The same goes for you. I'm just saying I'm not getting the same vibes in the field and I am also thankful I have a job, work well with my peers and have something to look forward to. You have the freedom to continue to rip....
That BWI situation is probably the only relevant rebuttal I've heard from an original SWA employee yet. That's situation is screwed up!!! I feel for ya man and wish I could help.

Yes, we are working SWA planes as SWA is working AT planes, NMB or not, we agreed on it when we passed the TA.

Second, I don't know why i even bother, but no crew still operating AT aircraft have gotten any kind of pay raises, only transitioned personnel have, like dispatchers and mechanics (hence the huge seniority bump compared to every other department, except non-contract because they all went DOH).

Lastly, of anyone's human nature or first reaction is one of hatred and disgust, which is deniable by the way you speak on here, then that person must be full of a lot of hatred and disgust on their own lives. I only took a couple of psychology classes back in college, when I wasn't sure what I wanted to do yet, but I did learn that a persons nature is usually their responsive reaction to a subject. If all your responses are negative, then the mathematical equal would mean that you are a negative person, something SWA highly frowns upon. My fear, as it's always been, is that Buscador, and people like him, are out in the field spreading these stories of hate making others angry and thus perpetuating the cycle. I've spken to transitioned crews and they've told me that the tension is thick in the air, especially amongst F/A's because original SWA employees are putting more pressure on them than their counter parts working along side them. They've told me that when they tell their story to an original SWA employee they are immediately rejected by the majority and are segregated without help in their new tasks... Like high school bullies. They say it's not everyone, but a lot of them. Imagine having to deal with that day in and out!! I'm not trying to spin a tale of sorrow because I know a few that have taken the offensive route and are being smartasses right back, I'm just placing the "other sides" perspective on here, as far as crews are concerned.

I will refrain from your personal attacks and attempts of psychological break downs... I understand that it may be hard for the transitional crews and wouldnt want to be in their shoes... the air is thick you are correct.. Most at SWA right or wrong feel a tinge of bitterness... So if I was on a transitional crew I would first of all be Quiet about the AT ways,, and ask alot of questions and put in a great effort... Nothing more could be expected from them and I personally would help show them ways to make it easier on them.... The attitude of gratitude and shutting their mouths without complaining goes a long way with ME and most of all I talk to.....

Its tough to make the change but many here feel that they are being compensated for this inconvienence... You see I didnt attack your story with hate or anger and I didnt accuse you of fictional stories... Go back to your books and tell me what it means when a person resorts to calling People names,,i.e.. Nutjob, crazy etc... or ostracizing ,, hmmm interesting

You see Av, I am responding to your well laid out example and the calm part of your retort passing by the name calling.. I give you the benefit of the doubt that your story is valid and I agree with the point that the air is thick and it would be tough... makes sense but also remember that it only takes 5-10 horrible passengers on a full flight to make that flight a horrible one... Human Nature...not fair to the good passengers but again HUMAN NATURE

so of the 20 or so AT people I have met, I would say 9 or 10 have come off with ungrateful and entitled attitudes ... so you do the math,, 50% is not an acceptable number and I hear it more than I should from other flight attendants..MORE THAN 3 as quoted in another post

Maybe all the good AT people should pass along the couple tips I have BEEN screaming ,, BE HUMBLE, Do your JOB the SWA way, Dont Talk SEniority or MONEY... and dont talk about how AT did it.. simple

This deal leaves a Bitter taste in the mouths of many here at SWA,, even though your right we didnt have a damn thing to say about it,, HUMAN NATURE,, but the taste will disappear much faster if Trannies follow the rules of respecting what we at SWA feel we lost by remembering how much YOU at AT have personally gained.....or will be gaining,,,
Actually, it is not the first time I have had these convo's with WN F/As, in fact I have had quite a few. The best part is, they did not know I was a former FL employee so why would they BS me? I played 'Devils Advocate'. As for future pay increases, it is only my business if and when I get them, not yours, and I would never brag about it nor stoop that low to rub salt in anyone's wound. I won't even comment on your Wells Fargo statement. What AvTech04 says may be spot on and if so, it is what it is. The same goes for you. I'm just saying I'm not getting the same vibes in the field and I am also thankful I have a job, work well with my peers and have something to look forward to. You have the freedom to continue to rip....

Well then,, if you are thankful to have a now Better Paying job, work well with your peers and have something to look fwd too,, and would never rub it in someones face..... WELCOME ABOARD,,,
Exactly! I agree. It's 'Tribalism' on the SW side... plain & simple.
AirTran folks are now SWA employees!

If it is Tribalism on the SWA side ,, what is it on the AT side??? I would love to hear your unadultered WONDERFUL world thoughts on this...
Let me get something straight with you because you seem to be missing my Point.... I have NO ,, NO Problem with any AT employee that comes to work and is appreciative enough for this Opportunity that they do a good job, show enough respect not to talk about seniority or money,, or rub it in those faces that got affected them most....

I will and Have given every AT person I have met the benefit of the doubt because as you say we didnt have any say in it.. I get that...have the courtesy to understand the big Picture enough that you dont complain and cop an attituted and rub it in any ones face.....

EX,, I had a AT girl on my plane with her SWA folder in her hand,,, her first Question to me,, HOW Long you Been Flying?...are you kidding.. so I lied and told her 2 years.... guess what her response was........ O I am sorry but I will be senior to you soon....NOW that is what you call trying to get along.......why would anyone do that in this situation?? ,,,, then she expected a few cocktails for her and her Hubby....WOW WOW

I agree with your 10% rules, but cmon... NO ONE should act the way many AT have been on the FA side mostly...I am not saying all or most but it seems the as+++les rise to the top and are causing the majority of the issues(seems to be more than 10%).... I may be outspoken and dont like anything about the AT deal period,, .

But I will be proffessional to ALL the AT people who come on The Plane and DO their Job the SWA way, they Smile and understand that Seniority and Pay should NEVER be rubbed in the Face of a SWA employee.....not a lot to ask for I dont think

So I do pull up my big boy Pants and give the AT FAs the benefit of the doubt, but I dont have to listen to many of the ungrateful AT employees who come in with entitled attitudes and bring sh++ty customer service,, And no one at SWA should have to tolerate any form of complaining from anyone who just got handed 50-100% raises(FA's) and seniority
I understand your position. You and all the SWA people worked hard to make what your company is today.
Top of the Industry!
I can't empathize as I haven't been in your position.
The 'company' made the merger, not you or AT.
The AT people had no choice either, but fought for the best deal.
The Unions agreed on a contract. One person, one vote.
Yes, they did get raises and benefits bump, but your unions agreed to it.
IMHO, some people are a magnet to negativity, regardless of the situation.
Good luck to you and your new coworkers!
B) xUT
I understand your position. You and all the SWA people worked hard to make what your company is today.
Top of the Industry!
I can't empathize as I haven't been in your position.
The 'company' made the merger, not you or AT.
The AT people had no choice either, but fought for the best deal.
The Unions agreed on a contract. One person, one vote.
Yes, they did get raises and benefits bump, but your unions agreed to it.
IMHO, some people are a magnet to negativity, regardless of the situation.
Good luck to you and your new coworkers!
B) xUT

Come on man, you were doing so good.

So since the AA workers voted for a deal forced on them by the actions of the company, they have to hold hands, sing songs and not complain about any of it?
One man one vote.
Unions agreed on it right?

Think again.

And in this CSA IAM Doh deal, nobody got to vote.

P.S. I am still very satisfied with the deal we mechanics made.
I understand your position. You and all the SWA people worked hard to make what your company is today.
Top of the Industry!
I can't empathize as I haven't been in your position.
The 'company' made the merger, not you or AT.
The AT people had no choice either, but fought for the best deal.
The Unions agreed on a contract. One person, one vote.
Yes, they did get raises and benefits bump, but your unions agreed to it.
IMHO, some people are a magnet to negativity, regardless of the situation.
Good luck to you and your new coworkers!
B) xUT

Well said, very good points

IMHO just because you pay someone way more doesnt change them into be better people or employees...lets all hope that the bad apples in this deal are limited
Come on man, you were doing so good.

So since the AA workers voted for a deal forced on them by the actions of the company, they have to hold hands, sing songs and not complain about any of it?

Think again.

Exactly,, I understand the AT people screaming get over it, lets move on, pull up your big boy pants etc... I would do the exact same thing in their shoes..... but thats much easier to do and say when you are getting (as arbitrator said) a Windfall...

Many people feel ,,GK seems to have walked on everything that HERB built, when I started, SWA was the" little train that could" and we gave it our all for growth special, so let the healing take its course,,,
Come on man, you were doing so good.

So since the AA workers voted for a deal forced on them by the actions of the company, they have to hold hands, sing songs and not complain about any of it?
One man one vote.
Unions agreed on it right?

Think again.
As much as they don't like it, they are stuck with it as the majority voted for it.
Right, wrong, or indifferent.
Sure they can complain about it but they are bound by their vote, just as I was bound by the POS that I received from United.
I have had my #### sandwiches as well.

And in this CSA IAM Doh deal, nobody got to vote.

Both SWA and AT voted for the IAM,
IAM decided DOH.
End of Story.

P.S. I am still very satisfied with the deal we mechanics made.

Good to hear it!
Best to you all at SWA!
Take Care,
B) xUT
Both SWA and AT voted for the IAM,
IAM decided DOH.
End of Story.
Not as simple as that.
As I have explained earlier in this thread.

The IAM should have gotten the best deal possible for the people who have been paying them dues for 10-20 years I believe, before trying to organize their opposition who have paid no dues at all.

Straight up betrayal to their members.
I would be fit to be tied if my union tried to do that to me.
I would also vote their butts out so fast their heads would spin.
Then declare the SLI deal not a deal with my new union. Something similar to what the US air pilots did.

I know it is wishful thinking but the CSAs should have seen this coming and the IAM were going to get those members anyway.

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