The AT folks had about as much say in the merger as you did.I guess a direct question like this confuses them SWA TECH, because I havent seen a direct answer!! LOL
QA-4 and AVtech would rather put on their Rose or Teal colored glasses and give a rah rah speech instead of answering questions like this one,, oops you and AVtech are to busy working on other ways to tell SWA people how to get over it what threads they should and shouldnt reply too,, and that they are what did AV say,, O yea NUTJOB,,,But thats not Abrasive being told by AT people how we should handle this or What we should do,, no not one bit....
Here is a direct ???..... what are you going to do with all the new found cash you will be making for years to come?? Hopefully you and AvTech can go take a class on Reality and Human Nature, that school would make you take off your Hat and Rose colored Glasses when you enter... if you guys worked as hard in the Hangar as you do trying to tell SWA people how they should be getting over it,, then you would be an asset to this NEW company
If you guys gave one less opinion for every EXTRA dollar you now make,, everyone would be spared THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of yours and AVtechs opinions.... Interesting ratio huh,, pass that one along to your brethren and then maybe you would learn to close your mouths and let your Work do the Talking.,... what a novel idea huh
There will always be 1-10% of a workforce complaining, On both sides.
Put on your 'big boy' pants and suck it up!
Find a middle ground or be bitter for the rest of your career.
Absolutely your choice.
B) xUT