You're clouded with the idea that any SLI will not affect another SWA brother or sister! The only way a SWA AMT would not be affected is if it were a staple to bottom judgement by the arbitration panel, which we all know will not happen. This agreement does benefit me financially, but it also benefits the 5 year guy at SWA seeing that he is getting a 4 year increase for nothing. Now, you've added 350+ more mechanics on your seniority list and with a 4 year increase, the majority of AT fall further below you then any they go above you! Do the math, everyone that gets the 4 year bump, gets an equal to greater position on the overall seniority list even though some AT mechanics may fall above them!!
Voting NO to this is allowing a 3rd party determine your SWA brothers faith. It may end up better (highly doubtful) but will probably end up worse. This 4 year bump is a hard pill to swallow on the AT side eventhough we are getting financial enhancements offered under the AMFA contract, because you can't buy time, there is no $ equal to time, but I believe it's a fair trade off seeing as the average SWA mechanics has nothing to directly benefit from this deal. The least we at AirTran can do is place you guys further ahead of us on the seniority list.
I would have agreed with you 18 months ago about going to arbitration, that's what I wanted from the beginning and I believed that was the only fair way to determine what was fair and equitable, but now, we've gone to far to take that step backwards, in my opinion. Yes, I advocate a yes vote. Someone asks my opinion, I give them my reason and a lot agree with my logic. On the other hand, some believe that I am incorrect and that the only way to make it fair is to allow a 3rd party to decided, like you sir.
Think about this logically, arbitration has shown to give SWA employees a seniority enhancement, this agreement does just that. Arbitration has awarded a maximum of 4 years to a collective SWA group, this agreement does that. Now, seeing the rampers arbitrated decision, you may get an enhancement, but AT may get the same enhancements with stipulations, this agreement has no stipulations. A 1 year guy gets a 400% increase in seniority, 4 year guy gets 100%. So to say you're selling out your junior guy, or 5 year guy, would be an excuse and not a reason. They are not moving down the seniority list anymore than they are moving up it. Granted, this may not be the case for everyone, but it is for the vast majority.
Now, please, like I ask every other hard line no voter, give me a logical reason to vote this down, becaue I have yet to hear one from anybody!