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IAM gets 100% seniority for AIRTRAN Customer Service Agents.

What else is new?

No one got screwed over, DOH is the most fair way of integration, everyone keeps their time and no one gets an advantage or disadvantaged in DOH.

And so your saying it would be ok, to have one side in the same union screw over the other side?

Just like the TWU did to the TWA folks, that is criminal.
No one got screwed over, DOH is the most fair way of integration, everyone keeps their time and no one gets an advantage or disadvantaged in DOH.

And so your saying it would be ok, to have one side in the same union screw over the other side?

Just like the TWU did to the TWA folks, that is criminal.
Every group at SWA got a seniority boost over AT employees because of the huge disparity in contracts/pay/benefits ect. between the companys.

The dispatchers are the only group to test McCaskill-Bond in arbitration so far, and SWA dispatchers were awarded a 4 year boost in seniority over Airtran dispatchers. This ruling was to prevent a windfall for the Airtran side while the SWA side only lost seniority.
It was proven that DOH would NOT be fair in this merger/acquisition.

Do you even know what happened in the CSA IAM debacle?

The IAM represented SWA CSA's and the AT people were not union.
Instead of doing what was best for their dues paying members (SWA) and negoatiating the best deal for them, the IAM deceided to organize the AT people first.
That caused harm to all the original dues paying members by forceing a DOH decision onto both groups.
If the IAM just represented their members intrests first then that work group would have clearly gotten the same type of seniority boost that all SWA groups justly got.

I am not saying one side of a union should screw over another side of the same union.
I am saying that the IAM screwed over their dues paying members by organizing another group after the merger was announced, in direct conflict of their own members intrest.

The IAM should have done the right thing and fought for their own dues paying members then the AT employees would have become IAM members anyway after the merger was completed.

The SWA CSA's DID get screwed over by their own union.

I believe what the IAM did to them is criminal and a DFR suit should be filed.

The IAM should be voted out, even the AT employees that bebefit from this crap can see that the IAM cannot be trusted to represent their members. They may get screwed over too next time the IAM choses to side with non-members over long time dues paying members.
Yes, the working man/ working class. The same strata of society YOU belong to (unless, you are independently wealthy, and just turn wrenches for fun)...
You are my hero.

You just can't see that DOH in this merger is not fair and equitable to BOTH sides.

Good thing that all groups involved and an arbitrator could see both sides.

All except the mighty IAM of course.
I forgot to mention that the rampers also sought arbitration and SWA rampers received a seniority adjustment in their favor.
Although it was not as generous as the other workgroups. Protections were also given to Atlanta and Dfw based Airtran rampers.

It was also the IAM in the same representation election that swooped in to organize the rampers and CSA's (because they were a single group) .

The IAM promised to protect the AT ramp from the TWU.
They just took it to arbitration and now will lose those guys back to the TWU because they are so outnumbered.
It's not about being your hero, and it's not even solely about WN/FL. It's about America's working class helping each other reach a brighter tomorrow together. You are advocating keeping others like yourself down in your own self-interest. Full stop.

Make fun of me all you want; I'm on the right side of history.
Do you honestly think any AMT just sat around predicting that one day WN would by FL?

The BR175's will now be DL's problem.

Direct your anger where it belongs; at the BOD & shareholders. The FL employees are along for the same ride you are....

"Participation" ribbons and/or every-game-is-a-tie leagues are arguably the worst thing to happen to youth sports in my lifetime...

No I dont think they were counting on it, like I said I think they thought it was good enough, so why risk anything ...... those that left , gambled , and won. Receiving better pay, benefits, and better management/work enviroment.
No, it doesn't. All it shows is that you are willing to perpetuate the divide and conquer philosophy.

Great! And if you were a champion of the working class in America, you would applaud more people being brought up to your standard of living, instead of trying to kick the ladder out from under them.

What I can't ignore is how many of you are so willing to throw so many others under the bus.

Were all about them coming on board, hell I said let them have their seniority, all the pay, and benefits, just complete probation like the rest of us. Now be carefull what you wish for because at my station we had several AT gurus wash out and crawl back to AT, incidentally they are not allowed to bid back to the station they failed probation at...... THATS A FACT.
No one got screwed over, DOH is the most fair way of integration, everyone keeps their time and no one gets an advantage or disadvantaged in DOH.

And so your saying it would be ok, to have one side in the same union screw over the other side?

Just like the TWU did to the TWA folks, that is criminal.

So employees that leave a weaker company to better themselves, and risk not making the cut should receive no benefit for their risk? What happened to risk/reward, nothing ventured nothing gained??? Lots of AT guys were at SWA prior to the purchase, why? because they WANTED something better, and were willing to do something about it.
It's not about being your hero, and it's not even solely about WN/FL. It's about America's working class helping each other reach a brighter tomorrow together. You are advocating keeping others like yourself down in your own self-interest. Full stop.

Make fun of me all you want; I'm on the right side of history.

LOFL lets reach a brighter tommorow together, hold on I just threw up in my mouth. How about free will, and the ability of every man or woman to seek brighter horizons ON THERE OWN. you want hand outs? go talk to uncle sam. All most people wanted was a probationary period, OR some seniority. And belive me when I say you didnt want probation, based on the AT washout rate I saw, and my knowledge of the guys that I knew and were still at AT 14 years later, 25% or more would be pounding the bricks
A probation period is a long way from a multi-year boost. If that's what most people wanted, why did AMFA push for something different?

Who said anything about handouts?

I assume that all employees are expected to put forth 100% effort. I would expect that the IAM, the AMFA, etc. expect that of their members as well. if they don't, they should.
It's not about being your hero, and it's not even solely about WN/FL. It's about America's working class helping each other reach a brighter tomorrow together. You are advocating keeping others like yourself down in your own self-interest. Full stop.

Make fun of me all you want; I'm on the right side of history.
Yea right.
And unions like the IAM and IBT are only intrested in what is best for the members and don't care about all the money they scam from the lowly working man huh ?

You should read up on your history. Big labor is more corrupt than government.
The members *are* the union.It's not some vague entity.

If change is to be made it's up to everyone in the organization to help make it happen.
The members *are* the union.It's not some vague entity.

If change is to be made it's up to everyone in the organization to help make it happen.
They are in AMFA.

But not in the other big labor unions, the members have no say in what happens. NONE.
With big labor, negotiations are behind closed doors, members are told what to vote on, union positions are appointed to other union thugs, dues money is spent on anything bosses want without membership votes, I can go on and on but if you think you have any say in any non democratic union then you are having delusions.

With AMFA we are the union and have control of our locals completely. We control our own negotiations and nothing is ever done behind closed doors without member observers. All positions are elected, all they way up to the national. And all can be recalled.

It's pretty nice.
I know. You also left out my personal favorite: almost all elected AMFA officers still work their "regular job."

Doesn't change what I wrote, nor does it change the fact that if the (any) membership wishes to see change, it takes everyone getting involved...

P.S. union thugs? Really?

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